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<br /> •�� 'Procaedy')In connectlon wl�h candemnatlon or other taking of the PropArty or part thereoi,or for conveyence In lie�of condemnatfon.
<br />_,� LenUer shall ba entltlod ot ita optlon to commonco,appear In and proaecute In Ite ow� nomo any actlon or proo�adings,and ehall elso
<br /> ; be entltled to mako any comprornlse or aotllement In cannectton wlth such taking a damafle.In the event any portlon oi lhc�Propert�is
<br />-.� ` eo taken or�ameged, Lertder shell have the optlon in Its sole end abaolute disuatlon, to apply all such proceeds, efter deductlny
<br /> therefrom ell casts and expensoa Incurced by ft In connectbn with such Proceeds,upon eny Indebtedness secured hereby and In such
<br /> order es Lender may determine,a to epply ail auch Proceeda,after such deducUons,to the restoration of the Property upnn such con-
<br /> '� ditions aa Lender may determine.Any appllceUon of Proceeds to indebtedness ehall not extend or postpone the due date of any pay-
<br /> a� �• menta under the Note,or cure any d�teult thoreunder or hereunder.Any unappiied funds shell be patd to Trustor.
<br /> '`°'� g, p�rtonnanc� by I.�nd�r.Upon the occurrence of an Evant of Dotault hereunder,or it any act is taken or Icgal proceeding �
<br /> �' commenced wh�h materlalry aHeectss Lertder's interoat In the Property,Lender may In ite own discretbn,but without obligation to do so,
<br /> ��' and without nolice to or domend upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor from eny obllgation,do any act whlch Truator has agreed
<br /> = bu:Iailed to do and may also do any other act (t deems necessery to protecllhe security hereot, Tnistor shall, immedlately upon
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell costs and expenses tncurred end sums expended by Lender in connection wltb the ex�•-
<br /> ,�'��; cise by Lender ot the faegang�ghts,together with interest thereon et the dof�uN rate prorol:ded in the Note,whfch shalf be adde�t!a
<br /> tt►�s i»debtedness sacuted t�ereS�y Lenda►shaN not lncur any IlabNit�►beoause a7 anyl5�ing ft may da a'ci+rtit la�o t�e+.u�der• _
<br /> -=�� 9.Haz�rdous Mnto�lets.Trusto�shall keep tha Property in corn��ianca with ail 2prlicab�e laws,cxri;nances e-*►d re�..�taHons
<br /> 4�'., �ek�tinp io industrial hyglane or environrnentai prataction(coliectiv.�ty refprred to hereln as"Environmental Laws').Trustor shall keep
<br />-.;-�E,q tre Praperly free 7roni all substancas deemed to ba hazardous or toxic under any Envlronmentel Laws(collecdvely refeRed to herein
<br /> ="' as"Ma��rdous Materlals').Trusta hereby warrants and represents ta Lender thet there ere no Hazardoua Matedats on or under the
<br />- = Property.Tn�slor hereby agrees b i ndemnly and hold harmless Lender,its directors,officsrs,employees end agents,and any succes-
<br /> sors to Lenders interest,trom ard agalnet eny and ail claims, demages, tosses end IIabIllUes erisinp In connection with the presence,
<br /> uae,dispoaal a tmnsport oi e�y Harsrdous Materlele on,under,from ar ebout�e Property.THE FOREGOIN�WARRANTIES ANO
<br />._� 10.AsdpnrtNnt of Mnb.Tmstor Mnby��sipns to Lendsr,�nd yn�h Lender p cecuHty Intenst In, aH prs�ent,tuturs and
<br /> ---- after art�ln��ents,iesua and pro�t�of tM P�opsrty;provided thet Tru�tor ahell,until Ihe occurrence of en Event ot�efeult,heraunder,
<br /> have the rbht to colN�ct�nd ntsYi such rent�,I�sue�and pratlts ee they become due md peyable.Upon Ihe occurtence of an Event oi
<br /> qef�ult,Lai�r may, aHher In pNSOn or by Agent,wilh or wlthout brinpinp eny ection or proceedlnp,a by e recelvor appointed by e
