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<br /> � ,�i ►hr ���ti�m �d I.rndc•r, il mnrt�;u�;c• in�:uranrr rn�•rr,��;� (in thr amuunt i�nJ fi�r thr. �riuJ that l.endc:r rryuirC:;)
<br /> rrn�iJ�d hy an insurrr n���n�crJ h� I.rm.lrr a�;uitt hrrumrti at•ullahlr anJ is nhtiiinrJ,H��rrna•er shull pay the prrmiums
<br /> rryiiirr�l r�� mnin�:�in m��rrE�:�t:�• im:ur�nrr in rPfr�t.��r tn pru�•iJr :� lu;s �r;�f�r, until ttir rryuirrm�nt for mcirt�a�r
<br /> � im;urunrr�nds io cirr��rdi+ncr��•ith any�+rittrn agrrrm�nt t►rt��•rrn tiurn���•�rund I.rnJcr ur upplicuhle lu��•.
<br /> `' �'` �), luspectiun. l.rndrr��r it�;�grnc m��y m.�kr rras�maihlr rntrirs u��n nnc!insFx:cti�msut thc I'r���rty.I,enJarshall
<br /> �;i�r I�urnm�rr nntirr;�t thr timr��P��r�riur tu z�n insprcti�m ti�xcil��in�;rra:�muhlr ca��.sr f��r thc inspectiun.
<br /> 10. ('undrmnatiun.'ll�r prv�crrds: nf:�ny�n��arJ��r rlaim tur Jama�;rs,clirr�t ur c�msryuentiul,in cnnnecti�m«�ith
<br /> any c�mJrtnnati�m nr�rthcr t:�kin�;ut.ni�• r:�rr ��f thr 1'rn�,erq•, nr fnr cnm•rJ��ner in licu nf runJrmnutiun, urr hrrrh}�
<br /> �tstiitinr�l:ind shall hr p:�iJ tn Lrndrr.
<br /> In thr r��rnt n�' �tntnl takin�nf thr f'rurrrt�•, tl►r pru�rrdy shall hr :�prlird tu�hr sum::�rcurrJ 1��• tl�iaSc�:urity
<br /> lnstrumrnt,a'hethrT�q'rn�t thrn�lur,a•ith an� C�rrsti p�id t��H�irr�m�rr.In the r�•rnt ut a partial t�king��f the Pru�erty in
<br /> , ��•hirh thr f:�ir murkrt�•ulur ut thr I'rn�rt� immrdiatrly tx;f��rC�he takink is ry��al tu��r grrater thun the am��unt uf thc
<br /> tium��rriired hJ this tircuriq Intitrumrnt imrnrJi:+�rl�•hrforC thr t:,king, unlc:s�Nurr��wer and LCnJr.r uthcn��isC agrrr
<br /> in«•riting,thc�ums srcurrJ h}�thi�Sr�•uri�J• Instrumrnt shull he rrdurrJ hy thcumnunt nP thr.pruceeJs multiplird hy
<br /> . thr f�dl�n�•ing fractiun:(a) thr t��tc�l am��unt��f ehC sums securCJ immCdiatrly fiet��rc the taking,Jividecl h3� (h) the f:�ir
<br />_ markrc ��al«a nf thr E'n��rty�immrJintrl��hrt��rr the taking. Anp halancr shall hC paid tu Aorruwer. In the cvent of a
<br /> �artial taking ut dir f'ruprrty iu��hi�h thr(uir markct ��uluc uP the 1'ru�xrt}�i nimCdiatrly hefore the taking is fess than
<br /> thC am��unt�d chr sums se�ured immeJiatrl�•heFurc thr taking,unl�H��rro��rrand Lender othrrwi�agreC in writing
<br />: ' ' nr uulrss apPlicahlr lat�• nther«�isr pn�vidrs, thr pr��rrrds shull hr aPrlird tn thr sums se�ured hy this Secutity
<br /> . ,
<br /> Instrumrnt«•hethrr nr nnt thr sums arr thrn�lur.
<br />-��A•�;�F� IP thr I'n�rrrt� is ahandnnrJ h�• Iinrr��u�rr,nr it,aEtrr nutirr h�•l.encicr tu f�mm�•er that the wndrmnur uffers tn
<br /> ' mal:c an a��•�rd ��r settlC u rluim fnr Jxmagrs, Hurru«•rr fails tu rrs�xmci tu Ixnclrr «�ithin 30 days aftcr thr ciate the
<br />�:"�;. � n�iticr is gi�en,Lender is auth��rizCJ t��r�dlrct:�nd apply thC prureeJs,at itsur,tiun,cither tu restoration or repair of thr
<br />- ' � f'ru�erty�or tu thr sums srcured b}•this Srcurity Instrument,«•hrthcr ur n��t thCndur.
