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201207894 <br /> for the re��airs and restoration in a s'rngle paynient or 9n a series of progress payuients as the work is <br /> completed. IP�he insurancc or coildemi�ation I3roceeds ara not suFfioienC Co repair or restore the ProperPy, <br /> Borrower is not relieved oP Borrower's oUligation for the com�letion of suoh xepair or rem,tcn arion. <br /> Lender or its ngenC i�1y inalcc rcasonable ent��tes upon and inspections of the ProperCy. If it l�as reasonable <br /> cause, Lender mey inspect the intexior oP the improvc�ncvts on the Proparty. Lender shu11 give Borrower <br /> uotice at t1�c time of or prior to such au interior inspection specifying euch rcasonaUle cause. <br /> S. fiorrower's Loan Application. Borrower ehnll be iu defnulC if, duriiig tl�e Loa�i a��plication process, <br /> Borrower or any persons or cnfitics acting at the directiou oP Borrower or with Borrower's ln�owledge or <br /> consent g�ve materially fnlse, inisleading, or inaccurafe inforixuafion or sYaten�ents to Lender (or Paileci W <br /> providc T.ender with inatarial infom2a�6ion)�in eomiection with Y1ie Loan. Matcrial representations inalude, but <br /> are noC limitcd to,represeiltations concerning Borrower's occupancy of tihe Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residenoe.. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in 4he Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Borrower fails to perforin tha c�vonants and agrcements contained in tliis Secw•ity&iah�ument, (b) there is a <br /> legal proceeding that might aignificanCly nffeot Lendei°s inkeres{in thc Yroparty and/or rights mider Yhis <br /> Sa;urity instrmnent(such as aproceeding in banlauptcy, probnhe, foc concienmaCion or fnrfciture, for <br /> enforcement of a lien which may aitaiit priority over this 5ecucity Instruinent or to enforce laws or <br /> x•egula�tiona), or(c)Borrower has abandoneci Che Property, thon i.ender may do aud pay�for whTtever is <br /> rea,vonable or appropriate to protect Lencler'a interest in the Property aud rights timder this Secnrity <br /> insfrument, inclucling protecting nnd/or assessing Y1ie v¢lue of the Properly, and�ecuring and6or repairin�; <br /> tho Property. Lender's actions cui include, Uut are not limited Yo: (a)paying any sL�ma seciu�ed by a lien <br /> whioh has priority ovcr this Security lns�iument; (b) appearing iu courY; and(c)pa�ying reaaonnble nCtorneys' <br /> fees to prateot its interest in the Properiy and/or rights cuidcr this Security Ii�strument, including its aecuxed <br /> position in a bat�l�rupYcy proceeding. Securing the Properly inchicies, but is iiot limifed to, entering the <br /> Praperty to mako repairs, chau�;e locks, replace or Uoard up doors nnd wiudows, drain wnter from�ipae; <br /> elinvntite building or other oode violafions�or daugcrous conditions, and liave utilities tia'iied on or off. <br /> Alfhougti T,ender may take acYiou mider tlus Section 9, Lender does not have lo do so and is not unde�'any <br /> ditt5+ox obliga6ion to do so. ]Y is ab��eed tluat Lender incurs no liabiliYy Por not t�king nny or all acfions <br /> nu�liori�ed tmder this Seotion 9. <br /> Any amountv disUcu sed by Lentler midar tihis Section 9 shttll beconle addition�l debt of Borrower eocurcd by <br /> Clus Seourity Instrumcnt. 'Chese amomrts sliall bear interest ati Uie Note rate from the date of disbt�rsan�enf <br /> end shall be pnya6le, wilh sach inter<;sf, upon noticc fi om Lender to I�orrower reqtiesY�iug payment. <br /> If this Securi6y Inslrun�enC is on tt lcascl�old, Borrower sl�all comply with all fhe provisions of the leAse. I£ <br /> Borrowe�� acquires fea title to the Proper6y, tfie leasehold and Che fee tiElo sh�l]not n�erge utiless Lender <br /> agreas to tl�e ineigex in writing. <br /> 10. M or4gage Insuranee. IPLcndcr requircd Mortgage Insurance as a condition of maldng Yhe Loan, Boxrower <br /> shall pa�y Ehe preniiunis required to mai�itnin fhe Mortgage�Tnsurancc iri offcct. If, for tiiry reason, the <br /> Mortgabe Inswance covarage required by Lender ceaees to be�v�ilehle from Lhe morCgage insurer that <br /> proviously provided snch insurvice and Borrower was requicecl fo make sepaxately deaignatied palm�rn�ts <br /> foward the pre�i�iums for Mortgnge insurance, I3orrowat yhall pay the preutitune requu•ed to obtain coverage <br /> su�beYantiifllly equivalent tio Che Morkgage Ineuranco proviously in effect, a�t a cost subsYautially equivalent to <br /> the coet to Borrower of tke Mortgage Insurenoe previously in effecC, fi-onT an alternate moitg�ge ii�sLuer <br /> sc�lccteci by Le�ider, [f suiistantially equivalent Mortgage Instuance coverege is noC available, Sorrower sha11 <br /> zaoozz�z <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin91e Femlly-Fcnnie Mae/Fredtlle bl ac UWPOHM INSTRUM ENT Form 3020 1101 <br /> VM P OO VM PB(NE)(1106) <br /> Wollers Kluwer Financlal Services Pago 0 af 1� <br />