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20�20�443 <br />(1) To forgive, request, demand, sue for, recover, collect, receive and hold all sums of <br />money, accounts, annuities, bequests, bonds, certificates of depo�it, checks, <br />commercial papez, debts, deposits, @evises, dividends, drafts, dues, insurance, <br />interests, legacies, notes, pension, grofit sharing, retirement, social security, stock <br />certificates and othet contractual benefits and proceeds, all documents of title, all <br />property, real or personal, intangible or taugible, and property rights and demands <br />whatsoever, liquida.ted or unliquidated, now or hereafter owned by, or due, owing, <br />payable or belonging to, me or in which I have or may hereaft�r acqttire an interest. <br />(2) To have, use, atid take all lawful means and equita.ble and legal remedies and <br />proceedings in my name for the collection and recvvery tbereof, and to adjust, sell, <br />compzonaise, and agree for the same, and to execute and deliver for me, on my behalf, <br />and in my name, all endorsements, releases receipts, or other sufficient discharges for <br />the same, <br />(b) Propertv Matters: <br />(1) To acquize, puzchase, exchange and sell, or grant options to sell, mortgage, pledge, <br />lease, sell and convey real or personal property, tangible or intangible, or interests <br />therein, on 511CI] t6IfII5 and conditions as my Agent shall deem proper, with full <br />authority to sign, endorse, execute and deliver any sales agreement, deed, bill of sale <br />and aII ot3ier instruments or documents gertaining to the sale of any of my real or <br />personal prvpert}; and fo enter into honds, contracts, mortgages and deeds connected <br />therewith. . <br />(2) To sell, assign, transfer, convey, exchange, deed,, pledge, lease, let, license, <br />demise, remise, quitclaim, bargain or othervvise dispose of any or all of my real estate, <br />stocks, bonds, evidences of indebtedness and other securities and other personal <br />tangible and intangible or mixed property, or any custody, possession, interest or right <br />therein at public or private sale, upon such terms, considezation, and conditions as my <br />said attorney sha11 deem advisable and to execute, aclrnowledge and deliver such <br />instruments and writings of whatsoever kind and nature as may be necessary, <br />convenient oz proper in the premises. <br />(c) Management Powers: To maintain, repair, impzove, invest, manage, insure, rent, lease, <br />encumbez, and in any manner deal with any real or personal property, tangible oz <br />intangible, or an.y interest therein that I now own or may hereafter acquire in my name <br />and for my benefit, upon such terms and conditions as my Ageat shall deem proper; <br />(d) Bankin� Powers: To make, receive and endorse checl� and drafts, deposit and withdraw <br />funds, acquire and redeem certificates of deposit, in banks, savings and loan associations, <br />and other in.stitutions, execute or release such deeds of trust or other security agreements <br />as may be necessary or proper in the exercise of the rights and powers herein granted; <br />-2- <br />