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<br /> 1T.Transfer��t the Praperty u�eneftciul Intemst In Bnrrowcr.If ull or n�rt��f ti,�Properiy ur any intcrest in it
<br /> is snld or truntifcrred(c�r if u benctir�ul interest in Borrowcr is sold or transfcrrcd :�nd urrowcr is nut u nuturul person) without
<br /> y� � I.cndcr'r prior written a�nscut, l.c�Zdcr ►nay, at its option, rcquirc immcdiutc paym�nt in fuU of ull sums sccurcJ by this
<br /> w�.:� � Securtty Instrumcnt. H�iwever. thi,uptiuu�hull nut fx:uxcrciu:d by L.cnder if czcrz�sc ts prohihited hy fedcrnl I i►w u:nf the date ._
<br /> ��f thiti Scrurity instrument.
<br />-=�'"'`' li'l.ender exercises this optian, l.ender shull bive Borrc�wer natice of nrrcicrcitinn. Thc notice shall pr�wide a periad of not
<br /> v,e,._,� Icss thun 30 duys from thc datc thc nodce is dclivcred or mu�lcd within which Born��vcr mu,t pay ull sums securMi by this
<br /> .,;. �.� Sccurity Inxtrumcnt. If Borrnwer fuils to puy thesc wms priar to the expiratiun of' this periixl.I.�:ndcr muy invokc uny remedies
<br /> permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> I8. Bnrrow•er's Ri�ht ta Relnstute. if Borcower mects certuin conditic�ns, Bottower shul! huve the right to have
<br /> � � enforcement of chis Sccurity in,trument discantinued at any timc prior to !he e:ulier of: (u)5 days (e�r such �ther period as
<br /> "'t�' � upplicable law may specify for reinstatemcnt) before sule of the Property pursuant to uny pc�wcr of sule cantuir�ci in this
<br /> -,�.^�:;��; Security Instrument;or(b)entry af u judgment enf�rcing this Security Instrurnent. Those conditians arc that Borrower: (u)pays
<br /> = � I.cnder all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Note a+ if no acceleration hud occuned; (b)
<br /> ' � . `�.� cures nny default of uny other covenunts or s�greernents;(c)pays ull expenses incurn.�d in enforcing this Securiry Instrument,
<br /> �..��_:.,�`�. including, but not limited to, reasonable uttorneys'Fees;and(d)takes such action us Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> -:��•�. that the lien af this Security Instrument, L.cnder's rights in the Property and Barrower's obligntion to pay the sums secural by
<br />,.':�.�.�•�'•' � this Securiry Instrument stiall conttnue unchunged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instrument and the
<br /> `'«+�t•�`.�.. � oblig:nions secured hereby shall remuin fully effective as if uo acceleratian h�d occurrrJ. However, this right to rcinstate shall -
<br />-=;�,����� not upply in the case of acceleration under puragraph 17.
<br />`; ..•.►:=� ; 19. Snle of Note: Change ot l.oan Servicea The Note ar a paniul interest in the Note (tagether with this Secucity
<br /> Instrument)muy be sold one or more times without prior nutice to Borrower. A sale muy result in a change in the cntity (known
<br /> � . us the"Loan Scrvicer")that collects manthly payments due under the Note und this Security Instrument. Therc ulso may be onc
<br /> "�'�-�� or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to n sale of the Note. if there is a chnnge of the Loan Servtcer, Borrower will be
<br /> �� --- givr.n written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above ar►d applicable luw.The notice will state the name and
<br /> --_— address of the new Loan Servicer t►nd the address to which payments should be mude. The notice will ulso cantain any othcr
<br />---- —_ information required by applicable law,
<br /> ��:� 20. Hazardous Substences. Horrower shall not cause or permit thc presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> - - Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Botrowcr shall not do, nor allow anyone elsc to do, anything affecting the
<br /> �a Property thAt ts in violution of any Environmental Law.The preceding two scntences shall not apply to the pmsence. use. or
<br /> storaue on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are gencrnlly r�ecognized to be appropriate to normnl
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall protr�ptly give Lender written natice of uny investigation,claim. demund. lnwsuit or other actfon by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or privute party involving the Properry and uny Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any Bovernmental or regulatory authority, thut
<br /> • any removal or other remediation of uny Hazardous Substsince affecting the Property is necessary,Bonower shall promptly take
<br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental I.,aw.
<br /> As used in this parngraph Z0. "Ha•rardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazerdous substances by
<br /> Environmental [.aw and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene. other flanmable or toxic petroleum Products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials rontaining asbestos or formaldehyde. and radloactive matenais.As used in
<br /> ; this paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" �neans federal laws and laws of the jurisdictiun where the Property is located that
<br /> _ � relnte to health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ' NQN-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender funher covenant and agree os follows:
<br /> : 21. Acceleration;Remedtes. Lender shall gtve notice to Borrower�rlor to acceleration following Borrower's breach
<br /> ot any covens�nt or agreement tn thEs Security Inst�vment (bnt not prlor to ecceleratton under puagr�ph 17 unless
<br /> applicable law provldes otherwise).The notice slutll specify: (a)the defxult; (b) the action requfred to cure the default;
<br /> (c)�date,not less than 30 dstys from the date the not[ee is given to Borrowec,by whtch the dePaWt must be cured;and
<br /> (d) that Pailure to cure the default on or before the dute specitir.d in the noNce may result in aoceleration ot the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument and ss►Ie of the Property. The notice shall further tnfortn Borrower of the rtght to
<br /> reinstate at�er acceleration and the right to bring a court t�ction to assert the non-existence of st defonit or any other
<br /> defense ot Burrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dAte specified in the notice.
<br /> � Lender, at(ts option, may require Immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thia Security Instrument without
<br /> further demand and may tnvoke the power of safe and any other remeclies permitted by appltcable iaw. Lender shall be
<br /> entit[ed tu collect all expenses(ncurred In pursuing the remedies provided fn thfs para�aph 21,including,but not lim[ted
<br /> to,rcasonable attorneys'fees and ensts of tttte evldence.
<br /> • It the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shull record u notice ot dcFault In each county In whlch �ny pa�Q3 of the
<br /> property is located and shall matl coptes of such notice in the manner �mscribed by appl[cable Iaw to Borrower and ta
<br /> the other pe►sons prescrlbed by appllcable law. After the time required by appl(cable iaw,Tnistee shall gtve public notice
<br /> of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee,w[thout demand on Borrower,shall sell
<br /> the Property at publ[c auctton to the highest b[dder et the time att�!place and under the terms designated(n tMe notice of
<br /> - sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustec determines.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any p�rcel of the
<br /> Property by publie annouacement at the tlme and place of any prevtously schednled sale.Lender or its designee m�y
<br />---- purchese the Property at any sale.
<br /> �—--- • Form 802@ 9190
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