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<br /> ' 'Proceeda")In connectlon wlth condemnatlon or other tekinp oi the Property or paA thereof,or for convey�ce in Ileu oi condemnatlon.
<br /> ' Lender ahell be entitled at Its option ta commence,appear In end prosecute In its own name any actlon or proceodings,and ehall elao 4
<br /> 6e entitkid to make any compromise or s6ttlement In connectlon with such taking or damage. In the event any portion of the Property Is C,_.
<br /> so teken or damagod, Lender shali have the optlon In ite aole and ebsolute diocrdtlon,to eppty ell such proceeds, after deducting �-
<br /> thereirom all costs end expenees Incurred by it In cannectbn wlth such Prooeede,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby en8���M --
<br /> order as Lendar mey determine,or to apply all such Proceeds,efter such deductbns,to the restoretlon of lhe PropeRy upo --.
<br /> . didons es Lender may determine.Any eppllcaUon ot Proceedn to indebtadness shell not extend or postpone the due date of eny pay- �,.,
<br /> � ments under the Note,or cure any detauit thoreunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funda shail be pald to Trustor. -
<br /> g,po�fortnanco by�.endar. Upon the occurrencs ot an Event ot De(autt hereunder, or N any act Is teken or legpl proceed(ng �r.
<br /> commenced whlch materially affects Lender's Interest In the Property,Lender may In Ita own discretlon,but withoul obliga8on to do,o. �
<br /> . �-�'�•• r� and without notice to or demand upon Trustor end without reteasing Truator from any obllgation,do any act which Truator has agreed
<br /> but feiled to do and may elso do any other act It deems necessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor shali, immediately upon
<br /> a� demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender eli costs end expenses(ncurred and ��rns expended by Lender In connection with the exer-
<br />-- - • � cise by Lender oi the foregoing rights,together with interest thereon at the defadt rate provlded fn the Noto,which shali be added to
<br /> �s the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shail not incur any ilability because of anything It may do or omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> 8. H�sardous MAteriais. Trustor shal! keep the Property in campliance with a0 applicable laws,ordinances and regulations
<br /> �� relatfng to IndusMal hygiene or envlronmental protectlon(callectively referred to harein as'Environmental Laws')•Tnisto�shatl keep
<br /> ' the Property free irom all subatancea deemed to be hazardoua or toxic under any Ernironmental Laws(collectivety referred to here�n
<br /> ,�'�s.;• : as'Hazard�us Materlals').Trustor hereby warrants and representa to l.ende� that there are�o Mazardaus Materiats on or under the =_
<br /> �'���`"� " Property.Tn�stor hereby agrees to indomnNy and hold harmless Lender,fla dir�dors,officers,employees and agents,and any�ucces- -_
<br /> '•::�-�l`'�i'. sora to Lender's interest,iram and ageinst any and nll cl�ms,damages,losses end Iiabilitiea ariaing in connection with the presence, _
<br /> �i���.�.,�i f
<br /> �.,.`�,,,,�;,.. . .
<br /> , 10.Assl�nm�nt of R�nts.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and granls Lender a secu�ity interest in,all present,future and
<br />�. � � after arising rents,issues end proftts of the Property;provlded that Truator shall,until the occurronce of an Event oi Default,hereunder,
<br /> �;,;s.;�: have the right to collect and retain such rents,issues end proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of en Event oi
<br /> Qefeult,Lender mey,either In person or by agent,with a without bringing any acfion or proceeding, or by a recelver app�inted by a
<br /> - .`� couR and withqut regard to the adequacy of Its secudty. enler upon and take possesslon of the Property,or any paR thereot,in ite own
<br /> .�'.' :•;
<br /> w, .. ;,,.f� name or in lhe neme of the Trustee,and da eny acts whlch it deama necesaery or dealrable to praserve the value, marketeblllly or
<br />- '°�� renWbllity oi the Proparty,or eny part thereoi or Intere�t thereln,or w Increase the Income thereRom or protect the aecudry hereoi and,
<br /> .�_'v;��r� wlth or wlthout taking posaosalon of the Property�eua for or olherwise collect the rente,Iseuse�nd protlt�theroof,InGudinq tho�e ps�l
<br />.;;;;:nti�� due and unpaid,by notityi�p tenanta to make peymenta b l.ender.Lender may�pply rents,issue�md proflt�,less costs and expsns-
<br />�:;:r�,��� e�of operetbn end collecGon Includlnp attomeys teea,lo eny Indebtedness secu►ed heroby,all In such ordor ss Lender rt►ay deter-
<br /> �_rr�� mine.The snterinp upon end taklnp poasesslon oi the Propedy,the coliectlon of nuch rsnte,Issues snd profita, and ths ePP���
<br /> --_-
<br />