<br /> ,t. ,�''3+�L�, ' . '•:4'.9�Wi4.'
<br /> . .�akil�ll� .. . . � . .-
<br /> .. . �o-
<br /> �r:-.
<br /> 22. SECURITY INTEREBT UNDER Y}IE UNIFORM COMMERCUL CODE This Deed of Tmat ahall be conaldered and be etteetive ae s Iinancing �_
<br /> stetertrnt and a fixlure tiling pursuant k 1hs pravialuns ol the Unifam Comtrierde�Code(es adopl°d In Ihn atate whem tho roal proporty I�located)
<br /> covedng flxturos,chaflola,ond erliclaa ol peraonal p►operly;bw owned a heroahar atlathed to or to be usad In connocllon whh the Property topether wlth
<br /> � any and all replacements ihereot end addtlana thereto(the Chatlela"),and Ciranta hereby grant�Lender a eecurlty Intereat In auch Ghattels. The debtor Is
<br /> tho Qrnntor deserlbed atwve. Thls Deed ot Trust wlll be e(fecifve as a OnanGng statement tlled ae a tix�uro tiling witli respoct io nll Iixtures Included wiihin
<br /> ealdpremis�a and Is to be(iied for racord h the real es�ete records of each county where eny pan ol sald promisos(Inciuding aeld Ilzturea)Is situated. Thfa
<br /> peed ot Trust ahell tilso be BKp iotherreprtoductlon ofehls Dneed of T 8t or of any flnancln9 sta emeni r�elatl p to hls Deed of Truat ahall�Iba suf(Ic e`n res a
<br /> � ottice. A carbon,photopraphla
<br /> flnendnp statement fa eny of the purposes referred to In thls Paragreph. The secured paAy le the Lander desc��bed ebove. Upon demand.Orantor s
<br /> rt�eka,exewts and dMlver such aeeutily agreemente(as such term la de0nod In aald UNfortn Corn►brclal Code)as Lc�nder at any tlme mny desm
<br /> • n�cawary or proper a roqulred to gant to Lender a pertected securfty Interest In the Chaflels,and upon C3rnmor'a falluro to do so.Lsnder Is amhorlied to �
<br /> sign eny duch agesment as the egent d f3�entor. Cirantor hereby authorizes Lendet to flle financing etatemonts(as auch term la defined in aeld Unlform,� �:
<br /> Cormiarclal Code)wlth respect to iho Chnttels,at any time,without the signature of t3rantor. Qrentw wlil,however,et an tlme upon request ot Lendsr,�L7 �
<br /> ; � slyn sueh finandng atetemenis. Grantar wllt pay all flling foes}or tho Flling of eueh Iinandng stat�nis and 1or ihe re011np�nl wve�rin QiheChatt Ilse hen� �-
<br /> ths opinion of Lender,by sald UNform Carm�erdal Code. If the Ilen of�hls Deed of Trust be su et to any secu�ity a9►ee
<br /> .w..�r�'.'� ogo
<br /> I�n�evem=n�anwit�h the be eflt taf a y depo ts or payme tshnow oe he eaRor made�hereof by Cirantw or he Iprf�edewssora�o►�suxeaaora in t�itled o1�
<br /> �......aM�'� Grantor in the Property.
<br /> ` 23. REIIIIBURBEIMEN4 OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENOER. Lender,at Lender's optlon,may expend tunds(indudlnp attomeya'feaa and
<br /> � expenaas)to parfortn any act required to be teken by arantor or to exerdse any Nght w remedy ol Lerider under this Deed of Trust. Upon demend.Orentw
<br /> ehall Imr�ately relm6urse Lender for al such amourrts expended by Lender togethar with hterest thereon at the lower of ihe highest rnta dsscribed In an
<br /> Oblipatlon a ihe hiphesl rate aliowed bS�law from the date of payment untlt the date of reirtiwrsernent. Thesa sums shal�be�nduded In the definhbn -
<br /> - palgatione heroin and shall be securedpy the benefldal Irnerestgranted heroin. It the Oblig�tlona are aald after the bepnning of publication of notiau�►
<br /> sale,as hereln prwided,or In the event lender shali,at its sole option,permlt f3rentor to pey eny pert of the 061Ipetiom atler the bepinning of puWtcatbn of
<br /> notloe ot seb.ae hereln p�o�ldc►d�shto�tAe att,umehst�the Trustr e and for the Lender,and a e�a�aa�abb feeeto the Truat��and hianDoed o�}Tr��el�N bs
<br /> • induding reasonable anomeys't Y
<br /> securlry lor all auch expenses nnd tees.
