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<br /> "Proceeds")In connactlon with condemnation or other Iaking of the Praperty or part tP�ereot,or(or conveyance In Ileu of condemnation.
<br /> Londer ehail bo entitled et Its optlon to commence,appear In end prosecute In its own name Any ectlon or procaedings,and shall also �^,
<br /> be antitled to make any compromise or settlemont In c:onnostion wlth such taking or damafle.In the ovont any portlon of the Property Is �-
<br /> ' � so teken oi dameged, Londer shall have the opllan In Its sote end ebsolute dlscratlon,to epply ail such proceeds, efter deducting
<br /> thercrirom all coste nnd expenses Incuned by it In connecUon wllh such Proceeds,upon any indebtedness s�cured hereby end In such � �._'
<br /> ader oa Lender may determino,or to apply all nuch Proceeda,after auch ded�ctlons,to the restoratlon of lhe Property upon auch con- ;
<br /> ditione ae Lender may determle�e.Any applicetlon of Proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpono the due dete of eny pay�•
<br /> �
<br /> moMa underthe Note,or cure any default therounder a hereunder.Any unapplied tunds shell be paid t�Trusror. M _v
<br /> 9 Perlormence by L��d�r. Upon the xcurrenca of an Event of qefault horounder,or If any acl I�tekon or legel proceeding
<br /> ,;� commenced which materlally etfects Lender'a Interest In the Property,Lender may In Its own d�scretion,but wiihout obligation ro do so, � �_
<br /> . a n d w i t h o u t n o t i c e t o o r d e m e n d u p o n Trustor and without refeaaing Trustor lrom any obllgation,do any ect which Trustor has agreed �•`_
<br /> �,. but failed to do and may aiso do eny other act(t deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Trustor shail, Imme d iete ly upon �;_.
<br /> M�� demnnd therefor by Lender,pey to Lender ail costs end expenses Incurced and sums expended by Lender in connection with the exer-
<br /> �Isa by Lender ot the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon et the det'ault rste provided in the Note,v�hich sheli be added to �.
<br /> � the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur eny Ilability��musance witthl all'appliceblerlaws,tord nances end regulations �
<br /> 9. Hw►dous Mat�ri�ls.Trustor shall keep the Pro►x�r1y P
<br /> + relating to Industrial hygfene or environmental protectlon (collectively referred to hereln es"Environmentel Laws').Trustor sheil keep —
<br /> r the Property free trom a!)substances deemed to be hazardous ot toxic under any Environmental Laws(cotlectively referred to herein
<br /> .� as°Hazerdaus Metodals').Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender Nat there are no Hazardous Materials on or under the
<br /> Property. Trustor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold hermiess Lender,lts directors,officers,employees and agents,and any succes-
<br /> sors to Ler�der's Intarest,irom end egainst any and all claims,demages,bsses and IIabIUGes erising in connectbn wtth the presence,
<br /> - use,dlsposel or tranaport oi any Hazardoua Materials on,under,irom or about lhe Property.THE FORE(301kG WARRANTIES AND
<br />- 10.Assl�nm�nt uf R�nb.Tnistor hareby assigns to Lender,and pranta Lender a security interest In,all present,future and
<br /> � after adsing renfs,issues and proflts oi the Propertyr;provided that Trustor shell,until the occurrence of en Event of Defeult,hereunder,
<br /> have the dght to collect and retaln such renta,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence oi an Event of
<br /> ' qefault,Lender may,either in person or by agent,with or without bringing any actton or proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a
<br /> court and without regard to the adequacy of its security,entar upon and take possession of the Property,or any part thereof,tn its own _-
<br /> name or in the name of the Tnistee,and do a�y ecls which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the vaiue,marketabiiity or
<br />_„ rentabiliry of the Property,or any part thereof or interest therein,or to increase the(ncome therefrom or protect the security hereof and, �
<br />_ � with or without taking possesston oi the Property,sue for or otherwisa collect the rents,Issues t�nd profits thereoi,including those past
<br /> "' due end unpaid,by noUfyfng tenants to make payme�ts to Lender.Lender may epply rents,issues and profits,less costs and expenc-
<br />_ � ` es oi operation end collection including attomey's fees,to eny indebtedness secured hereby,ali in such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> �,r ".," mine.The antedng upon and taking possesston of the Property,the collecUon oi such rents,issues and proflts, and the applicaUon
<br />�..� ,r . .�--� ihereofi es aforesaid snali i�ui uuin�P waitt8 aisy d�tsu!!os tto!!x of defetslt h'-'r"urt�er�r invalldate eny ect done in response to SuCh
<br /> -� ± defauit or pursuant to such noUce of detault and, notwithstanding the canUnuance In possession oi the proparty or the oollectbn,
<br />=�;: .:'.ti, .
<br />-,, recelpt and applicaUon of rents,issues or proflts,Trustee end Leoder shall be entitted to exercise every right provided for in�ny of the
<br />- • Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of DefauR,including without IlmitaUon the right to exerc,ise the power of sale.
<br />;��w�•x�, ; Further,l.ender's rights and remedles under this paragraph shall be cumutetive with,and In no way a Ilmltatbn on,Lenders dghts end
<br />__,,:�,;,;,.�. ' remedies under any assslgnment of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and tfie receiver shail be Ilable to
<br /> �-�_�;;�!y�� account oniy for those rents actually reoeived.
