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201207370 <br /> Any applicalion of payments, nisurpnoe proceeds, ac Miscellaneoue Proceede to principal clue under the Note <br /> ehell not extend or postpona tha due date, or cl�ange Uie amoimt, of the Pariodio Payments. <br /> 3. Tnuds for Eacrow Itcros. Borrower s1u�11 pay to Lender on the day Pari�dic Payments a�e due under the <br /> Note, until the Not�e is paid in full, d sum (thc"l�w�ds") to providc for paymcnt of ai��ounts duc for: (a) taxce <br /> au$assessments and othor iteme which c�n aCCain priorily over this Securit'y I�istrumenC�s n lien ar <br /> encurnbiaucc on Che Pinperty; (b) leasehold payments or gromid rents on the Propexty, iE any; (c)preaniums <br /> for auy and all insiv�nce required by Lender under Section 5; a�id(d)Mortgage Insmance preiniums, if auy, <br /> ox any sums payable by Borrower To Lender in lieu of the payment of.Vlortgage Insnrance premiums in <br /> accorduice wifli 11ie�invisions of Secfioil 10. 'I'l�ase items arc caUed °Lscrow itoms." At originllioi�i or aC <br /> any tiine diuing thc tcnii of the LoAi�i, Lendec may require Cha�t Cornmunity Asaociation Dues, 1�ees, ancl <br /> Assesemonts, if any, be eserowed by Rbrrower, an�i such duen, fc�ee and nesashmcntF sh�Ll bc au�sorow <br /> Item. I3onower sl�all�romgCly fumish Co Lencler al1 norices of nmonnts to ba paid t�nder tlzis Section. <br /> Borrower shall pAy Leuder the Punds for P�sorow Items miless Lender waives Boirower's oUligation to pay <br /> the I�nnds For nny or all Escrow Iteuis. Lender may waive Aorrower's obligation to pay to Lencier P'imds �for <br /> auy or a�ll L'scrow Items at�ny time. Any�uch waiver nlay only be in writing. In the event of snch wAiver, <br /> Borrower sl�Rll pay dircctly, wl�ien and wkiere�a�qeble, the�unounts due for Atiy Escrow Items Por which <br /> puyment of Funds has been waived Uy Lender nncl, iF Lender requires, shall fmnish to Lender reccipta <br /> cvidencing suoh pnyixtenC wiChin sucli tiina period as Lender roay reqLure. F3orrowcr's oUligatipn Co tnake <br /> such paymeuts anci fo provide receipts sha71 for all purposes be deemed Co he a eoven�nU and agreeinent <br /> contained v�fl�is Seourity Ine6rnment, as the pYuAse"covenant and agreement" ia usod in 6eotion 9. PF <br /> Bc�rtower ifi obligated to p�ty Esero�a Ttems directily, pursuant�to�waiver, and Tion�ower fails to pay the <br /> �mount due foa•an Lscrow Iten�, Lender mny cxcroisa itie righis iuider SecCion 9 and pay suoh amount nnd <br /> Borrower shall t7�en bc obligaCec{uncler Section 9 to repay to Lender nuy sucli tunottnt. Lender mc�y revolce <br /> tho waiver ae to nny ox all Eaerow Iteins at Any tune by a noGice given in accordancc with Seot�oa 15 anci, <br /> upon such r�vocation, Borrower shz1l pay to l.en,dcr all A'unc�s, and in such an�oimts, lh�t are then required <br /> uncler this Section 3. <br /> Lender mny, at aaiy tima, collect a��d hold Niu�ds iii an amnuuL(a) sitfGcient to permit Lender to apply Y1ie <br /> Fuuds at tlie time specified m�der RLSPA, and (b) not to exceed the maxiunun amount alendar can require <br /> unde� R'LSPA, Lender shnll estimate the atnount of Funds dua on the basis of current data and reasonable <br /> estimates of expenditures of fidure Lscrow Iten�s or otherwise in ticcordance with Appliceble Law. <br /> The Ftuids sliall Ue held iu an institutiun whose deposits nre insurecl by a FederAl egency, iiistr•tunentality, or <br /> entify(incliiding Lenclet, if Lender is an institution whose deposits are so in.sured)�or in any I�cdoral Homo <br /> Loan Bamlc Lender sha11 apply tl�e Puuds to pay thc N,scrow ICcros no lafcr than tl�ie Lin�e specified under <br /> RESPA. Lender sha11 not cl�argc Borrowex 1'or holding ancl Applying the I+1mds, annually auTlyzing The <br /> escrow accoLnrt, or verifymg the�scrow Itema, unless Lender pays IIorrower interest on t1Te Punds and <br /> A�>plicable Ltiw pernuts Leuder to make suoh a charge. Unlees an ugreemcnt is mado ia� wrilii7g or <br /> Applicnble Law rec�ttires inCeresC fo l�e par�1 on the 1�unde, Lunder shatll not be required to pnq Bocrower any <br /> interest or ea��uings on the l^unds. Borrower aiici Lender oan agree in wriYing, however, tliaC interese shall Ue <br /> paid on t1�c 1+''ui7ds. Lender shnll give to Borrower, without charge, au annual acaonnting cif the Nunde as <br /> renuired by I2ESPA. <br /> If there is a swplus ol'Punds Ueld in escro�v, ae dofincii inider P�LSPA, Lendex slisll acconiit Co Bonower fox <br /> Che excess fiinds in accorc3ance wifh RLSPA. If there is a shortage of runds held iix eserow, as defined under <br /> R�FSPA, Lcnder shell notify Boirower as required by RT�'SPA, and I3orrowee ahall pay k>Lcndcr tlie atnotmC <br /> riecessnry to make up the shartage in accordancc�wiCl�K}3SYA, Uul'in no more th�n 12 monthly p�yments. IP <br /> there is 1 deficienoy of Punds hcld in oscrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sh�ll uocify Borrower as <br /> -- ----- ------ — �aa o z o t a <br /> Nff312�S1</t Sin91e famity-Fannle h7aelfretldio Mec UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT Fonn 3020 7101 <br /> yp�p U VM P6(Nf)f 17 D6( <br /> Wollers I<luwer Flnanclol Scrviccs Pnfle 5 of 1% <br />