<br /> couA ond witlaut repard to ths �d�qu�cy W fb Ncurlry,mt�r upon�nd lak�po�tttbn oi the Property,or any part thereot,In lu own
<br /> flam�or In the n�ms ol lhe T�uNw,�nd do�ny ects wh�h It dsem�nsce�say o►dsslr�Ws to prsserve tn�value,ma�icetabllity ar
<br /> ror�tabillty of th�Property.a��y Psrt�herwf a InNn�t thereln,a to Incree�e tM i�cane thsnfrom a protsct the sec�xiry h4roof and,
<br /> wllh�r wilixwt takkp pos�tNan o�Ihs Property.ws lor or otharwlse collect the rente,enta,Isauea end�fltee ss coetse�penat
<br /> due�nd unpeW, by notlyinp temnb to meke p�ymsnb to Lender.Lender mey eppiy
<br /> es ot opsretbn end collection ir�udinp ettomey's feei,to any Isbebtedneaa secured heroby.ell In euch ordnr ae Lender may deter-
<br /> , �idiw.Ti�,a�ris�u�n and 2a�Jr_y p�a:sl��f�!Q��y:the co0ection d such rents,issuea end ptotits,end the ap{�lication
<br /> fhereot as afaeseW ehell not cure a waive eny default or noUce oi default hereunder or Invalidate eny ect dons In roap�onse to such
<br /> default or purouent to such notioa d default and,natwfthstanding the conGnuance In possoasbn of the ptopsrty or the oollection.
<br /> roceipt and applicatton of rents,issuea or profita,Trustee and Lender shall be entltled W exerdse every right provided ior in any of the
<br /> Loan I�swments or by law upon occurrenca of any Event oi Detauft,Incfuding wNhout Ilmitation the ripht to exerdse the power of sale.
<br /> Further,Le�der's dghts end rarnedles under thls paregraph shall be cumulative with,end in no way e limitation on,Lender's►ights and
<br /> remedfas under any assignmentof lease�end renta reoorded agatnst the Prope�ty.Lender,Trustee and tlse recelver ahall be liable to
<br /> accaunt aniy for those rents ectually recelved.
<br /> 11.Ev�nta of D�fauR. Zhe toNowing ehall constltute an Evant of Defeult under thts Deed ot Trust:
<br /> (a)Fallure to pay anybstellrrnnt ot principal or interost or any other aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach oi a detauit under eny provislon containod fn the Note,�Is Oeed of Trust,any oi Me l.oan Instruments,or eny
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or attachment w any simllar proces9 shall be entered againat Trustor which shall become a Nen on
<br /> the property or eny portbn thereof or intereat thereln;
<br /> (c1)There shall be filed by or eqelnst Truator or Borrower an actton under any present or future federal,atate or other statute,
<br /> �aw or ropuleHon rolNiny lo bmkruptcy,Inwlvsncy or o2her rolbf fo►dsbtas;or thero shsll be�ppolntsd any truaEsa,roesiver or
<br /> Ilquidator ot Ttistor or Borrower�x ot aN or any pert oi the Property�or the rents�Issuea or proflte B�sreof.a Tnistor ar Barower
<br /> ahall make any penersl aesipnrnent for the beneflt of coeditore;
<br /> (e)The sab, trensfer,teaae,esalgnment,conveyance or b�ther encumhrenca of ell or eny part ot or eny Intenest U the
<br /> Propedy.elther voluntarly a Involunterily,without the exprese written oonsent of Lender;provided tlu�t T►uator shell be permit-
<br /> ted to executo e leaae dthe Propeity that does not conlain an opNon to purChaae end the tertn of whk.h doee not exoeed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�Abendonment of tlie Properry;or
<br /> (q)If Trustor is not an indivtdual,the isauance,aale,transfer, eaaiynment,conveyance or encumbrance ot rtwre than(if e
<br /> oorporetion)a btsl of perrent of Ita issued and outstendtrq stock.or(if a partnership)a total ot per-
<br /> oent ot partne�ahip Interosta,or(If a Iimited Ilablilty oompany)a total ot peroent ot the limited Iiability campa�
<br /> ny Interests or vottng HgNs durinp the period thia Deed oi T naat rema�na�Ilen on the properly.
