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201207959 <br /> lf the power of salc is invoked, Trus[ee shall rewrd u notice of defanit in cach county in which any <br /> parf of[he Nroperty is locafeci and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br /> Applicable Law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by Applicable Law. Af'ter the timc <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trustee shall give public noticc of salc to thc persons and in the manner <br /> prescribed by Applicable Law. TrasYee, without demand on Borruwer, shall sel(the Property at public <br /> auction to Lhe highest bidder at the time and placc and under[he lerms designated in the notice of salc <br /> in one or more parccls and in any order Trustee determines. Trustec may postpone sale of all m•any <br /> parcel of the Property by public annow�cement at Lhe time end place uf any previously scheduled sale. <br /> Lender or its designee may purchase N�e Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment oF the price bid, Trustec shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deeA <br /> conveying the ['roperty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of fhe trufh of <br /> the stafements made therein. TrusYee sha11 apply the proceeds of the sale in the following ordcr: (a) to <br /> all costs and expenses oY exercising the power of sule, and [he sale, including the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees actaalty incurred and reasunable attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br /> all sums secured by this Security Insfrnment; and (c) any excess to the person ur pe�sons legally <br /> enfided to it. <br /> 23. ReCOnveyance. Upon paymcnt nf all sums secured by Chis Security Iustrument, Lendce s6all request <br /> "frustce to reconvey the ProperCy and sl�all surrei�der d�is Security lnstrument and all notes evidencing debt <br /> secnred by Chis Security Instrun�enL Lo Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property withou[ wananty to the <br /> peeson or persons Iegally entitled to it Such person or persons shall pay any recordafion costs. Lender mxy <br /> charge such person ur persons a fee for reconveying the Properry, but oi�ly if the fee is paid to a third party <br /> (sucl� as the Tr�stee)for services rendered ai�d the charging of the fee is permitted under Applicablc Law. <br /> 24. Substitute Trustee. Lender, aY its option, may fran time to time remove TrusEee and appoint a succestior <br /> trustee to any "frusCee appointed hereunder by an instrumenL rccorded in the county in which this Securiry <br /> InstrumenC is recorded. Wi[huut conveyance of the Property, the snccu�sor trustee shall succeed to all the <br /> title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee hcrcin and by Applicable Law. <br /> 25. Request for Notices� Bo�'rower requests tl�at copies of tihe notice of default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br /> address wllicl� is the Property Address. <br /> 88012924A8 J����/„�t, 880129244tl <br /> NFBRASKA-SingleFamlly-FannieMaelFraddieMacpNIFORMINSTRUMENTWITHMERS �'{��� C� form30281101 <br /> VMP�y VMP6A(NL)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwor Pinencial Servlcas Page 15 of 17 <br />