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�0�20�44� <br />(e) Business Interests; To conduct or participate in any lawful business • of whatever nature <br />for me and in my name; to execute partnership agreements and amendments thereto; to <br />incorporate, reorganize, merge, consolidate, recapitalize, sell, liquidate or dissolve aay <br />business; to elect or employ officer�, directors aud agents; to carry out the provisions of <br />any agreament for the sale of any business interest or the stock therein; and to exeroise <br />voting rights with respect to stock, either in pezson or by proxy, and to exercise stock <br />options; <br />(fl Safe Degosit Boxes: To have access at any time or times to any safe deposit box rented <br />by rne, wheresoever located, and to remove a11 or part of the contents thereof, and to <br />suzrender or relinquish said safe deposit box, and any institution in which any such safe <br />deposit box may be located shall not incur any liability to me or my estafie as a result of <br />permitting my Agent to exercise this power, <br />(g) Power to Hold Property and Matce Invesiments: The power to hold or acquire any <br />property, real or personal, or securities, regardless of whether such properiy or securities <br />are a so-called "Legal" investment, where such cotuse is, in the said Agent's opinion, for <br />my best intezest; <br />(h) Power to Borrow: To borrow any sum or sums of money on such terms (including the <br />power to borrow against the cash surrender value of any life insurance policy issued on <br />my life), and with such security, whefher real ar personal property, as my Agent may <br />think fit, and for tlnat purpose to execute all promissory notes, bonds, mortgages, deeds of <br />trust, securiTy agreements, and other instruments which may be necessary or proper; <br />(i) Disclaimer: To exercise or release powers of appoiniment in whole or in part and to <br />disclaim or renounce i.n whole or in part any interest that I might othervvise have as a joint <br />owner, beneficiary, heiz or otherv✓ise and i�n exercising such discretion, my Agent may <br />take into account such matters as shall include but sha11 not be limited to any reduction in <br />estate or inheritance taxes on my estate, and the efFect of such renunciation or disclai.mez <br />upon persons interested in my estate and persons who would zeceive the renounced or <br />disclaimed property; <br />(j) Trusts: To trazisfer, assien and convey any pmperty or interest in praperiy, the leg�1 or <br />equitable title to which is in my name, to any trust of which I am the primary beneficiary <br />during my lifetime and under the terrns of which I expressly have the power to amend or <br />revoke such trust, and to exercise any right of withdrawal of income and/or principal <br />which I may have pursuant to the terms and conditions of such trust, whether such trust <br />was created before or after the execution of this powe2 of attorney; <br />(k) Power to Change Beneficiaries on Anv Insurance Policies on mv Life: To change the <br />benef�ciaries on any insurance policies on my life; provided, however, that neither such <br />right and power, nor any other rights and powers, shall be exercisable with respect to any <br />policies of life iasurance which may at any time be owned by me on the life of my Agent <br />herein named ' <br />-3- <br />
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