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<br /> _ ,� . ; ' pdnci�sai amount of the Indebtedneas socured by thia Deed o!Ttust,not Including aums advanced to protect the secudty oi thls Deed of
<br /> �'r. :� �' Truat,exce�d the originat principal amount eteted heroln,or S ��5,AaG o�ai ,wh�heve�is greater.
<br /> � , 18.�Al�cdl�n�ous Provi�lon�.
<br /> . ,k ' - (o)Borrow�r Not R�I�as�d.Extenslon oi lho tlme for payment or moditicatlpn otomortizadon of the sums aecured by thia
<br /> Oeed oi Tr�st granted by Lender to any successor In Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,In eny manner,the Ilabiti•
<br /> r. ty ot fhe original Borrower end Borrower's succesaors In Interest. Lender shall not be required tn commer�ce prceeedinga
<br /> ?'�� apatnst euch successor or r�tuse to axtend time for peyment or etherwise modify emortization of the sums socured by thls
<br /> Oeed ot Trust by reason oi eny demenda made by the origlnel Borrower and Borrowers successors In Interest.
<br /> �.; ,� ' �� (b)Ltnd�P�Povwrs.Without eftecUng the Ilabillty of eny other person�lable for Ihe peyment ot any obllgaUon herein men-
<br /> tloned,and without nifecting the Ilen or chaege ot thls Deed of Trust upon any poNon of the Property not then or theretofore
<br /> ` rslessed as security for the full emowit of ail unpaid obligatlona,Lender may, fr�m Gme to Ume and without noGca(()release
<br /> any person so Ilable,(II)extend tho metudty or aiter any of the terms of any such obligaUons,(ifl)grant other indulgences,(iv)
<br /> � �'`t releaee or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed et any time et Lendere option eny parcel, portion or ell of the
<br /> ``�J� ' Property,(v)take or release any other or eddldanel securlty for any obllgaUon hereln mentloned,or(vi)make composftlons or
<br /> other arrangementa with debtors trr relation thereto.
<br />'�—.*---�--�- {c)For6earanc�by Lendtr Not a W�Iver.My forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth•
<br />^'- ,F, envise aff�rded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver of or prealude the exercise of any such dght or remedy.The procur�-
<br /> .. �� mereR ot insur�nce or 4�a paymen3 of taxes or other Iisns or chargea by Lender shall rat be a waiver or Lenders rtght to acceter-
<br /> , �Z, ate tt�e maturity o9lfia indebtedness secured by ihis�aed af Trust
<br />�:����'. ., �,,� (¢3)Successoa and Atsipns Bu�ar��i;Jotnt and Several Ltabflity;Captlons.The covenants and agreements herei�o�tr
<br />,:,1;-?�.;':?:•��`''.��;; 9nined shall bind,and the rights hereunde�shell Inure W,the reapective auccessoro and assigns oi Lender and Truator,rAM
<br /> '����'?;:.`;'� covenants and agreementa of Trustor sheil be Joint and several.The captbns and headings of the paragrephs ot this Deed oi
<br /> ' Trust are for convenience onty and are not to be used to Interpr9t or deflne the provfslons hereof.
<br />°-_'�:�.��;%`' (e)Raqu�st for NoHa�s.The partfes hereby request that a copy of any notice ot defauit hereunder end a copy of any noUce
<br /> P`" of sale hereunder be mail�d to each party to this Deed ot Trust et the addreas setioRh above in the manner preac�ibad by
<br />��'�_��:'?• applicable law.Fxa�pt for any other notice requlred uncier ap�li�.��le law to be fliven k�enother manner,a�y notice provided tar
<br /> :;:�;.�'�� in this Deed of Trust shatl be piven by meitinp auch nodce Gy certltled mall eddroased to the other partlea,et ths addrees set
<br /> _.;:YL_ry__ forth ebove.Any not�e provlded fa In lhls Des�ot Truat shali be eHective upon melltnp In the manner desipnatsd hsrein. If
<br /> ��=�;;.��"" Tm�sta le more than ons pereon,notice eent to the eddreea aet forlh above shail be notice to ell euch persom.
<br />-�;,;��,r��_ (n Imp�ctlon.L�nder m�y mak�ar aus�to b�mad�nason�bU mtrN�upon�nd Inspactlom of lh�Property,providsd
<br /> —.��n tfuit L�nctn�ludt piw Tni�tor nolice prla lo�ny wch inspsctlon�psclfylny re�sonabN c�uw th�rolor rslelad to LentNr'e Intsr•
<br />�����'�i� e�l in Ihe PropeRy.
