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<br /> S. �uinrd nr I'ro�xrty In�uru��cc. liurn�«rr .h�dl I�rcp Ihr iropn��rmrnt� nu�� �u.Im� �n h.�r,�li.r rrrrir�l un ihr
<br /> Nru�krty in,urr�l aE:�iml lu�� h� li�c.h:vard. mrlude�l ��nhin Ihe trrm "cthndrJ ����.;��c an�l .m} �,ihrr hanutt,. inrludin�
<br /> Ilwx1,ur il�tixling, 1a�r��hirh l.cml�r rr��uin, imur:mrr. I'hi. in.ur,mre�h:dl hr m:►inl,unrd in ihe�un��uut�an�l fi�r thr peri�kl�
<br /> that I.rnd�r r«�uirc._ Ih�m,ur,mr�r;u�r�rr��ra�•i�liti�; th� tn,uranrc�hall hc.•h�,.rn i,� H��u„��ri .uhir.i o� I:nJ.•i'..�ppi���.�1 =
<br /> ��hich +Ir.�ll nut hc uoreu,unuhl�•a•ithhrld. It' Hurn,��er I:iil� tu roain�ain rrncruE� �t.,rrilxd ;ih���r. I.en�ler nei�. ;il I en�le�•'�
<br /> uptiun.nhtuin�u�•erug�tai prutrcl I_endcr'.ri�h1, in thr Nruprrty iu:irrurdunre��itli paragr,iph 1.
<br /> All insurance{x�lirics at�d re�tcw:►Is �h:►11 hc arccpt:►hlc tu l.rnder��nd +h:dl inrlud�a�tanil;�nl nwrt�;;i�;c clau+c. l.cndrr
<br /> ,hall have the right tai huld the pali�ieti und rrncwal+. If Lrndcr�tiyuirr.. Hurru��er�hall prumptl}• �;i��r tu Lrnd.r;dl rereipt.��1'
<br /> paid prcmiums und renc�val naticc+. In thc cvcnt ut'lo�,. Hurruwcr.liidl givr prumpt nuticc��� Qic iu,uraurr rarricr und I.cudcr.
<br /> l.cndcr muy mal:c prax�f uf I��ss if n��t mcric prumptly hy Borrowcr.
<br /> Unles,Lendcr :�nJ Bormwer��thenvise agRC in writing, insur.mcc prurecds shull he appli��l t�►r��curution ur repair al the
<br /> Propcny damased.it ihc restoration or repair i.ecunomirally feusihlc i�nd Lcndcr's.ecurity iti not letiscncd. p'thr rc.rturutiun ur
<br /> repair is not economir�lly Fcasible ur Lender's�ecuriry wauld he Iesscned, the intiuran��pmccais tihull he appli�tii tu the�ums
<br /> secured by this Securily Instrunxnt,whether nr nut then duc, with any rxcerti paid ta R��rrowcr. If Aurruwcr uh:uiJ��ns the
<br /> Property, �r daes not anawcr withi n 30 dayti u noticc from I.cndcr thut thc insurancc ci►rricr h:4r uffrrcd ti�+citic a cluim, thrn
<br /> Lender mny coqect the insurance procceds. I.cnder may usc the puxecds tn repuir or restorc the Property ur tu puy sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whether or nut then due. The 30-day peri�xl will begin when the nutice iti given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of ��nxeal+ tn principal shull not extend ix
<br /> postpone thc due datc of the monthly payments rcfcrral to in paragr.�phs 1 and 2 or change thc umaunt of thc paynunt,. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is ucquired by Lender,Borcower's right ta uny insurance pc�licies und pnxee�is resulting fram
<br /> dnmage to the Property prior to the ucquisition shall pass to l.ender to the extent uf thc sums sccured by thi,Scrurity Instrumcnt
<br /> immediately priarto the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupancy, Prcservallon, Mwintenance and Protection ot the Pruperty;Borrower's l.oan Appl(cation;Lrnseholds.
<br /> Bonower shall acupy,esteblish,na�d use the Property as Borrower'�principal restdenre within sixty days nRer the eaecution�f
<br /> this Security Instmment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at Ieast one yenr after
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless Lender othenvise agn�s in writing.which cansent shsll not be unrcasonably withheld.or unless
<br />_ extenuatinR circumstunces exist which am bcyond Barrowcr's control. Borrower shall not destmy, dumage or impAir the
<br /> Praperty. allow the Property to deteriorute, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in dcfautt if uny fortciture
<br /> action or proceedln�,whether civil or criminal, is begun that In I.ender's good faith judgment could msult in forfefture of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by lhis Security Instrument or Lender's security intercst.Bonower m�y
<br /> cure such a default a►nd relnstate,as provided in paragmph 18,by causing the nction or proce�:ding to be dismissed with a culing
<br /> that. in Lender's good faith determinatton, precludes Forfcitune of the Bonower s intcrest in the Property or othcr material
<br /> impairment of die lien cnated by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall alsa be in default if
<br /> Borrower.during the loaui application process,gave materiully false or inaccurate informution or statements to[.ender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with any material information) in rnnnection wuh the loan evidenced by the Note, ineluding.8ut nut lln►iccxl
<br /> to,rcpresentations c�ncerning Borrower's occupuncy of the Properry as n principnt residena. If this Security Instcument is on x
<br /> leaschold, Honower shall cornply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fce title to the Property. ths
<br /> leaschold and tho fee title shull not mergc unle.ss L.ender agrees to the mergcr in writing.
<br /> 7.Protection otLender's Righhs in the Property.If Borrowcr fails to perform the covenanu und agrcements wnwinaf in
<br /> this Securiry Insttument.•or there is a legal proceecling that may signiftcantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankrupcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce Iaws or regulattons). then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever{s nccessary to protect the value of the Property und L.ender's right� in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> Include payfng any sums securcd by a lien which has prlority over this Security Instrument. appearing in court. paying
<br /> reasonable attorneys'foes and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take uction under this paragraph
<br /> 7,L.ender does not i�ave to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender undcr this puragraph 7 shall becomc additlonal debt of Borrower securod by this
<br /> Security Insuument_ Ilnlcss Borrower und Lender agree to other terms of payment. these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> dute of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with intcrest, upon notice from l,ender to Bosx�sver requcst�ng
<br /> ' payment.
<br /> S.Mortgage Inwrance. if Lender mquirai mortgage insurunce us u condttion uf making the loan secural by this Secu�ri�y
<br /> Instrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason, ��o
<br /> , mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lnpses or cesises to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuire►9 to
<br /> . obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. nt a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an nitemnte mortgage insurer approved by Lender. if
<br /> substantir�lly equivalent mortgage insurnnco coverage is not availsble,Borrower shall pay to I.ender each month a sum cqas9 ao
<br /> � one-twelfth of the yearly mortgege insurance premtum being paid by Borrower when the insurnnce cc►vcragc lapsod or ceased to
<br /> i be in effect.Lender will aceept,use and retuin these payments s� a loss reserve in lieu of mortgnge insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> Fam 3028 9190
<br /> ' Ppe 3 a10
<br /> 1 •
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