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<br /> 'r ` G.ASSI(iNMBNT OF LEASFS. Upon Lenda's rcyues�Borrowcr shall assign to Lendcr all ieases of thc
<br /> . Property and sU secudty dcposits mado in connocdon with Icases of Ihc PraPerty.Upon the acsfgnmcnt,Lcnder
<br />��•-�--�---,- shall have the rlght w modify,extend or terminate tho Gxisting kasc.g and to ea�ecute new leases.in Lender's solc _
<br /> •.� discretion.As uscd in this paragraph(i,the word "kasc"shall mean "subleasc" if the Securiry Instrumcnt is on a
<br /> kaschold.
<br /> , �-�,;. Borcowu absolutely and uncondldonaUy assigna end transfus to I.enda aU�he nnts end revenues("Rents")of tho
<br /> . ' . Property.regerdlcss of to whom the Renta of the Property are payabie.Borrowcr suthorizes I.endu or Lcnder's
<br /> ` " ' agents w colkct tbe Rents,and agrees that each tenant of the Property sha11 paY the Rents to Lender or Lender's
<br />; �;,;�:; � egeats.Howevu.Borrowa shaU receivo the Rents undl(i)L,ender ha9 given Boirnwu notice of default pursuant w
<br /> °.... �.�. , paragraph 21 of the Security Instnunent and(ii)L.ender has g[ven nodce w the tenant(s)that the Rents are w be
<br />�•,�,`�:��:L paid W Lender a Lend�r•s �gent 7"�is assignment of Rentg consdtutcs e►� absolute assignment and not an
<br />_•�.' , assignmu►t for addiponal secunry only.
<br /> :�'�?p��'. If L�de,r gives nosice of bceach to Borrowu: (i)all Retits received by Borrowu shall bo held by Borrower a�
<br />-�-�.,'s,irr:. tr�stee for the bene6t of Lu�du oNy,to be applkd to 1ha sums secared by the 5ecurity Inswment;(il)I.ender:sh�ll
<br /> - '� Le endtkd w callect and recetve all of the Rents ot the Property: (ili) Borrowu agrxs that each tenant of tbe
<br />���. proputy shall pay all Reats due and unQaid to Lender or I.cnder's agents upon I.ender's wduen demand to the
<br /> - _-�� tenan� (iv) uakss ePPlicabla hw provides oUiavviso, aU Rents collocted by Lender or Lenda's t�genta shall be
<br /> -��, eppliod CuBt tn the costs of taking conirol of and manoging tho PropeRy and collocdng the Rents,iaeluding.but not
<br />---�;�.�,, Iimited to.atwrneys'foes�receiver's fxs,Pnmiums on recdver's bonds,repa�r and n�Intenance costs.inwnnoe
<br /> -_�=:�� poemiwns�taxes.as.9es.smenta and othtr charges on Ihe Ptopercy.and ther►to the sums secund by the Securiry
<br /> ---_ Inswmen�(v)I.ender,Lenda's agents a eny judi:,Llly eppolntod receiver shall be liable to�ccount for only those
<br /> � = �'b�ii�S w•'C�}t ICC.C�'Jw� 'wi2L�.i:'4� I.LYl�C°.�.$�M' w�IM�t�F1AV!A iECEIVPl A�)Olil�IO�C I103SCSSlOf1 Of Alld
<br /> ____-- uwneige the Aopetty and collect the Rents and pinfits dulval fran the Propaty wIthaut any showing�to the
<br /> ' inadeqw�cy of the Roperty as ex�ulty.
<br /> — If the Renu of thc Propaty aro not sufhcient w cavu tho costa of taking control of and managing tuo
<br /> r Propa�ty and of collating the Rent�any funds eacpendod by Ler�des fa such purposes stwiil become indebted��ess ot
<br /> ' Barower to Lendet sxured by the Socurity Insaumait piusuant w Unifocm Cavenant 7.
<br /> � Barowa reprweats and warraets ttnt Bomnwa tw not exacutod ony prjoc asaignrtknt of the Renu md hm
<br /> not and wUl not peafam my�ct that would preverit I.ender fmm exercising Its righta under thia paregcaph.
<br /> L�rncta.a I.uider's egents a s judkiallY eppofnted recelva,shall not be roqu�red to enter upon.take contrd
<br /> of a mainuin the Propaty before a afta giving�atice of default to Borrower. Howeva.Lcnda. a L�da'i
<br /> �gents a a judiciallY eppointed receivu.may da so et aay dme when a default occurs.My applica8on of Ra�q
<br /> sh�l!na curo a wiive�r►y dtfuilt or inv+lidate any odxx dght or n�nedy of L.ender.lhis ass�nment of Reata ot
<br /> the Propeny atWl taminate when�ll the sums exured by the Socority Instcuma�t a�e p�eW ia fiill.
<br /> I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Bomowa's default a bceach �nder +wY note or agroemau in
<br /> which i.ender has aa intaest shaU be a b�ach unda tha 5ecuriry Iasttument and Lenda may involce any�of tbo
<br /> � runedies pamitted by the Security Lisaumai�
<br /> BY SIGNINO BBLAW,Borrower aoce�xs end egras w tha tenns and provisions containod in this 1-4 Family
<br /> i ��
<br /> : � ' 1 �-� ��'�s�''�
<br /> ' � (�)
<br /> � BRSAN J ROIC}I -Boiro�er NANCY K BRO CH •Borrower
<br /> �_ ��(� (SCeI)
<br /> •Borrmier •Bonower
<br /> �
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