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. .. . . <br /> . , : <br /> .,,, . <br /> _:'� . n . .:.,�,;:;-- <br /> :..; -�.,�,;� <br /> . .,�.�= � <br /> � � � . �� . . � � � � � ��- ''y��:;��——_. <br /> , . - . . � , . . ' ' .�_.-_.�.... . ..��� "'l'.�'i'_�^'-' <br /> . . .� -- - - "'_';,�;�+w..t��M:1:�;:�d�w»�,r ._.�..,-.....-.��:.._ -... - . .. -- ----._. <br /> :7' .. `t� <br /> ..��: •�k � <br /> M�Y.,.. ;d : ,�,"I G7�J�7 <br /> /p 'Pracueds")tn connectlon with condemnatlan or othor leklnq of lhe Property�r part thuroo},or for convoye�nce In Ileu o1 condemnetlon. — <br /> ;�, Lender ehall tw enUUpd at Ite optlon to commonce,uppear In nnd proaocuto In Ite own namu any�ctl�n or procaodlnps,nnd ehnfl Aleo �,, <br /> be entitlod to mako nny campromise or eetllement In connettlon with auch tAking o►damaflfl. In the event any portlan of lhe Property If __ <br /> sc9 Iak�n or demeQed. Lender ehAll h�ve the opfbn In Its eole and ebsolu�e discretlon, to apply all such Rrocoede, efter daduct►np <br /> '"� therelrom all costa end expen�es InCUrrod by It I�connectfon wilh such Proceads,upon eny Indebtednese secured hereby ond In euch <br /> �;� order ae Lsnder mey dalermins,or to epply all euch Proceed�, alter euch deductions,to lhe restoretion of the Praperty upon auch c.on• _ <br /> dilions aa Lender mey deMrmins.Any applicatlon of Proceeds to indebtedness ehell not extend or postpone the due date of any pay- <br /> ment,undcsr tho Nate,or r,urn nny deleult Ihereunder a hereunder.Any unapplled funds ahatl be pald to Trustor. � <br /> 8.P��formanc� by L�nd�r.Upon the or.currence ot pn Event oi petauit horeunder, or It eny act ia takon or legal p�aceedmp <br /> .�.�`'"� commencsd which mete�lally eHecG�Lender'R interost In the Property,lender msy In Ita own discretlon,but without obll�atlon to do eo, <br /> `_,r�� and wtthout notico to or demand upon Trustor end without roleasing Trustor from any obligetion,do any act whlch Trustor has agreed <br /> but felled to do end mey also do eny other ect It deems neCessary to protect the eecurlty hereof.Trustor ehall, Immedlately upon <br /> ' `.� demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all coats and expenses Incurred end suma expended by Lender In connecdon with the exar- <br /> cise by Lender oi the foregoing rlghts,to�ether with Intereat theroon at the detault rate provided in the Note,which shall be added to <br /> the indebfedness secu�ed hereby.Lender ehall not Inc�r eny Ilablllry hec�use of anything it may do or omil to da hereunder. __ <br /> ' 9.Hazudous M�hrials.Trustor shall keep the Proper�r In compliance with ail eppliceble laws,ordinancea end regulatbns <br /> releGnp to IndusWal hyplena or environmentel protectlon (collectively referred to herein as"Environmentel Lnws'1.Trustor ahall keap <br /> tha property free from all substances deemecf to 5e hatardous or toxlc under any Envlronmentel Laws(coilectively referced to hereln <br /> . �'c as'Hezardous Materials'). Trustor hareby warrants and represents to Lender that there ere no Hazardous Materials on or under the <br />''.'' ;�.�; <br /> ,,'T� Property.Tnistar hereby agroes to indemnify and hold harndess Lender,Its directors,o�cers,amployees and egents,and any succos- <br />:. �; r„ soro to Lendera Interest,from and against eny end all clalma.demapes,losses and Ilabililles adafng In con�tion with the prosenc�, <br />=°':� �.� use,dispoaal or trensport of eny tlazardoua Materiala on.under,from or about tlie Property.THE FOREGOINC3 WARRANTIES ANO <br />._ ;�'_�� REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBUGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREOOING IND@MNITY, SHALL SURVIYE <br /> -` =�-• RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> _'"'`�� ' 10.Asslpnm�nt af Rmb.