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201207373 <br /> All ineurpnee policiea requireci by Lcndcr and of euch policies shnll be subject to Lendcr's right to <br /> disapprove such policies, shall inchide a slandard n�ortgagu clause, and sha11 iitune Lend�r as mortgagee <br /> and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender shall ha�e the right to hald thc policioe and renewul certificntes. If <br /> Leiicier requires, Barrowcr shall promptly give to Lender nll receipts o£paid prenvums an$renevaal notices. <br /> If Boirower oUtaius atry Porm of insurai�cc coverage, not otherwise reqLured by Lender, Cor damagc to, or <br /> dost�•uctiou of, the Property, such policy ehall includc a standard mortgaga clause aud ehnll name Lender as <br /> mortga�ee a�id/or as an additional loss pnyee. <br /> Ili the event of loss, Borrower shnll give pron�pt noLYoe to tUc insurance carrier and Lender. Leuder tuay <br /> malce prooF of loss if iiot made pco'mptly Uy Borrower. Unless Lender antl Borrowcr otherwise agree ui <br /> wrifing, ury insiu�ane;c procecds, Whether oK uot the underlyiug instu'tuiee was remiired by Lendec, 6ha11 be <br /> applied to restoraUon or repair oY the Property, if the restorafion or rep�ir is ec;onomicolly£easibla aud <br /> Lc�idu�'s sccurity i5 not lessened. During snch repair aud restoraCian period, Lender shalll�ave thc right to <br /> hold suoh insm�ance proceeds iuiLil Lcndcr has hrzd ai� opportunity to inspect suoh Property to ensure the <br /> work has Ueen completed to Lender's sntisfaotion, provicicd t1�at such inspeckion shall Ue widertaken <br /> proinptly. Lender inay disUm'ae proceeds for tha repairs and reatorattion in a siuglc paym�;nt or in a series oP <br /> progress payments as Ui�work is completecl. Unless an agreement ie made in writing or ApplicaUlo Law <br /> requires inte�ast to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall noY be required Yo pay Borrower nny <br /> intiereat or etu�nirigs on such procccds. Foes for public adjti�sters, or other thiid patties, retained by Borrower <br /> shall not be paid out of the insurnnee proceeds and shall be 0ie eole obligatiion of]3orrowzr, Lf the restoration <br /> c�r repair is not econonucally feasible or Lencler's secttciCy would be lessened, the uism�ance prooeedF sl�xll bo <br /> applied to thc stnns sccurcd Uy fl�is Security Instrmnent, whether or not tl�en due, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Suoh inaurance proce�de shall Ua aipplied in the ordcr provided for in Section 1,. <br /> If Borxower abandons fhe Property, Lender may file, negotiate and suttlo any avai]aUle insuranoa alaun and <br /> relatied mattere. If Borrower doea not respond within 30 days to a noHoe Pron�Lciider d�at the insw�ance <br /> carr'rer has offered to settile a clai�n, El�en Lender may neg�otiaYe �tnd settle the claim. Ths 30-day period will <br /> begitl wl�on tl�o noticn is given. In either event, or if Lender acquires the Property under SeeCion 22 or <br /> olherwise, Bon�ower hareby aseigne fo Lcnder(a) Borrower's�ights to ang insuraaice proceede in an atnount <br /> not to exceed the areiounts unpEtid imder the Note or [tus SeciiriCy IueLnmia�t, and(b) �ny other of <br /> Borrower's ri�;Ut.s (otlier than tha right to airy rafixud oF tuie�trned premiums pnid by Borrower)under all <br /> insurance policies covering tke Pxoperty, insofar as such righls �re applic�blo to tl�c c;overage of the <br /> Pr�perty. Louder may use flie insurazice proceeds eitlier to reptir or testore the Propexty or Lo pay nmounts <br /> Zmpaid under fhe Nofe or 11iis Seciu�ity Insiauinont, whcH�or or not tl�en due. <br /> 6, Oecupaney. Borrower shnll occupy, cstaUlish, and�ise tl�e Properiy as Borrower's principal residenoe <br /> witliin 60 days aiter the execution of this SecuriLy Insh�umenC aiid ehall oontinue to occupy the Proparty as <br /> 13orxower's principal residenoe Por at lez�et one yexr after the date of 000npanoy, iuilees L;�ndcr othe��wise <br /> agrwa in vniting, which consent shall noti be uucsasonably withlxeld, or unleae extenuating circumst'ances <br /> exisC wlrich�re boyond Rorrower's oonh�ol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Boriower slinll not deacroy, <br /> damage or iivpau�the Property, allow the Property lo deCeriorttto or coinmit wasFe on the Pi�operty. Whether <br /> oA'not Borrowet is rasidin� in khe Property, Borrower ahall maintain fhe Pxoperly in ordor to pravent tUe <br /> Property from dctcriorating or decaeasing in value due to itis oonditiion. Unless it is determined pnrauant to <br /> Section 5 that rep�ir or resCoraLion is noE econoinically fcasible, Bortower shall proinptily repair thc Property <br /> if dainaged to avoid#'urther deterioration ar damage. If insur�noe or wndoirniaHnp proceeds�re paid iv <br /> couuection with damage to, or tihe taking of', the Property, Botrower sh�ll l�e responsible Por rcE�airing or <br /> rostoring thc Property only if 1.ender har�released proceeds Por suoh purposes. Lender may diabm�se proceoiis <br /> . 240020fi5 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin9leFemily-FannieMnelFred4leMecUNIFOkM MSTRUA4EN'I Form30201701 <br /> VM P O VM P6(NE)i71051 <br /> WolleYs KluwoY Fhianoiel8ervloes Page j nf 1Y <br />