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<br />=o� _ . . 97— �U'7843
<br /> ,� ' Any amounro d�sbureQA by Lond�r under Ihfs Pprag�aph ehell becomo an udddionni dobt ol Borrowar end be ascursd by __
<br /> .� . (hls Slturity In8lrum�n!• 7hoso amounib eh�lll Denr M�terest�rom Ihu dnto ol diSbu�SOmonl nt �he Nato rnte,and st !he Optl�n o1 _
<br />' ��� ' Lend�r,ehA�bo knmodlatery dw�nd puya0b.
<br /> Borrowlr shall prompty dlschllrp� any li�n whbh has pNOri1y over INS Secunty Inslrument unless �orrower. (a) a�reos h
<br /> wrlt�np lo th� pAyment ol lhe oblpatlon 6�CUred by tho Iipn In e mnnner acceptnible lo Lendor; (b)conlests In eood f�Nh thq Iqn
<br /> by, ar dslMds �palnat �ntorcemml ql th� Irn In, bqal procMd�npe whbh In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent tha
<br /> F ontorcemont of Ihe ��en; or (c) aecuras hom thp holder ol the i�en an n4reement eet�stacto.y to Lender subordinatk�p tha Ibn to
<br />�°.:�� this S1curRy Inatrum�nt. 11 Lendor d�twmh�s th�t any part ot th� Propany �s sub�ect to a lien vrhkh may attnln prlority over thls �
<br /> 'y� SsCUrNy IntlnimYnL Lendor m�y pH� Borrower� notlCS idmtilytnp tho�ien. Borrower shtll satf5fy Ihe INn or take ona or more Ot
<br /> =_� the �Clb�s set IoAh Bbove wkhfn 10 day6 0l th� pivinp ol notke.
<br /> - a.FQES.Lender may coliect tees nnd charges 8uthorizeU by the Secretary.
<br />-�,�� 9.Grounda for Aaoeleration of Debt.
<br /> (a)Defeult. Lender mey, eKcept as I�rn�tod by regulat�ons issued by the Seaetary in lhe Case oi paym6nt def8uk5,
<br />-;� requlre immediate payment 1n tuu ol au sums secured by this Secunly Instrument if:
<br /> ;��� (I)Bortower defauks by f�uiny to pl�y in fuY eny monthly payment requied by thls Security Instrurnent pri0r to or on
<br />-.�� th�dw d�t�oi lha noxt monthy payment, ar
<br /> "��'. (li)Borrower defeuks by taN'�nq,for a perbd ol thkty daye,to pedorm eny othar oblqatbns Contthed h this Security
<br /> _`—_° InatrumK►t.
<br /> (b) Sele Without Credit Approval. L�nder ahaN, ff psrmined by appl�cnble lew(halud'ng seotbn 341(d) ot the
<br />_—= Gam-St pirmain Depository tnslitut18n6 ACt of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701J•3(d))and with the prfor approval o}the SeCretary,
<br />�y'�'� roquke Immedlate paymant In IuA of oil the sums secured by thls Security Instrument if:
<br />-_ � (i) All or pert ot the Property, or a benef�lal interest �n e trust owning ell or part ol the Property, Is sold or
<br /> --������
<br /> "= i_ otherwtse transferred(other than by devise or desCenq,and
<br /> -_---- (Ip The PropeRy Is not occupled by the purchaser or grentee as hts or her principal residence, or the purchasw or
<br />' '�" prantee does so occupy the Property, but hts or her credit has not been approved fn accordance with the
<br /> ..�;I requkements of the Secretery.
<br /> Y•��1 (C) NO Waiver. If akcumstencos occur that wouid permR Lender to requre immediat� payment h tull, but Londer
<br /> das not requir�suoh payments,Lsnder does not wnlve�ls rphts with respecl to subsequenl events.
<br />_ (d) Requlations of HUD Secretary. In many ckCUmstances reguletbns isswd by the Secrot�ry will Ilmit
<br /> � -- Lenders riphts, in the C3se of paym�nt dafauMs, t� requke knmedlate payment in fuu ond forecbse M not poid. Tf►ts
<br /> �;;,uri��;nstnimex:t doee n^t a�!tnnri�a scceleratlon or(oreclosure��not permiitetl by reguWt(ons o}the Secretary•
<br /> (e) Mortgaye Not Insured. Bo�ower a��ees cna► it thls Security Instrument a�d Ihe Note are not deeermr,ea co
<br /> � be elip�ble for insurence under the Netbnal Housing Act within i� 01 dl1�(8 I901 4'om the date hereof, Lender
<br /> rney, at ks option requke knmedlate peyment in fu�� ot all sums secured by thls Security Insirument. A wrkten Stntement
<br /> of any euthorized aqent ot the Secreiary deletl subsequent to# 0}dBVE [90) frpm the date hereo}, deClhhq
<br /> to hsure this Securily Instrumont and the Note,Shali be deemed conclusiva proof of such hqlipibility. NotwRhstandhp
<br /> — tho!orepohp,this optlon may not da exerclsed by Lender when the unavallabildy ot insurancr is 4olery due to LMd�s
<br /> talUre to r�mk a mortpaps tnaurance premtum to tha Secretary.