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grente Lender a sacurity Interest In,all present,future md _ <br /> ;;;,��._ ' after arising rents,issues end proflts of the Property:provided thet Truaror shell,until the occurtence of an Event ot Deteult,hereunder, <br /> -��'��' have the Nght to collect and retain such rents,Issues end profits es they bacQme due end payable.Upon the oCCUrrence of an�vant of <br />���'�• qefault,Lender may, either in person or by agent,with or without bringing any actfon or proceeding,or by a roceiver eppointed by a <br />..,,�..:s. . <br /> �'°��� court and without regord to the edequacy oi ita aecuriry,enter upon and take possession of the Property,or eny paR thereof,i�tta own <br /> T��t��� name or in the name of the Trustee,and do eny ects which it deems necessary or desireble to preserve the value,marketabitity or <br />._;_�:7�,�,] rentabllity ot the Property,or eny part thereof or interest therein,or to increase the income therofrom or protect the security hereot end, <br />_._=�t:y: - with or w(thout teking possesslon of the Properry,sue(or or otherwise coltect the renta,issues end proflta thereof,Including those peat <br /> � due end unpeid,by noUfytng tenants to make payments to lender.Lender may eppry rents,Issues end profits,tess costs and expens- <br /> ;;��� es of operatlon and collectlon including attomey's fees, ta any indebtedness sACUred hereby,aii in such order as Lender may deter- <br />; ��. <br /> .��,,�,. mine. iha entering upon ard in�iny�,�s-��at ihs:'r,M..;: �C�!rCt!L�t!Df s!!Ch in�tc,Ir,RURS and Drofits.end the aPPIICet10�1 , <br /> -------��,� thereot as eforesa(d ahall not cure or wa(ve any default or notice of defeult hereunder or Invalldate any ect done in rosponae to such <br /> —_= detault or puBUant to euch nodce of defauft and, notwithstanding the conttnuance In possessfon of the property or the co{lectbn, <br /> v�—�— recefpt and appt�aUon of rents,tssues w proflis,Trustee and I.ender shall L�entlded to exerclse evory rlght provlded for In eny ot the <br />- ,�_"'-'— Loan lnstruments or by law upon occumance of eny Event oi Default,Including without Ilmltation the rlght ro exerctse the power of eate. <br />'•��:�� Further,Lender's rlghta end remedies under thla paragrAph ehall be cumulaUve wlth,and In no way a Ilmltat(on on,Lender's rlghta and <br /> remedles under any asalgnment ot leases end rents reooMed agalnst the PnopeAy. Lender,7rustee and the recelver shaN be liable to <br /> eccount only for those renb actually rer.elved. <br /> 11.EwMs ot O�hutG The tollowing shall constltute e�Event of Default under thls Deed of 7�ust <br /> (a)Faflure to pay any fnstetlment of princlpal or IMerest or any other aum secured her�eby when due; <br /> �� (b)A breach of or defsult under eny provlslon cuntatned In the Note,thls Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instrumenb,or any <br /> other Iten or encumbrance upon the Properly; <br /> (a)A w►It of execudon or ettechment or any stmYar p�ocess shall be entered against Trustor wh�h ahaN beoome e Iten on <br /> tl�e Property or any poRlon thereof or Interest theretn; <br /> (d)There shaN be filed by or egalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present cr future federal,stete or other etaWte, <br /> law or ropuletton nl�tlng W bankruptcy.I�solvency a other rolbl for dsbton:or ihero shall be appotnt�d any trustee.ncs(ver or <br /> Ilquidator d Truetor or Borrower ar oi aH or eny panof the Property,or the renta,lasues or proflts(hersot,or Trustor or Bo�rower <br /> ehall meke any�enerel asslgnment for the benefit d creditora; <br /> (e)Tho sale,tranafer,lease,easl�nment,axrveyance or further encumbrance of all or any paR ot or any inAerost in tho <br /> prq»rty,either volunterlly or Involuntaflty,wlthout tha express wrltten caisent of Lender;provlded that Tniator sl�ll bs permit- <br /> bd W execute a baae of the Properly ihat does not contaln an option to purchaee and the tertn of whfch doss