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<br /> , . (dl a wrlt of i�lon or attachment of eny almflar proceaa�be entered apainst Tru�tor which ehall _
<br /> � . • beeome a Ilen on the Truat Eafate ar any portlon thereoi or intere�t therein and such executian,attachment or similar
<br />._.��,�;: . process of Judpme�t la not released,bondad, satiafled,vecated or stayed within aixty(80) days a}ter Its entry or Isvy; qr
<br />_ ,..'..�.,.,� (el there hAa occurred a breach of or defautt under any term,covenant, apreemont, concfltlon, provls(on, �
<br />`''�,� representation or warranty contatned In any prior deed of trust or rnortpaqe aifectina the Trust Batate.
<br /> _��.� �
<br />_� 10. Acc�hridon upan D�l�ul�AddlfUona/R�mea�is. If an event oi default ocaura, Beneficiary mey declare the '�
<br />-�_, .-- Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the aeme shail theroupan become due and payable without eny _.._
<br /> preaentment, demand,protest or notice of any kind. Thereafter, Beneticiary may: �
<br /> " (ry either In person or by ayent,with or wtthout brinpinp any action or proceedinp,or by a rece(ver appointed -
<br /> ;:;` .! by a court and without reyerd to the adequacy of Ita aecurtty, enter upon and tske posseasion of the Trust Estate, or any
<br /> - :��- - part theroof, in its own name or In the name oi Trustee,and da any acta which tt deems necessary ar desirable to preserve�,Q
<br /> ,Y,
<br />=-j�•'�''��: • the value,marketability o�rentabillty ot the Trust Estate,or part thereof or tnterest therein,increase the Income therefrom � -
<br /> ..;x_�. or protect the security hereot and,with or wlthout tak(np possession ot the Trust Estate,sue fo�or otherwise coilect the �
<br /> �;:K:�� ronts, issues and profits thereof, includ�ny those pest due and unpaid, and�pply the same,less costa and expensea ot
<br />...-�:;;:'�' operation and coliectton i�ctudinp attomeys'feea,upan any tndebtednesa secured hereby,all in such order as Beneficiary �.1
<br />:;•;�'"'�; may determUe. The entering upon and takir.q possession ot the Trust Estate, the coliection of such rents, t9sues and `1 -
<br />_;,;al:� profits and the appitcation thereof as aforesatd shall not cure or wa(ve any default or notice oi defauit hereunder or�
<br /> •••j'4� invalidate any act done in respanse to such dafault or pursuant to such notice of defeult and, notuvithstandtng the
<br />��i�:�'� continuance in possession ot the Trust Estata or the coilectian, reaelpt and application of rents, issues or profits,Trustee
<br /> _.:`::�. or Beneficiary shall been entitled to exercise every �iqht provided for in any oi the Loan Instruments er by law upon�
<br />-,;t, occurrence of any event of defauit, inciudinp the ripht to exercise the power ot sale;
<br />=�°� pq commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgape, appoint a receiver or spectftcally
<br /> �--:w��. enfarce any of the covenants hareof;
<br /> — l(U� deliver to Trustee a written decteratton of defauit and demand tor snie and a written notice of default and
<br />: election to cause Trustor's interest in the Trust Estata to be sold, which notice Trustee shall cause to be duty fited for
<br /> recortl �n me appropnate oftices or tne�ounty in wi,icn ii�n��usi'cstaia is Itcata�;at
<br /> _ �
<br /> — (iv) exercise such othQr rights or remedies at law or in equity.
<br /> 11. fasc/osu►s byPow�r o/Sa/s. If Beneficiary elects to foreclose by exercise of the Power of Sate herein contained,
<br /> — � Benaficiary shall�otify trustee and shall deposit with Trustee thts Second Deed of Trust and any note evtdencinq the Indebtedness
<br /> ',' and suah recetpts and evidence of expenditures made and secured hereby as Trustee may require.
<br /> ie) Upon receipt of such natice from Beneflciary,Trustea shaii cause to be recorded.�ubllahed and detivered
<br /> � to Trustor such Notice oi Detault and Nottca of Saie as then required by law and by this Second Deed of Trust. T�ustee
<br /> - - - , shaU,without dema�id on Trustor,after such time as may then be required by law and after racordation of such Notice ot
<br /> • Defauit and after Nottce af Sale havinp been piven as required by law,sell the Trust Estate at the time and ptace nf saie
<br /> j fixed by tt in such Notice of Sate,either as a whole,or in separate lots or parcets or items as Trustee sF�ll deem expedfent,
<br /> �, and tn such order as it may datermine,et public auction to the hiphest bidder for cash in lewtul money of the Untted States
<br /> payable at the time of aale. Trustee shall deiiver to such purchaser or purchasars thereof its pood end suNicient deed or
<br /> ' deeds conveytnQ the property so sold,but without any covenant or warrenty,express or tmpited. The recitals in such deed
<br /> of any matters or facts shali be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, Includinp without limit�tion
<br /> ; Trustor, Trustee or Beneficiary,may purchase at such sala.
<br /> (b) As may be permitted by law,efter deducttnp all costs,feas and expenses et Trustee and of thfs Trust,
<br /> includinq cnsts of evidence of title in connection with sale,Trustee shall appty the proceeds of saln to payment of (i1 the
<br /> ' Ir►dabtadness pq all other sums then secured hereby,and lfii)the remainder,ff any,to the person ar persons Ieqally ent(tled
<br /> thereto.
<br /> , (cl Trustee may fn the monner provided by law postpone saie of ali or any portian of the Trost Esfate.
<br /> - 12. R�madles Not ExclusJw. Trustee and Beneficiary,and each of them, shali be enaltled to enforce payment��d
<br /> _. pe�formance of any indebtedness or obligatlons secured hereby and to exercise eil riyhts and powers under this Second Ceed of
<br /> - Trust or under any Loan Instrument or other apreement or any Iaws now or hereaftor tn force;notwithstandin�,some or etl of the
<br /> such indebtedness and oblfgations secured hereby may now or hereaiter be otherwise SeCUred,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,
<br /> =- . pledge,lien,assignment or otherwise. Neither the accepta�ce of this Second Deed oi Trust nor its enforcemcnt,whether by court
<br /> -_----� aation ar pursuant to the power of sale oe other powers herein contained, shall prejudice or tn any manner affeat Trustee's or
<br /> __�___;.,_ Beneftciary's right to realize upon or enforce any other securiry now or hereafter held by Trustee ur Benefictary,it Deinp aqreed tl�at
<br /> __„��� Trustee and Beneficiary,and each of them,sha�l be entitled to enforce this Second Deed of Trust and any other securiry now or
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