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201207373 <br /> foi the repau s a�id resloralion in a singlc paymcnt or in a series of progress payments as Yha worlc is <br /> completed. IP the insur�nee or oonderxuiation prooeecls are not sufGoie�it tu rcpair or restore the Praperry, <br /> Borrower is oot relieved of Borrower's obligaYion Por Yhe completion o'f such repair or restoratioii. <br /> l.ender or its agent n�tiy make ceasonable entries upon suid inspeckone of the Property. If it h�s reasoi�al�lc <br /> causc, Lcnder may inspect tho interior of the improvements on t1�e Property. Londer ehall give Borrower <br /> notice aC the time nf or prior to such an interior inspection specifyin��auch reasonable causa: <br /> £S. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrowec shall be in defaLiiC if, dming the Loa�i application prqcess, <br /> Be�rrower or any persons or cmtitios acNng at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's laiowledge or <br /> consent gnue makerially false, inisleading, oc inaccirraLe ii�[Pormalion or nt:atemcnts to Lender(or failed to <br /> provide Londer with material information) in coimection with the Loan. Material representakion9 inclttde, but <br /> nre noC limited Co, repre.senCaCions concerning Borrowcr's occupancy of the Property as liorYower's�cincipal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this 5ecurity Instrument. if(a) <br /> Borrowar fails to perforni the covennnts uid agreemeuts contained in this SecuriLy Instxument, (b) fhere is a <br /> 1ega1 proceeding tliat nught signiFioantly affect Lender's inlerest in filie Properry�ncVor rights undei this <br /> Secwity Tnstrumeut(snch as aproceeding in Utmkruptcy, probate, for condenmaUon or forfeihtra, ior <br /> enforcco�cnt�f a lien wl�icl�may attain prio�9ty ovcr tl�is Sec�uity Instr'mnent or to enforce laws or <br /> xeguln[ions), or (o)Bon�ower h�s abnndoned the Propex[y, then Lencler may do and pay for whztever ie <br /> reasonable or app�ropritite to protect Lender's iukerest in the Property and rights under this Security <br /> h�sErnmeut, inchtding profecfing avd/or asyessing the valLie of the Property, and securing and/or repairing <br /> the Properly. Lencier's actions can include, 6ith are nol liiriited Co: (a)�aying any sums sccured by a lie�x <br /> which has priority over this Security Inshument; (b) appeAring in court; and (a)paying reasonable attomeys' <br /> fees to protect its ii�te��est in the Property and/or righte w�der tliis Security IneCrmnent, inclad'uig its secured <br /> posilion ni a bankrupCcy procecding. Sccaring the Property includos, but is not 1'rmited to, entering tl�e <br /> Property to malce�•epairs, chan�e looks, repinoe or boaril np doors and�uindows, draii�water �G�om pipcs, <br /> eliininate buildiug or otUer code violntions or dengerous conditione, and have uriliriea h�rned on or off. <br /> A1thongh l.ander may te�1ce action wider t�l�ie Section 9, Lender does noti hava to do so and is not under any <br /> ciuCy or obligalion t� do so. It is agrecd thaE Londcr incurs no liability for not t�l�ig any or all actions <br /> authoiized under this Secrion 9, <br /> Any amounts dieburscd by,Lender undor this Sectioti 9 shall beeorrie�tdditioiial debt of Borrower aectued by <br /> this Security Inslnm�enG These amoimfs shall bear uiteresl at tl�ie Nole rake from tl�c date of disburccmcitk <br /> and sha11 ba payable, wiYh snoh interest, upon notice fi am Lender Yo l�orrower s equesting payment. <br /> If Chis Security InetrumanE is on a leasehold, Borrower shell comply with p11 the�rovisions of the lense. If <br /> }3orrower ecquires fee tttle co Uie Property, tihe leasehold and the f'ee title sl�all not merge unlesa Lender <br /> ahrccs to thc ri�crger in Writing. <br /> 10. M ortt�age Insuranee. If Lender rcqnircd MorCgagc Insui'ancc as a condition of making the Loan, I�orrowe�• <br /> shn11 pny the premituna i�equired to meuitain the Mortgage Insurnnce in effecG IP, Por�ny reason, Clie <br /> Mortgage Insuraiica covaraga rec�uired by Lendar caases to Ue available from the mortgage insurer that <br /> proviously pr��vidcd such insurance nnd Borrower was req�tir�ed to inalce separately desi�iaked payments <br /> toward the preuuutns for Mortgage Iusurnuoe, Borrower ahall pay lhe premiLuns required to oUtain eovcrago <br /> suUstantially eqtuvalent to the Mortgage Insurence previoixsly in effect, at n cost subst�urtially equivalent to <br /> thc costi to Bon-ower of thc Mortgage h�suranco previnusly in efFect, fi�o�n an alEerna�te inorYgage instu'er <br /> selected by Lender. If siibst��ntially eqtiivelenC 1Vlortgage Insiu'nnce coverage ie noC avail�ble, Borrowcr sl�all <br /> i zqoozo�s <br /> NFBRA91<A-Single f-amlly-Fannie A�ae7Freddle Mw UNIFORM IN9TRUMENT Porro 3028 1/01 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(1 t O6� <br /> Wolters Kluwor Rnenclul5orvlces PageO of i" <br />