<br /> 10_ Relnstatemen� eorrow.r nas a rqne�o bo reinstatad M Londer has requked immedlatte paymsnt In tuN beCaus� of
<br /> Bortawot'S taflure to pey an amount due under the Nole or this Seaurky Instrumant.Thls rlpht applies evan attK for�abaure
<br /> procNdinps are InstRuted. To rehstate the Security Instrument, Borcower shall tender h a lump sum eA amounts requksd to
<br /> b►hp Borrower's account current Includhy, to the extent they are oblpations of Bortower undar thb Sacurity InsWmw�t,
<br /> for�cbsun costs Rnd reasonabla and austomary attorney'6 lees and expenses prOperty essoclated wkh the taecbsure
<br /> procNdinp. Upon reinatatement by Borcower,this Security Instrument and the oblipatlons that N secures shaN rematn In eMeot 8s
<br /> N Lander had not required immedlate payment In IuA. However,Lender Is not requiretl to permH rotnatatement N: (I)L�nda has
<br /> accept�d rsinstatemsnt after tha commencement of toraCwsure proceedin�s wRhln two yea►s h'�m�dialey A�M�hp t��
<br /> comiwnCKna�t of a cuRent torecbsure proceedlnq, (Il)reinstatement will prectude toreclasure on diNxent gtounds n ths h+tura,
<br /> or(u�reNStatort�ent wtll adversety aHect the priority ot the Iien created by this SeCUrity Inst►ument.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Rele�sed; Forbearence By Lender Not s Weiver. Extensbn of the tkn�ot p�ymM�t or
<br /> modncatbn of emortlzotbn of ths sums socursd by thls Security Instrument yranted by Unda to eny succsssor h htsn�t of
<br /> Bortower 6h�►N nat operate to reluse tho IIabNRy of the oripinal Borrower or Bortower'e successor in hterest.Lend�r�haM not b�
<br /> � requt�d to eomm�nce proceedhps aqafnst any successor h hterest or retuse to exlend tkne lor p�yrt�t or oth�rwts� modilyr
<br /> amoAirgtbn o� th� sums 8ecured by thts Security Instrument by reason ot eny demand made by tha orqinal Borcower or
<br /> Borrowers successors In tnterest. My torbearance by Lender in exerClslnp any riyht or remedy ehell not ba a walwr Ot or
<br /> procUde ihe exerCise of eny ripht or remody.
<br /> 12. Successora and Aaeigns Bound; Joint and Severel Liabiltty; Co-siqners. rne oown•nes .nd
<br /> agreemenl9 0l this SeCUrity Instrument sh811 bad and benefit the suCCessors and 8ssipn5 ot Lender and Bonower,sub}�Ct t0 th�
<br /> _„ ,__,_ provBloas of Paraqreph 9(b). Borcower's covanant6 and flgresments Shnll be lolnt and sev9�al Any Borrower who co•slyn5 thf3
<br /> Secaity Instroment but dbes not exeCUta the Note: (s)IS co•slgninfl this Security Inslrument any to mortqape,prant�nd convey
<br /> thnt Bnrrower's fnterest h the Property under the terms of this Securlty InsVument; (b) Is nol personaly oblipated to pay th�
<br /> sums seCUred by this Securiry Instrumenh ind (c) ayrees thet lender and any other Bortower muy Ayree to sxbnd, modNy,
<br /> -:_-_ forM�r a meke a�y accommodatbns with ragard to th� term ot this Sacurity Instrument or Ihe Note wRhuut th�t Borcowers
<br /> - consent.
<br /> --- 13.NOtfCEB. Any notlCe to Borrower provided (or In th�s Securfty Instrument Shall be gNen by dQFveriap R or by mamnp R •
<br /> -- by I'rst cdss mall unbss applkable aw requlres use ol enolher method.The notieo shall be dlnatod to tnv Prcperty Addrass or
<br /> _-�'� any other address Bortower desfpnatos by notfce to Lender. Any noticQ to Lender shall be yMen by first claes maH to Lond�r's
<br />--_°
<br />