<br /> � Z{. APPLICA710N OF PAYMENTS. The Trustee shall�pp�y iheproceeds of the trustee's sale ilrst,to the costs and expenses of exerds(ng ihe power ot
<br /> ' :;• sale and ot the sale,induding thepaymem of the Trustee's iees actually inarred not to exceed t�e amount which may be provided for in the Deed of Trust,
<br /> �� bal�annse,�if ny�to the perso ol�pe�rsons I�rogally entltled teh�eretoTNat,thlyd,to tha payment of junbr deeds of lrust,nwrtgag�s or other ilenholders,end ihe
<br /> • �- 26. POWER OF ATTORNEY. Grantor he�ebyappoIms Lander ea ita attomey-indact to endorse CiraMor s name on ell instrumems arM other docimiente
<br /> pertaining to the Oblipations or Oeed of Tnist. In additlon,Lender shall be emitled,but not required,to�r(ortn any actlon or exearle any doaurwnt
<br /> „ roqu Ired to be teken or execuied by G�ntor under this Deed of Trust. Lenderapertormance of auch act on or execulbn of such documenta ahall not
<br /> � � in�eeest end ere Ineve����bn or are any defaull under thie peed of TNSt. All Pcwera of aflomey desaibed fn lhia Daed of Trust are ooupled wMh an
<br /> ';;: '
<br /> 2e. SUBROC�ATION OF LHNOER. lender shali be subrogated to the rl�Ms of ihe holder oi any prevlous ilen, sewtity imereat or encum�et�ce
<br /> O
<br /> dlachergad wfth lunds aduenoad by Lender regerdess of whetherthese Ilens,seeurity intarests a other encumbrt+noes have been released of reoor .
<br /> ' 27. COLLECTION C09T8. To ihe ex�am permitted by law,arentor aerees to psaY��and�eoonaull��tej wheiher�orsrwt sui c�hga�omen y u�ege�rtit�Is en
<br /> a�nd eoats of atlomeys and other ageNs (indudfng wlthoul Ilmitation pareiepai � gh
<br /> sulf Is��t,�indudng,b�ul not IlmWitedb all(eearand cos�is�lnaxred�on e�ppe�ln benkruptcy,end tortPest ju�dprr�ant�wlleetion ecdtlons Nst,whelier or not
<br /> �� 26. PAR77AL RELBASE. l.endx rrey relea�.e ha Interest In a rwnion of�th��P�riaortY��^���8��jo a�,°',e Lerxle to realea e an ef ite
<br /> ' ' R�conveyance wfthout atteWing Ita Interosl in the rarrelning ponlon ot the Pr hing
<br /> , imarost In tha Pro (except as requirod under P���38 or as may be othe�rwryiae requirod by law).rar ahe�l Lender�obilpnted to rebase enyr psrt
<br />�` .i--: .,:.. . °���f i���0►ta�tl 1fl��e Oesed�ofdTrust,lhet Is not�he a�ubJect of tF�ls or�any P�ertia°�I D�eed of Rs�oonvey:oe�n In efleat with reapect to
<br /> .�;�r:r i:i-�.
<br />_�.,�;..., '��
<br /> �`" • • t 2p, MOpIFICATiON ANO WAIVER. ma��non«wenrer or�r►y o�a►�tors oai�,ar�s o►�rs ts ixidar tMs Deed of Trust mu:t b�
<br /> �'iir5.t�t�: r�t
<br />�a�'':-: , '� oonteN�d In a writin0 s{yned by Lender.Lender rrey pertam e�y of Bortower's or Cirantors ObIlOationa del�y or ail to exerdse any ot Ns ripMe or
<br /> '''��,.�..:, PaY�s from Oraritor or anyone other than Orentor wRhait causind a welvsr of thoae ObNgatbns or a. A wehrar on orn ooceaton�hall not conqit �
<br /> � ,� s wahrer on any other oaaelon. arantorsp��tlans unci�r thi�DNd of Truat�haN not be aHrcted itlend�r artN�nde,oomprorriwa,txdtiargas,i�Y�to
<br /> �:��^�;Y �x e r da.I m p d r s o r re N a a�a n y o f t h o O b l i p a t r a n a belo n p i n ti to en y C�raMOr.Borrowx or third p a r t y�tlona s h a q no t l�e�e d�r�n wy�a n d e l�i�n d i a h e«I
<br /> thkd perly or eny of the Prop�rty. Lender's talluro to Inalst upon atrlet pertom�enoe of any ot the O b l-
<br />=a�!''�Y'" haw Ih�riyM et any time thersaft�r to hdst upon sirict pertorrtw�.
