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201207894 <br /> coutinue to pay to Lendar the amount oF the separately designated payncnts that were due whe�i the <br /> ineurancc coverage ceased to be in ef'Lect. Lender will accept, nse�nd retain Chese paymcti�ts as a <br /> non-refimciable lose reservG in licu of Mortgage Insuraaioe. Such lass reserve eh�ll be non-refundable, <br /> notwithatandi�ig the f2et fhat� L9ie I,oan iF idfiinately paid i» fiill, and I,ender s1�a11 not be required to pay <br /> Rotcower tuiy interesf or earnings on suoh loss r€serve. Lender can no longcr roquirc loss reseive payments <br /> if A+Iortgage Insuranoe co�erage (in the amamit aud i'or the period that Lendex requires)�rovided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again bccoincs av�ilal�le, is obtvned, and Lender requiras separatoly deaignateci <br /> payinents toward the premiums for Mortgage Insuranoe. If Lender rec��iired Martgage lnsw auce as a <br /> condition of n��ldug the Loui and Borrower wns required to make seperately designated papments towarii tl�o <br /> prenmiuinE fc�r Mortgago IneLirance, Rortower sha11 pay the preiniums required to maintain Mortgnge <br /> Hisurauoe in efFact, or to provide a non-re�Fundzhle loas reserve, im�il Lendcr's rcquire�nent for Mortgage <br /> Insurauce ends in accordanae with aaiy written agreement betweeu Boxxower and Lerrcier providivg for such <br /> tcrmination or Li1rti1 termination ie required Uy Appliaabla L�w. Nothing in this Section 10 affeccs <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay intetest at t1�e rate provided in fhe Note. <br /> Mortgage]nsarance eeimULirses Lender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur <br /> if Boirower does not repay Lhe Loan as agrced, Borrowor is not a party to tlie Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers evalwate their 4ota1 risk on all euah insurancc in foroe from ti�ne to time, and may eviter <br /> into agreemenYs with other perties Hi�t ahatre ox modify iheir riak, or reduce loFaes. These agxeoments aro on <br /> terms and conditions that are satisfactoxy to the ivartgage ineurer and the other party(or pflrties)to H1ese <br /> agreoments. 'I'huse agrooinents may reqtiiiro the inottgage iusurer to malce payments using uiy souroe af fiuids <br /> thAt[he mottgnge insurer inay liaue available (�Ahich may includc funds obtatned from Mort�;age]neur�ce <br /> premiums). <br /> As a result of these agYeen2enCs, Lender, anq purchaser of the Note, �notl2cr insurcr, any reiusuror, at�y othe� <br /> entity, or any affiliate of nny of the foregoing, mAy receive(directly or indireotly) �noLmts tha[derive from <br /> (or might Ue characterized�s) a portion of Borrower's paynleuts for 1VIortgage Insurance, in exchauge for <br /> sharing ox rnodifying the mortgage insurer's rislc, or reducing loeses. IF sucl� abrccmc�rt provides that vi <br /> aftiliate oi'Lender talces a shara of tlle ineurer'e riek in exchznge for a sh�u•e of the premimns paid to the <br /> ineurer, the arrangcn�ent is ofte�� te�•med "capfive reinsuranee." BurUier: <br /> (a) 1�ny suclt ngreeme�tCs will noC nffecC ttie a�nom�Cs CI�TC Iiorrower has agreed to pxy for Ma�tg:�ge <br /> Insm�aucq nr any oCl�er terms of the Lonn. Snch agreemenls will noc increase Cho amonnC <br /> Barrrowcr will owe for Mortgngc Insnraucq nnd they will not entitle Borrower to nuy refm�d. <br /> (b) Any sach agrcoments will not affect tlie rights Borrower Lae -if auy-wiCh respecC to Che <br /> Mortgnge Insnrance imder Uic IIomcowncrs Protection Act of 1998 or�uy other la�v. These rights <br /> may inclnde Che right fo receive certain di�closureS, to reqne6t z�nd obtniu canccllation of tlte <br /> Mortgnge Insin•ance, Co liave the Mortgage visnrance tee�uinafecl antomaticnlly, and/or tu receive <br /> a reflmd of any Mm•tgage Inenrnncc pre�niama tl�at wcrc nnenrned xt the time of sncli <br /> cancellalion or Cermination, <br /> 11. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscell2neous Proceeds u�ehereby assigned to <br /> fuid ehn(1 Ue paiii to Leuder. <br /> If thaProperCy is dvnaged, such Miscollaneous Yrocccds s]�all bo applied to restorationor repair oFfilie <br /> Property, if the xesEoration or re�air is economieally feasible and Lenctcr's security is uot lesseued, During <br /> such repair aiid restorztion period, Lender shall hnve the right to hold such Miscellaneous Prooeede unti] <br /> Lencicr has had an opportunity to inspect snoh Propetty to ensure tha work hzs been conipletecl to Lendet°s <br /> znoazziz <br /> N6RRASKA-Sin91e Fam Ily-Fennle M ae7fretldle M ec UN IFORfd INSlRUA7 ENT Porm 3020 ll01 <br /> VM P� VM Po{NE)(11061 <br /> Wollars IquwarAnanJlal6evlees Pege e of 19 <br />