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<br /> THI3 DEED OF TRUST,is made as of the 11TH day of SEP7EMBER ,19 97 ,by and among�
<br /> v
<br /> whose maiiing addreas Is
<br /> (herein"Truator',whether one or mo�e), ��
<br /> cheTn,stee FriE PO�NTS BANK e tJCRR6CKA raRP�RATiON -
<br /> whose ma(ung addreas Is PO BOX 1507 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 (herein'Truatee�,and
<br /> theeenefldary, FIVE POINTS BANK
<br /> wtwse mef1111g eddtes9ls,_„��,j),� N aanenr�r�� AyF,,y f RAN j,$i ANO NF �RA�1 (herefn'Lender).
<br /> FORPHI��LMC GAHOYAND DIANA�M�CAHOYe���oicreditidenttfled herefnto
<br /> (Pieretn'Barower�whether one or more)and the Wst herein created�the recek�t
<br /> �f yy����������,T���nn±ny Inevnc�by arants.tranafera, oonveya end essigna to TNatee, IN TRUST,WI?H
<br /> POWER OF SALE,for the benefit end aecudty of tonder�under and subJect to the terms end condit(ons hersinalter sec fonh.tha reai
<br /> R{�nY�escribed ea followa:
<br /> Together with all bufidings,improvements.f�tures,streets,el�eys,passa9ewaYe,eaaemants�rights,Privtlegea and appuRenances
<br /> Iocated thereon or tn enywise pe�taintnp thereto,end the renta,issuas and proflts,reverelons end remainders theieof,end such Px
<br /> sonal properiy that fs attsched to the improvements so es to consUtute e flxturo,induding,but not Ilmited to,heaUng end 000Unp equip�
<br /> ment;and together with the homeateed or maritai interesb,H any,which Interests aro heroby releaaed and weived;aN of whtch,fnclud-
<br /> In8 replac�ments and edditiona ther+eto�is hereby dedarod to be e part of the real estute aecured by the Nen oi this Deed of Trust and
<br /> ell of the toreaotnp beinp roferred to Mroin es the`Propertyr.
<br /> This Dsed ot Truat ahall aecure(aj Me payment ot the pdndpel sum end Interoat evidenced by a promb�o�y note or crodit agro�
<br /> ment dated C PTFMRFR 1��j�Q7 .havinp a matu�ity dete oi nrTnacR_1 2Ltt14 __—
<br /> in the oripinal prindpal amount of s��Z�708 np . and eny end aH modtf{catbna,exter�eions and ranawals
<br /> thereoi or thereto and eny end all tuWre advenoes and readvences to Bortower(or eny oI Mem H mors ihen ons)Aereun�fer Pu�a��nt
<br /> to one a moro promisao►Y notea or crsdit apree�nents(herein called'Note7,(b)the PsYment of other wme advar►ced b1►L��der!o
<br /> protet,t the sacuriry ot the NoEe�(c)the Paiamance oi eil covenanta and oproanente oi Truslor set M�fh heroin�and(d)aN pr�esent and
<br /> fuWre indebtedness und nbNgeUons of Borrower(or any of them if more then one)W Lender whether diroct,indksd,absdute or co�dn-
<br /> gent and whefher arislrp by note,guaranty,overdreit or otherwise.The Note.tl�ta Deed of Tniat end any a�d aN othet docurr�ents th�t
<br /> secure the Note or otherwiss exxuted [n connection therewith. {nctudlnp without Iimitatlon guarontsea,secudty a9roement�+ and
<br /> asalgnmenta of leasea and renta,sha8 be�etarred to herein as the'Loen Instrument�'.
<br /> Truator covenants end aproes with Lenderes foibws:
<br /> 1. P�ym�rK ot Indsbbdrnss.All indebtedneas secured hereby shall be pakl when due.
<br /> 2. TiW.Trustor is the owner ot the Propedy, haa the rlpht and authority to oonvey the PropertY�end weneRb that ths Nsn cres!-
<br /> ed hereby Is a ftrst and prior llen on the Propedy, except for Ifena and encumbrencea aet fath by Tnistor In wriW�g and deli�rerod to
<br /> Lender before execution of thia Deed of T�ust,and the executlon end delivery oi thta Deed of Trust does not violate any contrac�t or
<br /> other obligatbn to which Truator la subJect.
<br /> 3.Tucn,Ass�ssm�nb.To pay betore delinquency all tsxes,speclal assessments end ell other charges egafnst Me PropeRy
<br /> now or hereaRar Ievied.
<br /> 4.In�unne�.To kesp the Properly fnsured egeinst damage by Hro,hazarda tnciuded within tt►e term'extendsd cuverepe'.and
<br /> such other haxerda aa Lender mey requiro, tn amounis and with oompanles acoeptebb to Lender, namin0 Lender ea en eddidonal
<br /> named ins�d, with loss Peyabla to 1he Ler�der.In caae of bss under such polides.tt►e Lender fs euthodzed to ed]ust�ooMecst and
<br /> com{xomise,all claims thereunder end shell have the opHai oi applyiny all or pan ot the ineurence proceeds(q to emr k�deb�edns�s
<br /> secured hereby and tn such otder es Ler�der may determUe�pi)to the Trusior to be used for the repgir or rostt�atlon of the Properly or
<br /> (iii)for eny otl�sr purpoas or obJeot eatlsfaclory to Lender withaut�ttedinp fhs Uen o�this Oeed of Trust for ths tuMll�amount eecund
<br /> _����..r��..l�w� �wu�nnlL'nNtvfa nt fYAI•�d=t0�1ld��MSS E�18��flOt BX�Efld M�OdW�^^+�dlle��
<br /> - IIOfODy YOIYIe oYNt pa7tt�n o.v�sw.•y.v..�...y ...m-----..- -'�'---. .
<br /> ot any payments under the Note,or curo any delauft thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> = 6. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor ehall pay to lender, in such manner as Lendar may deaFgnete.eu�t
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they became due one or more ot the folbwing:(I)all texea,�asessmenb end other oharges agalnu
<br /> tho Property,(H) the premlums on tho property ineurance requlred hereunder,and (III) the premfuma on ony mortgape Insurance
<br /> - requfred by Lender.
<br /> - 6. Matnt�nanc�. R�palrr and Compli�nc�with Laws.Truator ahall keep the Property In good condition and repalr; ahall
<br /> - prompUy repalr,or replace any fmprovement whlch may be damaged ar destroyed;shaN not oommit or pertnit ony waste ar dete�iore-
<br /> Uon ot the Property;shall not remove,demolish or subsmnUaliy efter any of the improvemente on the Property;shall not commit,suffer
<br />.� or permit any ect to be done In or upon the Property in viola8on ot eny Iaw,adfnance,or regulaUon;end sAall pay end promptly dis-
<br />__ charge et Trustors cost and expenso ell Ilens,encumbrances end charQes levied,(mpoaed or accessed egainst the P�nperry or eny
<br />_= pa�t U�ereoT.
<br /> 7.Emin�nt Domaln.Lender ia hereby assigned all compenaaNnn,ewards,damagea and ather psymenta or relief(hera{naNer
<br /> — raca�stR+d�o+�•yo«e�xw.eroe ;
<br /> . 1.
<br /> O1VE6NNaWOrrdCam�aTMtrM6++tp�lulotf�d4LYCrALM�trru �n•1�' .. •i
<br /> �
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