<br /> `�"�' (p)R�eonwyanc�.Upon p�ym�nt ol dl sums sacured by thls Doed of Truat,Lender ehall request Truetee to rsconvey the
<br /> . Prop�Ay�nd sh�tl �urrend�r thls Osed oi Trust and all note�evidenclny Indebtedneae eecured by thia Deed oi Trust to
<br /> _y-r� Tmstee,T�u�tse�hall reconvey ths Properiy,wlthcwt warcanty and wfthout charfle to the peraon a peraons IepeNy sntltlsd
<br /> therelo.Tru�tor�hall pay ell cals oi reoordatlon,If any.
<br /> _�i—�� (h)P�nonal Prop�rly; d�cu►Ity A�nwn�As edditlonal aecurlty for the payment of the Note,Truator hereby prenta
<br /> Lender under the Nebraake UnNorm Commercfel Code a sxurity Interost in all 8xturoa, equipment,and other peraonal pnoperty
<br /> used In connectlon with the roal estate or Improvements Iocated thereon,end not otMrwiae declared or deertisd to be a paR of
<br /> the reat esteta eecured heraby.Thfs inswment ahail be conahued es n Security Agresment under aeid Coda,and the Lender
<br /> __� ahall have all the rlghts end remedies oi a secured party under aaid Code fn eddidon to the�(ghts end remedies creatad undet
<br /> , and acoordeA the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust;provided that Lender's�(ghts end remedles under fhb parepreph ehaN
<br /> 6e cumuledve with,end in no way a Ifmitetion on,Lender's rights end remedles under eny other aecu�lty eyroament eigned by
<br /> Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> (i)LNns and Eeeumbr�nc�s.Trusta hereby warrante and repreaer►ts that thero Is no default under the provieto�s ot any
<br /> mort�ege, deed of truat,bese or purchaae contract descrfbing all or any part of tha Prnpaity,or othar oonlroct,instrument a
<br /> apreement constitutinp a Ilen or enatmbrance agalnst all or any pa�t of the Propedy(oollecHvely,'Llens"),existlnp aa of!he �
<br /> date of this Deed of Trust,and thet any and all existlng L(ena remaln unmodifled except as diadoaed to Lender i�Truatcx'a writ-
<br /> ten diaclosure oi Itens and ancumbrances provided tor heraln.Truator shall timely pe�form all of Trustot'a oblipations,
<br /> covenants,repreaentattona and wartanUes under any and all exisNng and future Ltens,shall prompdy forvvard to Lender cop�ea
<br /> ---�---- ot all notices oi defeult sent in con�ection with any end all existing or tuture Liens,and shall not without Lender's prlor wdtten
<br /> consent In any manner modify the provialons of or ailow any future arivances under any exiating or future Ilena.
<br /> (j)Appltcatton ot Payrn�nb.Unless otherwise required by taw,suma pald to Lendar hereunder,InGudinp witFNwut NmitaGor+
<br /> paymente ot principal and Interest,Inaurence proceeds,condemnatlon proceeda end ronte and profks, nhall bs appiled by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing irom 1'rustor and Bortower In euch order as le�der in tb sole dlscretlan deema dustr-
<br /> abla. •
<br /> (k)Mv�r�blilty.If any provisbn of thia DAad W Trust oontlicts wtth eppikxble law or Is declarod Invatid or Wbenui�e unen-
<br /> toresable,euch confllct or InvaNdtty shall not effect the other provtatans of thia Deed o1 Truat or the Nots which can bs given
<br /> effect without the contl�tlng provision,end to fhis end the provisiona of this Deed of Trust and the Nots are declarod to be sev-
<br /> erabte.
<br /> (I)T�nns.The terms`Trusta"end'Bamower"shall include bath stnpu�ar and plurel,and when the Truataand BoROwer aro
<br /> the same peroon(s),those tertna es used In this Deed of Trust ahall be Interchengeade.
<br /> (m)Oov�minp Law.Thls Deod oi Trust shall be govemed by the lews oi the Stste ot Nebraske.
<br /> �
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<br /> - __�-:�l Truator has executdtl t�s�eed oi Trust as ot the date�w�n�bove.
<br /> �c�v��
<br /> �s � , .
<br /> � DIiAEflE R. LEMIS , Hu�band Trustor Tnietor
<br /> =-� . r,
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