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<br /> �� ' i h IiCpbls law, suCh Con(Iici shpll npt nHnol ofhnr provi9�o�s ol 1�1s SeCUnly Inetrumenl or Ihe Nota whbh Can h� __
<br /> ,. conH�lB w 1 nPP -•."
<br /> ,.t pNen ellact�vlthout lha conllicdnq provis�on.70 lhis onq tho provis�ons of Ih�s Securdy Instrument and Ihe Note ore dxl�red to �' _
<br /> .'� be soverpble. —
<br /> 15. BO��OWe�'a COpy BorrOwar shall be gNen one conlprmed copy ol tho Nato and ol Inis Security Instrument.
<br /> ���,
<br />- , .��. 16. Hazardoue Subatences. Borrawer Shall not cAUSe or permq Ihe presencA, use, d�sposni, storapA, or ro�eano ot __-.
<br /> any HBrArdous Sub3tences on or in the PropeAy Borrower shall not do, nor auow anyone e�se to do, anythlnp �Hrclhp ►ho
<br /> ,.� Property tnat is n Vi0�3►1Q0 0l any Gn�konmenta�La�v. Tho preeod�ng t�vo sentences shell not app1Y to the presenCe, use, or c"_
<br /> � storape on the Properly of smell quflntkles ol Hiuerd0us Substancea that aro penerely reCOpnised to be appropr4lte to normel
<br /> '"`�'�� � re6identlal uses end to mahtenence ot the Property.
<br /> :�;.iii,� Bonower shBll pramptly gHe Lendor written notlCe ol pny fnvnGt�gstion, clsun, demand, IawSUit or other eotlon by eny
<br /> �3_'=
<br /> — -- govemmen�al or reyulelory agenCy or prNate parly involviny the Propany and eny Hazardous Substance or Envkonmental Law o
<br /> � whfCh Bortower has ectual knowiedge. II 8orrower loarns, or is notffletl by any qovernmental or refluletory euthorfty, thet any
<br /> *^ ` removal or ol�e� remed�at�on o1 any Hazardous Substenuee aHocting the Property is necesssry, Borrowet Shali prqmpty taka all
<br /> ' neoessary remed'al aclio�s in accordence wilh Envlronmantnl Law.
<br /> � AS u6ed In this par3graph tG, 'Hazardoue Substanaes' are those substance6 defhed as tox�C or harardou5 SubstanCes by
<br /> �;��� ` Envkonmental L¢w end ihe followhg subslances: p459��e, kerosene, other f�emmab{e or toxVc petrolaum ptoduots, tox�c
<br />.a• .
<br /> pe5tbides and herbicides,voiatile solvents,materiats containing esbestos or formaldenyde, and radloactive materials. !►s used h
<br /> _ :"?��;. the perayraph 16, "Envkonmentai lew" means taderal laws and laws of lhe wrisdiCtton where the Property IS bcatad thit re�ate
<br /> to health,satety or emkonmental protecUon.
<br />:�;:e:;.� ,=,r�_ NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrower artd lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ,;,.,,-���.'�.
<br />"i :;,,_,.._ .
<br /> 17. Assignment ot Rents. �orrowar unconditionally assigns and transfers to Lender ell the ra�ts and revenues of the
<br /> t��: ,• , Property. Bo�fow@r aWilariL9S Lender or Lender's agen�s to collect the rents and revenue3 8nd hereby ditects eaCh tenant of the
<br /> ,.i';,;'; a.
<br /> ��"' Property to pay Che rents ia lender or Lender's agents. However, prior to Lenders notice to Borrower of Borrower's bresch o
<br /> �::�:�i:�:;�"
<br />,;;_,,t; 8ny covenartt ot 89rBErtt%nt fn the Security i�strument, Borrower shell Collect a�d reCelve all rents and tevenues ot the PropeRy
<br />- -.�.•u nment of rents constiwtes an absolule essignment and not an
<br />'ir�i�i� es truSteA f�: Ih8 benefit of Lender end Borrowor. This asSig
<br />_����q
<br /> ;..�,�;� eSSfgnment 4ar additboal security ony.
<br /> — �' If Le�dt�r gYes notice of braach to Borrower. (a) all rents rsceNed by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as t�ustee for
<br /> -- �=='��t benetit of Lender ony,to be applfed to the sums secursd by the Security Instrument; (b) Lender shaY be entitled to colleet nnd
<br />�:}:�;�,.� receNe all ot the rents of the Property; and (c)each tennnt of the Property shflll pay al1 rents due and unpald to Lender or
<br /> �-�� �enaers apeni on La�Jer'o �:r�ttar��ssran�tc :he lsr.anl. ,
<br /> __s� ""°—�" Borrower has not exeauted any prior assignment of the rents and has not and wilt not parform any aot that would prevent
<br /> _- .:�::.� Lender trom exercisfng its rights under thi3 Paragraph 17.
<br /> ,- ,���� Lender shall not be requtred to enter upon,take control ot or maintain the Property betore or afta gNinq not�e of breach to
<br /> -';4� Bortower. However,Lender or a Jud�lahy appointed receNor may do so et eny time there Is a breach. My Appl�atbn of rents
<br /> shali not cure or waHe any default or Invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.7his essignment of rents of the PrapaRY
<br /> shall t6rminate when the debt seCUred by Ihe 3eCUrlty Instrument Is pald h lull.
<br /> 16. Forecloeure Procedure. If Lander requires Immediate payment In full under Pllaab�ePlsw.
<br /> Lender may tnvoke the power of sele and eny other remedles permitted by spp
<br /> -- -�T� Lender shalt be entttle� to aoltect ell expenaea (ncurred tn purauing the remedles provided M
<br /> thta Paragreph 16, inaluding, but not Iimited to� reasonable attorneys' teea nnd eoste of title
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power ot aale Ia invoked, T�ustee shall record a notice of deteult In eech county in
<br /> which eny pert ot the Property ta located and shali mail coplea oT suoh notice tn the menner
<br /> prescr(bed by epplicabte lew to Borrower and to thr ether persons proac�ibed by epplicable Isw.
<br /> After the time required by epp�icable law� Truatee ahall give publla notice of aale to the perwn�
<br /> end In the menner prescribed by appliceble law. Truatee,without demend on 8orrower� shall sell
<br /> the Properiy at public auctton to the highest bidder at the time and place end under the terms
<br /> designated tn the nottce of eate In one or more parcala and in any order Trustee determtnes.
<br /> Trustee may poatpone aele of all or any pereel of the Property by public ennounoement at the
<br /> time and plaee of any previously scheduled aele. Lender or its deal�nee may pukchese the
<br /> Property et any a�ale.
<br /> Upon receipt of peyment oi the prtae bid, Trustee shali deliver to the qurchaser Trustee'�
<br /> deed conveyl�p the Property. The recitels tn the T�uatee's deed shall be prima faete evidenee of
<br /> the Vuth of the stetements made thereln. 7ruatee ahell eppty the proceeds of the sale In the
<br /> - foilowing order: (e) to ail coats and expensea of exercising the power of asie, snd the sale,
<br /> y-�-� inaludinq the payment of the Trustee's feea ectuelly Incurred, noi to excerd 3 �
<br /> T�: of the prtncipal amount of the note et the time oi the decleretton of deteult, end re�sonable
<br /> -��---�=� attorneya' fees na permitted by lew; �b) to ell surr�a seaured by this Security Inatrument; snd (c)
<br /> --�:�:�: eny exceas to the person o� persons legally entitied to It.
<br /> -=
<br />