<br />_?�^�� . C'nlr.�.ti L�ndCr anJ H��rnn��Cr uther�visr:�grrc in i►•riting,s,nl�applirati�m��f pn�ceeds tu principai shall not e�enJ or
<br /> Exist�mr thr dur date nf thr m�mthl�• �ay�mCn�s referrrd tu in psragraphs 1 and 2 or change the umount of sueh
<br />.=-:i�;� paymrnts.
<br /> ��`-'''--- I 1. Barrower N��t Releascd; F��rbe�rsnce Hy Lender Not a 1Yaiver.Ea�tension of the time for payment ur
<br /> -_�= m�►dificatiun o[am��rtization uf thv sums secured hy this security InstrumCntgrantrd by L.enaer to nny succe�sor in
<br /> �=�i intCrest of Aurmwer shall not uperate to relea.sr the liability� of the original Hc�rrower or Iiorrower's successots in
<br /> ,=== interrst. Lendcr shsll nat be reyuired u�commcnce pr�Keedings:�gainst any succ��r in interest or refuse to oxtend
<br /> _ " timC f��r paymCnt�r other�vise m<�Jif}•amnrtizati�m��f thc sums sc�:ureJ by this 5ecurity Instrument by reason of any
<br /> demanJ made by the original Bnrro��•rr or Biirro�ver's succe.s�ors in interest. Anp fort�earancr by Lender in exCrcising
<br /> ,_ ---- ' an�•right or remedy shall not br a wai��er uf��r precludC thc cxercise uf any rightnr remed��.
<br /> - ' 12.Successors and Assigns B��und;Juint and Se�•eral Lisbility;Cr�-sign�rs.The cuvenan�s and agre�ments
<br /> — u4 this Security Instrumene shall bind.+nd }+anefit the sttcc�.sscirs and as.Signs n� l.ender and Aorrower,subjec:t to the
<br /> � # provisions of paragr.�ph 17.Horrower's cm•enants and agrrem�nts shall be riint end s�veral.Any$orruwer who co-signs
<br /> � this Security Instrument but do�nut execut� the NotC: (a) is co-signing this Sec:urity Instrument only to mortgage,
<br /> 'r. grnnt and convey that Borro�ver's interest in the Property undcr tha tCrms o� this Security Instrument; (b) is not
<br /> � personally obligated ta pay the sums securecl by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that L.ender and any other
<br /> _ , . Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or make any uccommodations with regard to the terms of this Security
<br /> �' - < Instrument or the 1Vate withuut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> �, 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured hy this Security Instrument is subja:t to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> . chargz�, and that law is finaUy interpreted so that thC interest or other loan chatges collected or to be calleetad in
<br /> ronnection with tha luan exceed the permitted limits. then: (a) any surh loan charge shall ba reduced by the amount
<br /> nr�:e.csary to redurr th� charge ta the prrmittrci limit; and (b) any sums already collecteci from Borrower which
<br /> r • excctidCd permitted limits �cill be refunded to Borrc���Cr. Lendrr may eh�se ta muke this refund by red��cing the
<br /> prin��pt�l owed under the h'ate ur by making n direct payment to$orrowCr.If arrfuna reduces principal,tha reduc:tion
<br /> , «iU 4��ereated as a partial prepag•rintlnt without any prepayment ch�rg�under tiie ti'ote.
<br /> 14. I�otices. Any notice to Borrower prea��ided tor in this Security Instn�rnent shall bo givrn by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first cla�mail unless applicai�le ia�v reyuires use nf another method.The notice sb;a?!be directed to tha
<br /> f'rup�rty Address or any uther nJdress$orrowCr designates by notice to Lendrr.�ny notice to[xnder shall be given by
<br /> first ela�mail tu Lender's addre�s stated herein or any��ther addrrss Lcnder d�signates by notice to Bc�rrower.Any �
<br /> -- nutice provided far in this Securit��Instniment shall be deemeci to have Y�en gi�•en to Borrower or Lendcs�wfien given
<br /> __-- us prucided in this paragraph.
<br /> - !S. Governiag I,aw;5everabilit�•.'I'his Se�;urity instrument shall he gc���ented hy federal law and the law of the
<br /> --.�.v , jurisdictiun in which the Pmperty is lucatrd.In the e�•Cnt thnt an��pruvisiun nr clausr uf this Security Instrumrnt ur the
<br /> --__---- tiote cunflicts with applicablr latv,such�onflict shall n��t affec:t uther provisionsof tl►i�;Security Instrumnntar che\TOte
<br />.°°=:-� «•hich can br gi��en etPert e•ith��ut the r��nflirting pto��isinn.'Tc�this end thepr�n•isians of this Security Instrumentand
<br /> �
<br />