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201207370 <br /> required by RESPA, and Boirower shall pay to Lender Iho an�oiuit necessaiy to make up tlie daficiancy in <br /> ac:aord�nce wi11i R&+SPA, Utrt in n0 more tlk�n 12 montlily payments. <br /> Upon payment in fn11 of all stuns sectued by this Security Instrument, Lencler shall projnptly refund to <br /> Borrower any I'unds hold by LcuQe�. <br /> h. Charg�s; Liens. Rarrower s1i�11 pay alI tases, assoasmenUs, chEirges, fines, and impositions atlri6uhlblc to <br /> the Property which can attain pi iority over tihis Security Listrument, leasahold pa}nnents or gcound renCa on <br /> the Properfy, i�P any, ancl OommuniCy Asso�tiation Ducs, Nees, and Aysessments, if'any. To tlie extent that <br /> these items are Escrow Items, ]3orrower ahali pay 6hem iu the m�nner providcd in ScctVon 3. <br /> Rorrower shaLl promptly disah�rge uny lien which hAs prioriCy ovcr tliis Sccurity hlsh�iunent ualess <br /> Borrowcr: (a)agrees in wrrtrng to the paymeilt of the obligafion aecured by tihe lien in a inaimer acceptable <br /> to Lender, buC or�ly so long as Borrower ia perfprming such�gteemcnt (b) contests the],iefl in good faith by, <br /> or defends agninst anf'oroement of tl�e lian iu, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate fo peevcmt <br /> tl�c enforcement of t11e licn while those proceedinge are pending, Uut oi�ly until suah proceedings a1e <br /> ooncluded; or(c)seeures from the holder of Che lieu an�grec,7rocnt s�fisfactory to],ei�der snbordinatiiig tiha <br /> lien to this Security Snsh•ument. If Lender determines that nz2y parC of the Prope��ty is sLibject to a lion whicb <br /> eTn ntfain priority over tliis Security Inshuinent, Zender may give 13orrower a no[ice identifyiug che lien. <br /> Within 10 days oP Ehe date on whicli that nolice is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or tAke oue or more <br /> of thc aotions s�t furEl�abovc in fl�is Scction 4. <br /> Lcndor may requirc l�r-rower to pay n ono-tiuie charge for �real e9tate tax vari£icatiion wd/or reporting <br /> eetvice used by Lender iu ootmeotion with this Loan. <br /> 5. ProperBy Insurance. Borrower shall Iceep the iinprovemeuls now exieCing or l�erottfter erected on tl�e <br /> ProparYy iusured against loss by fxre, l�az�u�ds included within the term"extended covernge," and nny olher <br /> hazaxdy inc7udii��r, bnt not 1imited to, eartl�quakea aaid flood�, fbr which Lender requires insttrance. Tl�is <br /> ineurance shall bc inainCtined in the amounte (includivg deciuctiblc lcvcls) and for the periods 61��t Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pureunut Lo che preceding senteuces oan ch�nge cluring f1�e fern�of Che 1�an. <br /> Tlie inaurance casrier providing the insw•tuice shall be�liosen by Borrower siibject to Lender'e righ[to <br /> disapprove Borrower's choica, which right shall not Ue exeroised wu�easonably. Lender may require <br /> ]3nrrawer to�ny, in connecrion with ttris Loan, either: (n) a onatime oharge for Ilooc1 zone deterininnCion, <br /> oertifica2ion and t�'acicing services; or�(U) a one-tiine ch3rge �Lor flood zoue detortnination and cei'�i�cation <br /> secvices �nd subscqn�;nl ch�rges ench Cimc re�nappings or siini7ar ch�iigos occur wl�fich rcasonably migl�it <br /> affect such determination or certifioaYion. Borrower shall also be responaible for the payment of auy fce.s <br /> iinposed Uy the l��eder21 E;meigency Maneigement Agency in connection witli tlie review of any flood zone <br /> cieternvneCion resulting fi�om an objec[iori by Bon�ower. <br /> If Borrower fails Co mainC�ii7 any of the coverages deacribefl ab�3vq LeiYdor inay ol�tain incurai�ce cove�age, <br /> �t I,ender's option and Darrower's e�ense. Leuder is uuder no ohligntion to purchase any particular 6ypc or <br /> einount of cove��age. Therefoie, auch coverage shall cover L,ender, but might or might not proteoY Borro�ver, <br /> Aorrower's eqLuty in the Property, or the contents of the Pro�erty, against.uiy risk, haznAd or liability smd <br /> might providc greatcr or laeser covcragc tl�an wati proviously in ofCect. Borrowe�'aclrnowledges t6at the eost <br /> of the iusurance coverage so obtained miglrt sigiificantly�xoeed the cost of insuranoe Chat Boirower ooLild <br /> Aave oUt�ined. tlny amounts cli,sUm�sed by Lencier under khis SecCion 5 shall beeoine addiEional deUt of <br /> Borrowcr sccuced by Chie Seciu�ity Instrumcnt. "Pl�iese an�otimis sl7tdl bcar interesC at the Note rate from the <br /> date of dis�nrsement and ahnll be pnpable, with euch interest, npon notice from Lender to Borrower <br /> requesCing payment. <br /> — --- — — ---- �aonao�a <br /> NEBWISKA-SIn9leFamlly-FanniePdaelFretldieWac UNIFORM INSTRUMEM' Form 3028 7/o1 <br /> VMP nn VMPB(N[)(1105) <br /> Wallors Klmv or Finunolol 9orvlcee Pagc 6 of 19 <br />
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