' 201207624
<br /> DOC SD #: OD024376067008012
<br /> are insured 6y a f'ederal agency, insrrumentality or entitv; or (tl) Electrnnic Funds Transfer_ Llpon
<br /> reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and obligations secured hereby shal] remain fully
<br /> effecti�e as if no acceleration had occurred.However,this right tn reinstate shall Rot apply in the case nf
<br /> ac�elerafior�under Section 1 S.
<br /> 20. 5xle ol'lVole;Change uf Luan Sen�icer; Notice of Grievrnce.The Nole ur a�ar[iaJ i�leresl in die Nule
<br /> (together with this Security Instrument)can be sold one or more times without prior reotice to Sorrower,A
<br /> sale might result in a change in the entity(known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects Periodic Paymencs
<br /> due under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations
<br /> under the Note,this Security Instrument,and Applicable Law.There also might be one or more chan�es of
<br /> the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. IF there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bnrrower will
<br /> 6e given wrillen nnlice nf IhP chan�e w•hich will s(ale lhe narne�tnd�icldress of Ilie nr.w L�x+n Servicer,lhe
<br /> address ro which payments should be made and any nther infarmation RESPA requires in connection with
<br /> a notice of transFer of servicing. IFthe Nnte is sold and thereafter the Loan is servlced by a Loan Servicer
<br /> ather tliau lhe purcliaser uf lhe Vnle,the murlgage luan servicing u6ligaliuns lu Bun�ower will renuiu wilh
<br /> the Loan Servicer or be Iransferred to a successor Loan Servicer and aze aot ass�imed by the Note purchaser
<br /> uriless otherwise provided by the Va�e purchaser.
<br /> Neilher Runvwer nor Lender rnay comrnence,juin, ur !�e joinrd lu auy juelicial acliun (.is eillier ;�n
<br /> individual 3ltigant or the member of a class} that arises from the other pacty's actions parsuant to this
<br /> Security Instrument or that a�leges that the other party has 6reached any provision oF,or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of,this 5ecuriry Instrument,uifiil such Borrower or Lendee•I�as notifled the other party(with sucli
<br /> nntice given in rnmpliance,rvith the requirements of Section l5) nf such alleged breach and afforded the
<br /> other partv hereto a reasonable period atter the giving of such notice to take corrective action.lf Applica6le
<br /> I.aw provides a time period which must elapse be€ore certain action can bc takcn,that timc prriod�vill bc
<br /> deemed tn he reasnnable fnr purposes nf t3�is paragraph.The notice nf acceleration and opporlunity lo cure
<br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Seciion 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Sorrower pu�suant to
<br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective action provisions of this
<br /> Sectio�i 2D.
<br /> 21. Haaardous Substances. As used in this 5ection E1: (a} "Haaardous 5ubstances" are those su6stances
<br /> defincd as toxic.or hazardous substances, pollutants,or wastes b��F.nvirnnmenfal L.aw and the fnllnwing
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, olher flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and
<br /> herbicides,voJatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive maEerials; (b)
<br /> "�nviror�mcntal Law" rricans Ccdcral laws and laws uC tf�e jurisdiclimt wtiere the Property is located that
<br /> relate to health, safety vr environmental protection; {c} "Ena•ironmental Cleanup" includes any resgonse
<br /> actinn,remedial action,or removal action, as defined in En��ironmeatal Law;and (d) an "Em�ironmental
<br /> Condition"means a condition that can cause,contri6ute to,or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup.
<br /> Rn�•mwer slrall nnt r.ause nc• periuit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstances,or threaten to relcase any Haz.ardous Substances,on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone clse to do,anything at�ccting thc Property (a) Uiat is iu viulalian nf any E����iramne�ital
<br /> Law, (b)�vhich creates an Environmental Condition,or(c}��hich,due to the presence,use,or release of a
<br /> Hazazdous Suhstance,creates a condition that adversely afFecGs the value of the Property, The preceding
<br /> two sentences shall no! apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small yuantities of
<br /> Hazarcfous Subsl�'�nces tha[ are generaliy recagnized to he appropriate tn nnrmal residentia�uses and tn
<br /> niaintei�ance of the Propert_y(including,but not limited to,hazardous substances in consumer products).
<br /> Borrotver shall promptly give Lender written notice of (a) ��y invesligaliuf�, claitu, demai�d, laws�it or
<br /> other actiai by any governmental or reguJatory agency or privale party involving the Property and any
<br /> Hazardous Substance or Environrnental Law of �vhich 8orrower has actual knowledge, (b) any
<br /> �nviranmental Condition,including but not limited to,any=spilling,ieaking,discharge,rcleasc or threat of
<br /> release nf an��Hazardnus Suhstance, and {c) any cnnditinn caused by the presence, use or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance�vhich adversely affects the valoe of the Property.If Sorrower learns,nr is noliGed by
<br /> ,iny govertirnenlail ur regidatury aulhurily,ur.iny priv�te�}arly, Ihal any reninval nr nther�•emediatinn of
<br /> any Hazardous Substance affecEin�the Property is necessary,Borrower shall prornptly take all necessary
<br /> remedial acflons in accordance with Environmentai Law. Nothing herein shalI crcaEc any obligatioii on
<br /> Lender For an Environ�nenta]Cleanup.
<br /> NO�I-UNIFORM COW'ENAIVTS.Borrower and Lender fhrther co�enant and agree as follows:
<br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gi�e notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following
<br /> Rurrnwer's hreach uf any cnr•en:�nt ur xgreemenl in lhis Security Inslrument (but not prior to
<br /> acceleration under Section IS unless Applicable Law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify:
<br /> (a)the defaukt;(b)the action required to cure the default;(c)a date,not]ess than 30 days from the
<br /> dale the notice is giveu to Borrower,by whicli lhe defaulf must be cured;and{d}that failare to cure
<br /> the default un or before the date specified in the notice may result in accelerxtion aT the sums seeured
<br /> NEBRASKA—Single Family—Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF6RM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1101
<br /> �eed of TrusUNE
<br /> 2D06--NE(12111) Page 10 of 12
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