not�xceed ons <br /> year, <br /> (n Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> (g)tf Truator Is not an Indtvidual,the Isauance,aale,tranafer,asslgnment,conveyanca or encumbrence of mnre than(H a <br /> corporaUon)a totel of percent of Its Issued and outstanding atocic,or(ii e partnerahip)a totel of per- <br /> cent of pertriershfp Interests,or(N a Ilmtted IlabiUty company)a total oi percent of the Ilmited liabflky canpa- <br /> ny interoats or votlnp rlghts during the perlod thls Deed ot Trust remalna a Ilen on the property. <br /> 12,R�dNs;Acql�ratlon Upon D�huk.In the event of any Evant of Detault Lender may,wlthout nodoe exoept aa roquksd <br /> by law,declere aH indebtedness secured heroby to be due and payeble and the same shAll thareupon becane due and payable wlth- <br /> out any prosentment,demand,proteat or notice of any ktnd.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> (a)Demand thet Truatee axeroise the POWER OF SALE prented heroln,end Trustee shall thereatter cauae Tnisbra Inter- <br /> �-----= est fn the Prope�ty to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstrtbuted,all In the manner provlded In the Nebreake Truat Deeds 11c� <br /> ����—�� (by Exerdae any end all rlgh�a provlded for in nny of the Loan Inshumanta or by law upon occucrerxa of�ny Event ot <br /> -�,-�� Detault;end <br /> ----��--•� (a)Commence en ectlon ro toredose thla Daed of Trust as a mortgago,appolnt e roceiver,a 8��y�a�►r a n,e <br />- =-_-u-a-.-=.� cavenant�hereof. <br /> x��='��� No romedy herofn contemed upon or reaerved to Tnistee a Lender ts Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,In the Loan <br /> Inatrumeats or by law provlded or permitted,but each ehah be cumulative,shall be In addltbn ro every other remedy glven hereunder, <br /> --_- — �n the Lmn tnstruments or now or hereaRer exlatlng at lawar In equlty ar by stetute,end may be exa�laed ooncurrenty,indepsndently <br /> �-'v�"`�= or succeslvely. <br /> 13.TrustN.The Trustee may reslgn at eny tlme wlthout cause,and Lender mey et any ttme end wlthout causa�ppdnt a wc- <br /> -����p- _��� cessor or eubaUtute 7ruatee.Trustee ahall not be Ilable to eny party,Including wlthout Ilmltstlon Lendet,Borrownx.Trustor or any pun <br /> ___�;,�,;��� chaser of the Property,for any{oas or damape unles�due to recktese or wlltful mfsconduct,and shall not be requln�d to bke sny�kk� <br /> -- - .�3, <br /> ::,�• fn oannectlon with the enforcement of thls boed oi Trust untess indemnif'�ed,In wrffing,tor all coata,compenaatfon or exPenses whk,h <br /> _�..�:»�w may be aasodated therewlth.In addltbn,Trustee may become a purchaaer et any eate of the Property Qudk�at or w�der the power of <br /> '-="�:.�'"a. � sale granted herel�);postpone the sele of ell or eny po�tlon of the Property,as provlded by lew;or sell the Prnpeiiy sa a whoie,or In <br /> :�T=��';ti'�'�� '', separate parcels or Icts et Trustee's dtscretlon. <br /> -== �ff�,��" 14.FNS and Exp�nsts.In the event Trustee seNs the Properry by oxerdse of power of aele,Trustee shall be entitled to epply <br /> _.,;:,,..� .t. <br />;•����.�... an y sele prooeeds flrst to payment of ell costs end expenaes d exerdzlnp power oi aete,Indudtng all Trustee's tees,and Lertider'e a <br /> _ A t� Trustee e attomey'e fees, ectually Incurred to oxtent pe m dtt e d by a p p l fca b l e l a w. In t h n eve n t B o rc o w e r o r T r u s t o r e x e r c i a e s e n y r i p h t <br /> �� ;� provided by law to cure an Event ot Dofault,Lender shatl be entiNed to recover from Tnistor ell coats and expensee actually(ncurrod as <br /> :`�`���;�t�; a result of TrustoPa defeult,Including wlthout Ilmltetton ell Truatee'a and attomey's tees,to the extent pem�ltted by a e p�t i c a b l e law. <br /> �r ,��r1t' vances to BorrowerASuch advan�s and readvanceB a�r Intere t theryeon,'ha�ll�be secured b�y thl�0eeti of Trust.At�msasheN the <br />