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<br /> APPL# 001-70826024
<br /> ' MLq 0000000000
<br /> '-��T 1-4 FAMILY RIDER 9? 1a"�969
<br /> -� Asatgnment of Renta
<br /> 'IHIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDBR is made this 23RD day of SfiPTfiNffiBR , 1997 ,�d y�
<br /> Incorpaaud into and ahall be doemed to amead and auppkment the Mongege,Deed�f Trust or Security Dced(the
<br /> 'Socuriry Instrument)of the same date gtven by tha undusigned(thc"Borrowcr")to securc Borrower's Notc W
<br /> - ,p . (the"Leader)
<br />�'��.ih�t4�.
<br /> ��'•'`''�°' of the samc date and mvering the Properiy d��n the�ec�rity Instn►mcnt nr�d loceted at:
<br /> 'i:�°7.:`f
<br />�_e.M,r `
<br /> �*�.�r� 3071 ROSBLAWN DRIVB
<br />:•.�••-
<br />. : �;,:.. aaarm xsr�m� r�ss�+sxa oaeoi
<br />�_.,',:� ' (proporty Addreu�
<br /> _',�;;j��s.°. 1�FAMILY COVENAIVT3. In addidoa to the covenaats end agroement�made in the Security lnstrumer�t,
<br /> :�=i.`. Bomower end Lenderturtfxr coverwnt and agroc as followa:
<br /> `�~''. ::. pro�erty describod ia ihe Socurity Instrument,the folbwing ltems are added to�he Projxlty dacripaoa,and shall
<br /> -=- l.. ".1
<br />'�`F,�;:,��' also canstiWta tbe Prope�ty covered by the Security Insmrment»building matedals,aPPtisnces aad goods of cvery
<br /> =�-ri.� nawrc Ntsatao�ver now or hereafta located in.on.or used.a inu.txlod to be used in oonnecdon with the Property,
<br />--- ----_ - lncluding,but nat limltod w.thoso fa the purposes of supplying or cUstrtbuting heaGng.cooting, olecoricity,8ag� .
<br /> —_--= water,eir�nd li8h�fice praventlon and exdn8utshin8 aAP�s.socurIty and acce.4s control appsraws.Plumbing,
<br /> -�� buh wbs.w�tex heatas,water cbsets,sinks.ranges.stoves�refrigerators�d19hwACT+�e�disposals�wachas.dryas.
<br /> - _— , awnings. s�orm wlndows,storm doors.�s,blinds.shades,cuctains end cnrtaln rads.attached mirrors.cabinets,
<br /> ---�= P�'�B �ad �chod floor coverings now or f�eafter aw�ched w the Prope�ty, all of which, including
<br /> �------ repl�aments and�dditlons thaeco.a6a11 be damod to be aud ranain a put of tho Property oovaed by the Security
<br /> Inatrumen4 All of the foregoing tvgetha wtth tUe Propaty described in the Security lnstrument(a ttra leavdaold
<br /> estaoe it the Sauriry Instruma�t i� oa a kaxlwW) ar�referrod to in Uils l� F�nlly Rida at�d the Socurity
<br /> � InstrlNleall is th0"I'rapelly"
<br /> � E.vSE OF PROPERTX;COMPLIANCE WI'i'H LAW. B�xc�owar shall not seek, ag�oe to or m�ke s�
<br /> � clunge in the use ot the Propaty a its zonina clas�ification,unless Lendar tiaa agrood in wridng w tbe ctunga
<br /> — . sac�owe�r shau «xnpty with au mwa «air�ances� regulati�on� ana reqoire�r�eats of any govanmenaa boay
<br /> appliabb b the Prapaty.
<br /> C.SUBO1tDINA7'B LIENS. Except as pamiued by federni Ww.Barowa sh�U not allow any lkn infaia
<br /> . W tho Socu[ity InstnrnCan b be perfocfod�gainst the Propeity withaut Letida's prbr written peYmiaslon.
<br /> ' D.RENT LOS9INSURANCE. 8orrowa sh�ll maintain insurance againgt trnt bxs in addition w the ott�a
<br /> t�azard�fa which inwcanoe is roquirod by Unifam Cova�ant S.
<br /> W� &"BORROWErt'3 ItIGHT TO REINSTATE"AELETED. Unifom�Covaunt 18 is dektod.
<br /> F.BORROW�It'S OCCUPANCY. Utikss Lenda aad Barowa othe�wi.9c agroe in writin8. the fuat
<br /> seaornx in Uniform Cove�ut 6 coacaning Bormwer's occupency of the Propaty is de3dod.All iramining
<br /> wvau�nts�nd agroements set forth in Unifam Covenant 6 shall�ecnain in effect
<br /> NULTISTATE 1•�FAM ILY RIDER•F�nnl�M�dF►Nldi�M�o Unitonn Iastruin�nt Fo�m�170 iJf9
<br /> Pap�101 Z .
<br /> _�.:-�_ �•S7 197W�.01 VMP MORTaAGE FORMS•(�00)621-7201 Inkl�h7
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