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<br /> �principal amount of ths indebtedness secured by this veed oi T��n�,i�cl�d��9 suma adWhicheverp ptreatere.��ty of thia Deed of �
<br /> Trust,oxceed the ariglnal principal emount eteted herein,or S ,W O 00 ,�
<br /> 18.Mlscali�n�ou�ProNislons. !
<br /> (a)Bor�orwr Not R�kaad.Extenslon of the Ume tor payment or modlitcation of emortlzeUon of tho sums secumd by thia
<br /> Deed of Tn,st grented by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,in any manner,the Ilabili• �•i
<br /> ty of the odginel Borrower and Borrowers s�cceasors tn interest. Lender shali not be required to commence proceedinga Q
<br /> egalnst such successor or refuse to extend tlme for payment or otherwise modify emoRizetion oi the sums secured by this�
<br /> Ooed of Trust by reason of any demands made by the ortglnel Borrower and Borrowera successars(n interest.
<br /> (b)Lee�der's Powen.Without effecting the Ilablilty of eny other person Ifable for the payment of any obligat(on hereln men•
<br /> doned,and without aHecNng the Ilen or charpe of this Deed of Trust upon eny porUon of lhe Propa►ty not tt►on or theratoto►e� ,T
<br /> released as security tor the fuil amount oi eil unpa(d obligatbns,Lender may,from Ume to Ume and without noNce(q release
<br /> relee eor rseconvey,�or cause tohbe re easad ortreconveyed ateany dmenat Lende�s pdon alfnygpanrcel�portfonuorall�oi�the
<br /> Properiy,(v)take or release any other ar additbnal secudty tor any obligation herein mentbned,or(vi)make composilions or
<br /> othar aRangements wlth debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> (a)Forbearonce by Lend�r Not a Waiwr.My forbearence by Lender in exercfsing eny right or remedy hareunder,or oth•
<br /> erwise afforded by appllcable iaw,shalt not be a waiver of or preclude ihe exercise of any such�ight or remedy.The procure�
<br /> ment of inaurance or the payment of texes or other Ilena or cherges by Lender shali not ba a waiver or Lenders right to accelar-
<br /> ate tho maturity of the indeblednesa secured by this Deed oi Trust
<br /> (d)Succ�sson�nd As�ipns Bound;Jolnt and 8�v�ral Llabiltty;C�ptions.The covenants and agreements harotn con•
<br /> talned shall bind,end the dghfa herounder ahall Inure to, tha respecGva successors and asaigne ai Lender end Tn�star. iJl
<br /> covenanta and apreements of Truator shall be Jolnt and eevoral.The captlone end headinga of the paraprepha o�thls Deed of
<br /> Trust are for convenlence oNy end ere not to be used to Interpret or deflne the provlsions hereof.
<br /> (e�R�4u�st tor Notla�.TM p�rtlsa hetsby n�lus�t that�oopy ot�ny notla of dehuft hsround�t end a oopy of any raiia
<br /> o}����under be m�iNd to erch pwty to tl►�a Cesd ot Tn�at at the eddreee eet ferth abovs In fhe manner prescdbed bf'
<br /> In�Deed of Tru�itihdl bi plvsn bny�Ilkp such noticea b�rdtied mail ecl�d �ros�sd o therother partiss at the addre�e aet
<br /> �torbis ro then�uneprperson,noUce aeint�to the�sddreas eet�forth above ehafl�be no��tk,�e to all such peraan����n� „
<br /> (�I�sp�etlon.Lsndsr msy m�ke or cause to bs mede roasonebls enWe�upon end Inepsctions o(the Property,p�ovided
<br /> thet Lender sheil piva Truator nodce prior to eny such Inepeclbn speGiylnp reasoneble cause tharefor related W Lenders inter•
<br /> est tn the PropeRy.
<br /> (g)R�conwysnc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by thia Deed of Trust,Lender shall request T►ustee to rec�nvey the
<br /> Property end shail surcender thls Deed ot Truat end all �otes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust to
<br /> Trustee. Truatee ahall reconvey the Property.w�thaut waRenh►end without chatpe to the person or Peraona le8ally enGded
<br /> thereto.Trustor shall pay aN coste of recordation,if any. �nt of the Note,Truator heroby granb
<br /> (h)P�no�i Proputy;S�curity Apnun�n�As edditlonal aecurity for the peY
<br /> Zsy��v�„=�e�;e�ta�!%e UnliQtm�n�m�+rcial Code a security Intereat In all ftMurea,eyulpment,end other peteonal properly
<br /> used In connectlon with the real estete or tmprovements localed thereon,and not otherwise dederea or aeemed io be a Pmi�
<br /> the real estata eecured hereby.This instrument shalt be conatrued es e Security Agreement under sald Coda,and the Lender
<br /> shail have all the rights e�d remediea oi e secured paKy under aatd Code In addNlon to the�ights end remedtes croated under
<br /> end a000rded the Lender putauant to thla Daed af Trus�p►ovided that Landera rfghta end remediea under thts parapraph sheN
<br /> be cumulative with,and in no way e IlmltaUon on,Lender's right�a�d remedles under any other security agreement si9r�ec! by
<br /> Borrower or 7rustor.
<br /> (i)Lt�ns and Encumbnecn.Trustor hereby warrents ond represents thet there ia no defeuft under the provisbns ot anY
<br /> mortgege,deed ot truat, lease or purchase contract desa�ibin9 ell or any part of tha Proparty,or other contract,instnx��ent a
<br /> agreement conaGtuting a Ilen or encumbrence aBainst ell or eny paR oi the Rmperty(cc�llecdvely,'Ltena'),exisling as ot the
<br /> date oi thta Deed oi Trust,end that any end all exisUng Llene remain unmodMed except es disclosed to Lender in Trusta's wrk•
<br /> ten diaclosure ot Itens and enoumbrances provided for h � . ° at� �atl of Trustor'a abligedonf,
<br /> covenants,representeGons end warrenUes under eny and all���� !,�� .! �Y��a��O L°���°6
<br /> ot all�odo9s of defeult svnt in connecUon with any and aU exlsnp 1x tutu Lie�' tM� t ler�dsrs prlor writt�n
<br /> cor�ant tn my manner madify the provi�lons oi or allow eny Alturo l�dA�laii wxle�sn�'d�t� �.��°�.
<br /> U)Appikation ot Paym�Ms.Unleas otl�rwlse required by law,sumr pald to Lender heroi:nder,indudk�p wMfaut NmNafbn
<br /> Lender o the amount�due�e owing uirom Trust�e��eorrowe�In�ader as e�der�tn i�ad�dlscrotio^�deems�d��
<br /> eble.
<br /> (k)�vKabNlty.If eny provf�ion of tltb Deed of Trust oonflk�e wNh appllcebN law or h declend krvalld or dt�stwke u�►-
<br /> foresabb,such conflkt or Invatldity ahail not affect the otfier provisians ot thls Deed of 7rust or ths Nots'Nhl�h C�n be oiw�
<br /> eifect without the conlWctiny Provisiw�,and to this end the provisions of thla Deed of Trust end the Nots ens decland b b�sw-
<br /> erable.
<br /> (q T�mts.The terme"Trusta"end'Bortower'shall Inciude batlt afrgular end plural,and when the 7rustor and 8errower ere
<br /> the seme peroon(a),those tertns aa used in this Deed of Trwt shall be Interchangeable.
<br /> (m)Gov�minp Law.This Deed ot Trust shatl be govemed by the lawa ot the Stata of Nebreska.
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<br /> Truator hes executed thia Qeed of Truat es oi the dete wrilten ebove.
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