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<br />_�— 2. Tix��. Trusto�sha�each installme�tof all taxes and spacial,.�sments of every kind, naw ar he�eaftar
<br />�� . Ievied apeinst the Trust Estate or eny part thereof, betore delinquency, without natfce or demand.
<br /> Y
<br />.- 3. /noswanc��nd R�� Truitor ahall maintaln tire and extended coveraae tnsurance tnsurinp the Impravernenis
<br /> constituNnp part of the Trust Estate foi such amnunta encf on such terms reason3biy satisfactary to Deneficiary. Sv lonp as tho L
<br />_•�,� Property is aeaured by a ftrat deed oi trust or mortpape, co�iplNnce with the tnsunnce requtrementa oi the ffrst deed of trust or
<br /> �:�
<br /> mortQaye shall be sufftctent to satisty the requirame�ta of thts paraqraph 3 relatinp to Insurance.
<br /> Trustor ahall promptiy repatr and replace the Trust Estate or eny part thereof so that,except for ordinary wear and tear,
<br /> -,`� the T►ust Fstace ahail not deterlorote. In no event ahall theTruno�commtt wa�te on or to the Trust Estate,or commit, su9fer or
<br />__ nermit any act to be done in or upon the Trust Estnte i�vtolatbn of any law,ordinance or reyulation. Trustor slhait pay and promptty
<br />'�,� dtscherpe at Trustor's cost and expense al!Ilens,encumbrances and charpes fevied,Imposed or asseased against the Trust Eatate
<br />;_r� ar any port thereof.
<br />_:�
<br />_�,—s
<br />.;�i 4- Aetlons A//ictln�Ti�t Estat�. Trustor sFull appear in and contest any action or proceedinA purportinq to affect
<br /> _- the security hereof or the riflhta or powera ot Beneficiary or TNStee, and shall pay ali costs and expenses,inctuding cast of evidence
<br /> = ot title and attorneys'tees,in any such action or proceedinp In which Benefictary or Trustee may appear. If Trustor fails to make
<br />_� any payment or to do any act as end tn the manner provided in any of the Loan Instruments, Beneficiary and/or Trustee.sach in �
<br />_ — their own discretian,without oblipatlon sn*o d�and wi houtnot�e t�or deman�upon Trustor and withaut releasinp Trustor from .�
<br /> = any ablfpatian, may meke or do the same in such mannar andto such axtont a..either may deem necassary to protect the seeurity '�
<br /> '� hereof. Trystor shali, immediately upon demand the►efor D�Beneficiary, pay all coats and expenses incuRed by Beneffciary in
<br />:�:� connecUon wtth the exercise by Beneficiary of the fo�ego9rp ri8hts, including wit4�out limitatton costs of evidence of title, court �
<br />�_;� casts, eppraisals, surveys and attornays'fees.
<br />._:�.r '�`�
<br /> 6. fmin�nt Do�»�/n. if the Trust Estate,or any part thereof or interest therein, be taken or damaged by reason of
<br />_�= any public improvement or condemnatian proceeding, pr tn eny other manner includinp deed in Iteu thereof ("Condemnation^J,or �
<br /> if 7rustor receives any notica or othar information regardine tuch proceedinp, Trustor shail give prompt written notice thereof to
<br /> . Beneftciary. Trustor shall be entitled to t�ll compensation, awa�ds and other peyments or relief thereof and shatl be entttled at Its �
<br /> _� option to commence, appear tn and prosecute tn tts own name any action or proceedings. Trustor sha11 also be entitled to rnake
<br /> eny compromise or aettlement in connectiun with such takinp or damape.
<br /> : 8. Appolntment o/Sncc�ttoi Tiuste�. Beneikiasy may, fram time to time,by a written instrument executed and
<br /> acknowledped by Beneficiary,mailed to Trustor and recorded in the County in which the Trust Estete is located and by othen�vise
<br /> —. complyinp with the provisions of the appltcable law of the Sata of Nebraska aubstitute a successor or successora to the Trustes
<br />_— , named herein or actinp hereunder.
<br /> -- 7. Su�cc�ssurs andAaalqr►s. This Second Deed of Trust applies to,(nures to the benef(t ot and b(nds all partfes hereto,
<br /> ` thetr heirs,legatees,devisees,personal representatives,succusora and assipns. The term'BenefiCiary"shell mean the owner and
<br /> , holder of any promissary note given to beneficiary, (whetheror not named as Beneflctary herefn].
<br /> •� 8. M�iger,Corisollda8on, Sa/��w L��s�s T�ustor covenants that Trustor wiil not aell,lease or otherwise dispose
<br /> ; of any af the Trust Estate. In the event that Trustor selis,ieases or otherwise disposes of any part of the Trust Estate,Beneftciary
<br /> • t may at Its option declare the Indabtedness secured hereby hnmediately due end payable, whether or not �ny defauit exi�ts.
<br /> � Beneficiary shall consent to a transfer of the 7rust Estate ta 1 third parcy to the extent sueh third party meets the requirementa
<br /> t contained in,and assumes the oblipations set torth in the Firat Deed of Trust. 1'he covenants contained herefn shall run with the
<br /> Property and shall remain in full force and effect untii the I�d�btednass is paid in fuil.
<br /> + 9. EwMS ofONiyft. Any of the foticwinp events shall be deemed an event of default hereunder:
<br /> (a) defauit sheit be made fn the payment of the Indebtedness or any other sum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> ! ar
<br /> � (b) Trustor sha�l periorm any act(n bankruptcy;or
<br /> 3
<br /> ' (c) a court ot competent Jurisdictian shal enter an order,Judement or decree epprovinp a petltton filed apainst
<br /> i Trustor seektnp any reorpanl=ation. atssoiution or sirnlar relief under any prasent or future federei,state or other stdtute,
<br /> law or repulation ralatinp to bankruptcy, insolvency a other reltef for debtors, and auch order,jud flment or decree sh�ll
<br /> remain unvacated and unstayed far an ayprepate ot s(xry �80) days Iwhether or not consecutive)from the first date of entry
<br /> thereof; or any trustee, receiver or Itqufdator or Trustar w ot all Or any paK of the Trust Estate,or of any or alt of the
<br /> rayalties.revenuss,rents,tssues ur proftts tAerdof,sh�Y be appointed without the consent or acqufescence of Trustor and
<br /> such appointment shall rema(n unvacated and unstayM for an apgrepate of sixty (601 days(whethar or not consecutivel;
<br /> or
<br /> 2
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