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<br />I, Ron Reiser, Assistant Corporate Secretaryfor Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA, being first duly
<br />swom upon oath do hereby state as follows:
<br />I am personally familiar with the Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents, dated May 7, 1998 a.nd executed
<br />by Woitaszewski Brothers Joint Venture, A Joint Venture, (hereinafter referred to as "Trustors")
<br />conveying a security interest in the SW %< of Section 19, Township 12N, Range 11 W 6'" P.M., EXCEPTING therefrom the
<br />following: A small tract of land in the SW'/. of Section 19, Township 12N, Range 11W described as follows: Beginning at a point
<br />380 feet east of the Northwest comer of said SW'/< of Section 19; thence East 50 feet on the North boundary of said SW'/. of
<br />Section 19; thence West 50 feet; thence North 25 feet to the place of beginning; AND EXCEPTING a tract of land described as
<br />the West 50.0 feet of the South 2,417.1 feet of the SW %. of Section 19, Township 12N, Range 11W 6'" P.M.; AND ALSO
<br />EXCEPTING D& W Subdivision, an Addition to the village of Cairo, Hall County Nebraska, to Farm Credit Services
<br />of America, FLCA.
<br />1. On August 1, 2012, a deed of reconveyance of said Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents wa.s
<br />inadvertently recorded which purported to reconvey all of the real estate secured by said Trust Deed and
<br />Assignment of Rents when in fact the reconveyance was a mistalce and it was intended that the Trust
<br />Deed and Assignment of Rents remain of record.
<br />2. The Trustors' debt to Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA, which was secured by said Trust Deed
<br />and Assignment of Rents, has not been paid in full and there remains outstanding •indebtedness owed to
<br />Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA by Trustors.
<br />3. The Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents described herein, dated May 7, 1998, between Farm Credit
<br />Services of America and the Trustors, Woitaszewski Brothers Joint Venture, A Joint Venture, is
<br />atta.ched hereto and filed herewith to reassert the lien of Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA. The
<br />above-referenced mistaken deed of reconveyance was dated August 1, 2012, and recorded as Instrument
<br />No 201206330, of the Mortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />On this ��� day September ; 2012, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and
<br />Sta.te, personally appeazed Ron Reiser, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that he/she is an
<br />Assistant Corporate Secretary of Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA, a corporation, and.that said
<br />instrument was signed as the voluntary act and deed of said individual on behalf of said corporation.
<br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. Sept. 4, 2013
<br />.
<br />Notary Public
<br />Affidavit - Wrongful Trust Deed Release - Woitaszewski Bros JV
<br />09/11/2012
<br />