<br /> 12.R�m�diss;Acal�nllon upon Ghult.In the event o!any Event oi Default Lender may,without rwfice except as roquired
<br /> by iaw,declaro all Indebtedna�secured hereby to be due end payabie end the same sheU thereupon become due end payable witM
<br /> out eny preaentment,demand,protest or notice ot a�y klnd.ThareaRer Lender may:
<br /> (�)Demand thet Trustae exarctse the POWER OF 3ALE grented herein,end Trustee shall thereaRer cause Truator's tnter-
<br /> est In the Propertyto deao�d e�d the Proceeda to be diaVibuted,ail In the menner provided In the Neb�aake Trust Deeds Aat;
<br /> __.— (b}Exerclae any and ali righb provided tor tn eny of the Loan Inttruments or by law upon occumence of any Event at
<br /> Defaui�end
<br /> (c)Commence an adlon to taecloae thla Deed of Trust ae e mortgape. appoint a roceiver,or epedticolly eniarca any of the
<br /> oovenente heroot.
<br /> No remady her+etn conterred upon a reserved tn Truatee or Lender la intendad W be excluefve oi any Wher romedy herotn,tn the Loan
<br /> InsUuments or by(aw provkled or permitted,but eacA shall be cumulative,shaG be In addlHon to wery other romadyr ghren hereunder,
<br /> ---- In tha Loan Instrumenta or nowor hereaRer exfstlnp at law or In equiry or by stetute,and may be exe�cieed ooncumenty,trxkpendently
<br /> -- orauccesivery.
<br /> 13.TrustN.The Truatee mey res�gn At eny tlme wlthout cause,end Lender may et any time and without cause appoint a Ru�
<br /> --��-- cessor or subatitute Trustea. Tmstee shell not be Ilable to a�y party,inctuding without Ilmitstbn Lander, Bomower,Trustor or eny pur-
<br /> --- chaaer of the Propercy,for enybsa ar damage unless due to recklesa or wlllfui misconduct,and shall not bs requked to take eny ecUon
<br /> In connection with the enforoement of this Deed of 7rust unlesa indemNfied. In w�iWg,fa ali coste,compen$atlon or expenaes whkh
<br /> - — may be essodated therewfth.In addlUon,Trustee may bocome a purcheser at any sele oP the Property(judlcia�or under the Power of .
<br /> -�- � sa�e grented heroin);postp�ne the sale ot all or any portion ot the Properly, ae provided by law;or se0 the Property as a whole.or Ir.
<br /> "".Y;, separeteparcslsorlotsatTruslee'sdiscretlon.
<br /> �,"h'-.��-'�_: 14.FNrs�nd Exp�nsn. In the event Truatee aells the PropeRy by exercise oi power of sale,Trustee shali be entltled ta apply
<br />--_-;� any sele proceeda flret to payment oi all costs and expenses of exercising power of sate,Including eli Trustee's fees,and Lender's end
<br />,_�,��;� Truatee's attamey's feea, ectualty Incurred to extent permitted by�pplicable law. In the event Boreower or Trustor exerdees any right
<br /> prov{ded by Iaw to curo an Event of Defeult,Lender shal�be entitlod to recoverfrom Trustor ali coste and expsr►ses actually incurred es
<br /> _�„4� a resuit of Trustor's defeult,t�duding without Ilmitetton all Trustee's end attome�/s fees,to the eMent permitted by epplictibl�lew.
<br /> 15.Futun Advanc�s.Upon request oi Borrower,Lender mey. at IW optton, make additbna�end futuro advar�ces and reed-
<br /> ,�,,;,��13 vances to Bomower.Such advencea end readvancea,with interest thereon,shall be secured by thia Deed ot T�ust.At no tkne shall the
<br /> �
<br />