<br />- � _ 11.Ewnb oi D�hui�The folbwing shall constltute an Event ot Deteult under this Deed of Trush
<br /> "-"-�:°'"�„�� (a)Fellure W pay any Instatlmnnt oi prinGpal or interest or any other swn secured hereby whan dua;
<br />—'',Ji• �
<br />��_.._:� (b)A breach of or default under any provisbn cantained in the Note,this Deed ot Tnist,any of the Loan�nstrume�ii�,oi eiy
<br /> other lien or encumbrence upon the Property;
<br />��`� (c) A writ of execuUon or attechment or eny simiter prxess shail be entered egalnst Trustor which ahall beoorr�e a Ilen on
<br /> -- the Property or eny portlon thereoi or interest therein;
<br /> -- (d)There aheli be tiled by or egainst Trustor or Bortawer an actton un�er any present or tuture federal,stete or other etetuto,
<br /> law or ro�uiation rol�tlng to bankruptcy,fnwlvsnay or other rolbf for debtors;or thsre shail be appointed any ttuated,recelver or
<br /> - Ilquidator of Trustor or Bortower or of all or any paR oi the Property,or tAe rents,issues or profite thereai,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> — -- shall make any generet assignment for the benefit of creditoES;
<br /> (e) The sale,trensfer,lease, assignment,conveyance ur further encumbrance ot all w any paR of or any interest in the
<br />----_— Property,efther volunfarity or Involunteriiy,without the express w�itten consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shall be pertntt-
<br /> ° - — ted lo execute e{ease oi the Property that does not contain en optbn to purchase and the tertn of which does not exceed ona
<br /> _ year,
<br />,_-__,� (�Abandonmer�t of the PropeAy;or
<br /> (g)It Tnistor ia not en Individual,the Issuanoe,sale,hanster,esslgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of mone than(H a
<br /> `�^'�""�-�`-. corporaUon)e totel of percent ot its Issued and outatandtng stock,or(it a paRne►ship)e total oi per-
<br /> ���� cent of partnership interests,or(If a Iimited Iiabiiiry company)a totel at percent oi the Ilmited ifaWtity oompa-
<br />_-� ny fnterests or vodng rights du�ing the period this Ueed of Trust remains e Iien on the property
<br /> _=�;k;��., 12.Rem�dia;AceN�ratlon Upon D�fauk.in the event ot any Event ot Default Lender may,without notice except as requirod
<br /> - -=��'`';�F by law,declere ell Indebtedness secured hereby to be due end payable and the same shett thereupon beoome due and payabla with-
<br /> - .�'�.��:.�
<br /> �-�-�;�.s��, out any presenUnent,demand,protest or noUce oi eny kind.Thereafter Lender mey:
<br /> - _� �e_L::�• (a)Demend that Trustee exerdse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shatl theroaRer cause Trustor's Mter-
<br />�^`:�" �� est in the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be distdbuted,all In the manner provkfed In the Nebraske Trust Deeds Act;
<br /> __;,.nT,'w�•�i;,.
<br /> •�,;;Y����. i (b)Exercise eny end all rights provided tor In any of the Loan Instrumente or by law upon oawrrenoe of eny Event ot '
<br /> • S . D9(AUltlBntl
<br />= (c)Commence an acdon to foreclose thla Deed of Trost as e mortgage,eppolnt a reoeiver,or spectfk;aliy enio�e any oi the
<br /> -- � ;.'y. covenents hereof.
<br />- � ." No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,tn the Loan
<br />_ • �,. � Instrumenta or by law provided or pertnitted,but each shall ba wmulative,shall be+In addlUon to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> - � In the l.oan I�ahuments or now or hereaRer exisUng at law or(n equity or by statute,end may be exerctsed concumenty,independendy
<br /> _f - r or succes(velY• ..�_...�...uw.,..•..e...e�..•e d,.,.
<br /> ''T.� 13.TrustN.The Tn�stee may res�gn at any ume vrimvui cauao,litxi Lotaio�T�ay aa a�i�uoA a..............• -�--------
<br />� ,..�.'�''� a�i cessor or aubsUtute Truatee.Trustee ahall not be Ifabla ro any party,including without IlmltaUon Lunder,Borrowor.Trustor or eny pur-
<br />! ' I chasar of the Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wlltful mtsoonduct,and shall not be requlred to take any a�.�tbn
<br /> _ •-� in connectlon with the entoroement of thls Oeed of Trust unless Indemnifled. �n w�ltlng,tor all coata,compensaUon or expenses wMch
<br /> may be essoclated therewlth.In eddlUon,Trustee mey become e purchaser at any sa{e of the Properly(judk;laal or�nder the Power d
<br /> sale granted herein);posipone the sale of all or eny pc�Rton of tho Propetty. as provlded by law;or se�l the Property ea e whote,or In
<br /> - separote par+cels or lots at Tnistee's dlscreUon.
<br />- 14.FNS and Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustae sells the PropeRy by exerolse of power of aale,7rustee shall be entitled to appy
<br /> _ any selo proceeds tlrst to payment of eIl costa end expenses of exerctsing powe�oi sale,Includl�g all Truste3's fees,end Lender's and
<br /> Trustee'a attomey's fees, ectually incurred to extent permltted by eppllcable lew.In the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses eny rlght
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Detauit,Lender shall be entltled to reraver from 7rustor all casta end expenses ectually Incurred aa
<br /> � e result of Trustora default,Includlnp wtthout IlmltaUon all Trustee's end ettomey's tees,to the e�ctent permltted by appllcabb law.
<br /> - � � 15. Futun Advancrs.Upon reguest of Borro+k9x,Lender may,at its optton,make addiUonal end tuturo advances end read•
<br /> � � vances to Borrower.Such advanoes end readvances,wlth Interest thereon,shall be securod by thts Deed of 1'ruaL At no tlme shell the
<br /> T
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