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<br /> � ` •� pdnclpai amount of the Indebtedneas secured by thla Deed oi Trust,not Inctuding euma edvanced to protect the securlty of thla Deed oi
<br /> � TNat,exceed the orlglnal principal amaunt steted herein,or s ��O(1f1,,Q0 ,whlchever le greater.
<br /> 18.AAIscNl�n�ou�Provlslons.
<br /> ° �� (a)Botrow�r Not R�tias�d.ExtemOon of the Ume fa payment a modiAcallon W amortizetlon ot the sume secured by thb
<br /> Deed nf Tn�st granted by Lender ta any successa In Interest of BArrawer aha►I not operate to release,In eny manner,the Ilablil• �
<br /> ;� cy of the orlpinal Borrower and BorrowePa eucceaaora In Interest. Lender ahall not be requlred to commence proceAdinps �
<br /> egalnat auch succeasor or rafuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modiry amortlzatbn of the suma secured by thl9 �
<br /> :� . ' � Deed oi Trust by resson oi uny demsnds made by Ihe wipinal Borrower and Borrower's euc�essoro In Interest.
<br /> � '� (b)L�nd�r'�Povwn.Without eilecting the liabllity oi any other person Nabb for the payrt►ent of any ot►Ilgatbn heretn men- �
<br /> � tloned,end without aHecting Ihe Ilen a cherc�e of Ihls Deed of Trust upon a�y portlon ot the Property not then or theretofore .
<br /> released aa securtty for the full amount of all unpald ablipationa,Lende►mey,from time to tlme and without noGce(q re{eaae
<br /> •='•'�" any peroon ao Ilable,(Iq extand the matu�ity or alter any of the temna of any such obllgatlona,pIi)grant other Indulpences, (iv)
<br /> ' ' release or reconvey,or ceuse to be released or roconveyed et e�y time et Lenders optlon eny parcel, portlon or all ot the
<br /> ,. Property,(v)teke or releaae eny other or additbnal securiry for any obligaUon hereln menUoned,or(vi)make compositions a
<br /> �•� other a►rengements with debtore in relation thereto.
<br /> t' . (c)Forb�aranc�by L�ndor Mot a Walv�r.Any farbearanoe by Lender In exerctsing any ripht w remedy hereunder,or otM
<br /> , -'' erwlse efforded by applicable law,shall not be e watver of o�preGude the exerdae of any such�ipht or nemedy.The prncuro�
<br /> ?^ ment ot insurance or the payment of taxes or qther ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lenders rlght to acceter• �
<br /> '�- ate tho maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> ' � �; (dj Succ�ssors and Assians Bound;Jolnt md S�v�rat Llablllty;Capttons.The covenants and agreements herein con-
<br /> � tained shall bind, and the dghts hereunder shali Inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor. All
<br /> • '� covenants end agreements of Trustor shall be jolnt and severai.The captlons and headings of the paregraphs of this Deed ot '
<br /> •-3. Trust are for convenience only and are not to be used to Interpret or detine Ihe provlsions hereof.
<br /> N* •' � "'' (e)R�qu�st tor Notic�s.The partles hereby request that a copy of any notke of detauit hereunder and e copy of eny notice
<br /> :..c.: ot sale hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Trust et tha addreu set forth above In the mannar prescribed by
<br />- '::�ri',Y eppliCable 18W.Except for any other nodce requlred under applicabie taw to be given In another maanar,eny iwtloe provided for
<br /> in this Deed of Tnist shail be g(ven by malling such noGce by certifled maN addressed to the other partles,at the address set
<br />..'o'r��r•���- forth above.Any noUce provided tor in this Deed of Trust shall be etfecdve upon maiting in the manner designated har�ein.If
<br /> '' �• Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above ahal be nottce to all such persons.
<br />_:�_�t{��:�� (�Insp�ction.Lender mey make or ceuse to be made roaaoneble enhba upon and InapecUans of fha Propenyr,provkled
<br /> thet Lender shell give Trustor noUeg pdor to any such Inspection spediying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's inter-
<br />;�._��;���, est in the Properly.
