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<br />RETURN TO Farm Cradit Se�vicea, P.O. 9ox 5080 Sarulre Sweonay
<br />PREPARER: Grand 16larni. NE 88802-5080 �308)382•9025
<br />FCSM 501 t i7-95) .-r�
<br />Farm Credit Servicea
<br />Truntorfsl:
<br />Moiling Addreee:
<br />11775 W STOLLEY PARK RD
<br />WOOD RIVER NH 68883•97fi3
<br />W�
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<br />This 7rust Dood arnl Assignment oi Renta is made Mav 07. 1998 , by ern! emong tha abova namad Trustor�s) and AgAmerica,
<br />FCB, 'Trustea; whose meiling address is Pp Box TAF-Cb, Spokane, Washington 99220•4006, end
<br />Fa�m f.redit Servicas of tFre Midlands, FICA 'Baneliciary,' whos9 malling address is 206 5 78th Street
<br />Omnh . NE 681 02-1 74 6 in consideration oi tha advance by Benailciary to Trustor(s) of tha pr�ncipal eum
<br />spocilied below, the raceipt of which is hereby ackrrowledged, and any tuture, addltior�al, ar prqtective advances made to or on behell ol
<br />Trusto�lsl ol Beneli�iary's option, 7rustorls) irravocably transfers, conveys and assig�s to Truatae, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, lor the
<br />bonnlit and socuriry o1 Be�ticiery, Its succesaora and asaigna, under and su4�ect to the terms em} condHiona of thla Trust Oeed, tha
<br />propurty, tocatai in Hall County�ieal, Stete ol Nebraska, and dascribed as follows:
<br />SW 1!4 0l Section 19, Township 12N, Ranpe 11 W 8th P.M., EXCEPTING therelrom the
<br />foBowine: A amell tract of land in the SW 1J4 of Saction 19, Township 12N, Range
<br />11 W describad as fotlows: Bepinning at a point 380 leet east ot the Northwest corner
<br />al soid SW 1!4 0l Section 19; thanca East 60 fae� on the North boundary p1 said SW
<br />1/4 0� Sectian 19; thenca West 60 teet; thence North 25 feel to tha place of
<br />hoginniing; AND EXCEP7ING a traCt of land desCribed as the West 60.0 foat al Ihe
<br />South 2,417.1 faet ol the SW 1/4 of Saclion 19. Township 12N, Range 11 W Bth P.M.;
<br />AND AL50 EXCEPTING D& W Subd+vision, an Addition to tha vipage ol Cairo.
<br />�ogethar wilh all Trustor's ripht, title, end interest in ihe property, nnw or herealter acqufred, inctuding: all buildi�s, tixtures, crops, and
<br />improvaments rrow on or hareatter placed upon tha property; all appurtanances, water, irrigation, and dralnaga rigfits; all rents, issues, uaea,
<br />income, profits, end righta ta posaesaian; ell oil, gae, gravel, rock, or other minerals ot whatever natute, including gaothermal resources; all
<br />porsonal propvrty Ihot mey integraUy betong to or hereafter become sn integral part of lhe real astete whether ettached or detached, including
<br />uny oppurtononcos and accoulremants of any structura or residence secured hereby; easementa and other rl0hts errcJ interests now or et any
<br />time huroa(tar belonging to or io any way pertai�ing to the property, whetFrer or not specifically describad harein; all abova end below ground
<br />irrigolion oquipment ertd ecceasories; and gll leases, permits, Ifcenses, or prfvllages, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to the property, now or
<br />harnolter issuad, axlended or rerrewed by Trustor�s►, any Stata, the Unked Stetes, or any depertment. bureau, instrumanteliry, or agoncy
<br />thereo�. Tho forcgoing is collect�vely relarred to in this document as tha 'property."
<br />It la understood and egread balwean Trustor(a) end Beneliclary that thla Trust Deed la given to aacure:
<br />tu) Pramissory notois� axecuted by Truator�sl to Banaflciery described as lollows:
<br />Date pl Note
<br />DS/07/9B
<br />Princlpel Amount
<br />�80,000.00
<br />peyable accor�inp to tire terms of the note�sl, artd any edderMum to, reamorlizadon or restrvcturi� ol lhe note(s).
<br />ib! 7ha rapoymont In tull bq Truslor(s) of any end alI luture and edditionnl loans or advences which may bo mado by Baneliciory, at iis option,
<br />at tho ruquest of, s�d to or lor the account of Truetor�s}, or any of them, for any purpose, plus Intarest on all (oans or advances, under any
<br />nota{s) or othor instrumontts) modifying, refinencing, extending, rerrewing, raemortizing, or restructuring, naw axiatmg, or additional
<br />inde6tadnoss or uny part thoreof, all payabl0 accoiding to the terms of the notelsi or other instrument(s); provided, howaver, th�t the total
<br />principel irxlebtednoss outstanding arni secured haraby et eny one time will rw( axcead thg sum of:
<br />�s zav,vvu.v� �, oxcius���e o� interest ana protecuve aavancas nutnnnzea patein nr tn tna ionn eprnemennsR provine0 rortner. cnat f nu
<br />(c1 Th0 �opaymunt in full by Trustoris) of afl amounts advanced by Beneficiary at its option, to or on behalf of Trustor�sl es protective advences
<br />uuthorizod herofn, in the loan ugreamontfa►, or in olher instrumant(s) which evidence such advances, plus intarest on a11 such advances, payable
<br />as providod 4n ths nota4sl, loan agteama�lt{aJ, o� other instrumentls}.
<br />Id) 7ho paymont in fvll ol any and aIl other past, present, w iuture, dvect or oontingent, d0bta arM Ifabflities of Trustorlst to Beneliciary of eny
<br />nature whatsoevaa '
<br />7his Ttust Deed will be dua Fabruarv 01, 2,_O1B , or upon the paymant in (ull ot ell sums seCUred hereby.
<br />Trustor�sl heraby werrants thei Truator�s) holds tee aimpla dtle to the abova dascribed properry, that Truator(s) has good and lawful aulhority to
<br />dnqd and ancumbar tha same, that tha proparty is trae and clear of all liana end encumbrancas, excapt encumbrances ol racord, and that
<br />Trustor�s� wili warrnnt and defend the property, at Truatnrys) expanse, against all claimenta whomaoever. Trustorls) elso hereby waivea and
<br />rolir�u�shes aIl rights oi dowar, homestead, distributiva share, end exempUon in and to the above dascribed property,
<br />Trustorla� and sach of them turther cove�ants end agraes wlth BenefEclary ea lopowa;
<br />1. To AeY aIl liens, judgmente, or other assesaments against the property, and to pay when due alf assassmenta, tazas, rsnta, fees, or chargea
<br />upon tho propa�ty or undar eny lease, parmit, license, or privilege essfgned to Bene(Iclary as addltional security to this 7rust Deed, including
<br />. , ..•
<br />Ap p: 00133810 ; P�Imary Cuitomer ID 11: 00070027 ; C{F A: 76870 Legal Doc. Date: May 07, 1998
<br />FCSM 5011 Trust Ooed and Assignment ol Rents Page 1
<br />