<br />_ (g)Reconwyanc�.Upon payment ot all sums secured by this Deed oi 7rust,Lender shall request Trustee to reoonvey the
<br />-'`�.%.,ii' Property end ahail suRender this Qeed of Tnistend all nates evidencing indebtedness s�cured by thts Deed of Trust to
<br /> '' � Trustee. Trustee shaU reconvey the Property,w�thout warranty end without charge to the person or pe►sons legally enUUed
<br />`f�??;�','-"� thereto.Tn�stor ahall pay all costs of reoordaUon,Neny.
<br />-_-��'"}`:� (h) P�nonal Prop�rty;3scurity A��m���As edditbnel security fur the payment of the Note,Truator hereby granls
<br /> - "--" � Lender under the Nebreska Unitortn Commercial Code a security interest in afl fixtures,equlpment,end other personal properlyr
<br /> --�"'�'.� — �!n connnec�loss��lth!h�r°,.s!°w.at$o:lmpraL�r�:n�la�t�i�r,„,ss.�d rai atl�rr�c�ad..^s�d ar�sr.�!a���s!at
<br />-- _--•+'��:,Y;� the real estatA secured hereby.This inatrument shall be construed as e Secudly Agreement under seid Code,and the Lender
<br /> �_.4�}
<br /> shall have all the dghta and remedies oi a aecurod paAy under said Code in eddltion to the r(phts and remedtea crostsd under
<br /> ��' ° and eccorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed oiTrvst;provided that Lender's righta end remedies under fhts paropraph shaN
<br />--- —= be cumuiative with,and in no way a IlmitaUon an,lender's righls and retned+es u�der any other aeCUrity agreement Eignod by
<br /> ---= Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> ________ (i�Llen�and Encumb►anc�s.Tn�stor hereby warrenta and represente that fhara la no detault under the proviatons of any
<br /> ___ mortgage,deed ot trust,lease or purchase contract describing all or any part of the Property,or other conVact,inadument or
<br /> agreement consUtuting a Ilen or encumbrence epainst ell or any part oi the Property (collectivery,'L{�ns7,extsU�g as oi the
<br /> ___-__�-� date of this Deed of 7rust,and that any and ail axis�ng Liens remein umm�ditled excepl us dtsclosed to Lender{n Trueta°a writ
<br /> ten disclosure of Ilens and encumbrances provided far herein. Trustor shall timety perform alf of Truatw's oblipation�,
<br /> covenants,representeUons end wartenUes undtx eny end all existlng and tuturo Llena,ahell prompdy faweM to Ler�oopies
<br /> ot all notices of defauit sent tn connectlon with eny and ell axlatlng or futuro Lbns,and shall not w(tNout Lendei'a p�ior written
<br /> conaent in any manner modHy the proviatons of or ellow any future advances unde�any exiatinp or fuhn+e Nsns.
<br /> � U1 APP���ot Paymtnb.Unless otherwlae required by law. sums pa(d to Lender herounder,includfnp wkhout�tbn
<br /> paymonis of principal and Interest. insurence praceeda,oondemnaHon proceeds and rente and profite.sheN be appNed by
<br /> Lender W the amounts due and ow�tng from Tniabr end Barower in such or�der as Lender in its sds dtsueUon ddems deeM=
<br /> abla.
<br /> (k)�vKaWitty.If any provtabn oi thls Doed d Trust confllcte wHh eppNcsMe law or Is dederod fnvalfd or otl�srwvies ix�en-
<br /> foroeable,a�x:h oonfltct or Invaltdity�hall not affect the Wher pr�ovisiona ot thia Deed oi Tnist ar the NoOs wtdch cwi be gtvsn
<br /> ettect without the contlictinp provisbn,and to ihis end the provisions ot thta Deed of Tnist end the Note ero dednrod b be sev
<br /> eraWe.
<br /> (I)1'�nm.The terms'T►usta'end'Barower"shall fnclude both akipular end pturei,and when the Tn�ator end Bortnwer aro
<br /> fhe same person(s),those terma es used in this Oeed of Trust ahall be Interch�ngeable.
<br /> (m)(iovtminp L�w.This Deed oi Trust shall be govemed by the lewa ot the 3tate o1 Nebreake.
<br /> --y��
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