<br /> �a��•. 9 0. 8 U B S n T U T E T R US T EE;TRtlSTEE UABiLITY;CONIPENSATION. in ease ot the death,Inabillty,rofu�ai to aet or ebsenoe of ihe'frustee from the
<br /> stete whero the reel prop�y Is beated a In case the hoider of the Obl1aalions shell desirs for eny rea:on to rsmove t h s T r u a t e s a a n y w b s t h u t�t r u�t b e a
<br /> ------ trueus h�r�undrr and to appdrri e new t►uates In his plaos and st�sd ihs holdx of the ObNpatian�Is harsby pranted full pow�r to appolr�in wri11ng s
<br /> — - auhstitute trustes for safd Truatee,end the eubatitute trustee ehall,when�med,beoort�e suocsssor to all ri�t�of Trun�o hx�undw and th�sartN shd
<br /> ._�„�.,� b�car�s vsat�d In htm tor the purposse end objeete o f t h is D e a d of Truat wHh ail thepowe,dutka md oblipationa herein conieRed on tM Trust�s. Trustae
<br /> fh�M nm 6�Itak�ls for any eror of �r�ent or ect done by Truatae,or ba otherw l a e rotponsiW�or a000untabls ur►d�r eny dreurtrteukas what�aver.
<br />_-- Tn�:IM�I�II not ba personally I�6 eaeo ot er�ry by 8 or enyone aetinp by virtus of the powas hsnfn�'ar�ted ft upon the DNd of Tru�t for d�bb
<br /> --'��� oomra�d or IuWifry or�inairted In the men�ert�s�or opsration of ea(d prer►�is��. TN�tM�naii hav�t1»�ipht to nl on eny M��xr�t
<br /> ---=�i3�� doaxrMM or el�atun authoriz or Kipporting any actkn takm orproposed to b�tekm by R hsnund�t or beltnr�d by It in r.nn to espor�u�n.:
<br /> _;,��� Trunw thall b�niRl�d to roirt�xwm�nt tor 0 s�A Incurrod by M nl ih�Perforrt�na of M�tloi�due T�rF xeur�id�r end nknbun�eMTru�M for and
<br />�_�� of its sevias Mnunde►as thall be rmdered.�rentor wql,trom time to tima.paY cortpsn
<br />_,.��p�� �aw end hold R hami�s hom and agdnst any and dl loae,eost.IlebiAry�dema9e and exp�nse whataoaver Incurn+d by R In th�p�rfomwro�of fls duti�s.
<br />----- qp rtpMys rephred by Tnntee sheil,urail u�ed or appiled aa hxMn orovided,be tald in trust ta thspurposss far whlct►they wsro rec�hnd.but r�d not
<br />-'�`��� �y�p����y�� airy other mon�ys(exespt to lfw axtont requirod by Iaw)and Truates shell 1»under no Iiobiliry fa Imaost on any
<br /> It
<br /> 91. BIJCCESSOR3 AND ASSMNS.Thia Deed of Trust ahell be binding upon end Inure to ths beneitt of Ciranta and Lender end thelr rotpectiw
<br />�-_�°:_,�-�'� suoosuora�artigns�trustees,realven.adrtinistratas.Personal repreaentatnres�bpateet and devis�es.
<br />�{�':'.;r"" � 9Z N0710E8. Excspt as otherwise r�quirod by law,an notioe or othx oormunication to be provlded under this Deed of Trust chall be i�wrhing and e�M
<br />;�.tFt-�!•:_�
<br />�;;,••,:,.;:,�: to ths pertks et the addnuas deuxib�d In thia Deed o Truat or sueh other addreaa aa the perliea may dsalOnate In writinp hom time to tirta. My auch
<br /> . notioe so p�yyen and sentby flrat dass meli,poatege prepeld,shal�be d�a►ned 9hren the earller of three(3)daya aRer such notlee la sent a when rscefved
<br />=�?'',�.:`,: ''�'';i by ths pe ion to whom such notiee la bing gfven.
<br /> Y, .' . a�i�r.SE�yRp ovlsWion o}th e Deeed of Trwt�vldatea t�he law o fs une�f o�roeable,the�re�l�f he qe�edoTr�ust Bhail�ntln�i�s o E�e v�ld en�enia�stats
<br />::' . o he wPIsoWQrAaBntorEooAnsWentfios1D�a�ctlun and ven�of an�y oboun selodedfby l.engdteerWn its sole desc�tlon�,yloe2tedelnetdhat ata ea e�pplleable law provldes
<br />�:°';
<br /> r' � � 36, IYNgOELLANE0U8. Oremor and Lender ag►ee that tlme Is of the essen�e. Cirantw wallos presentment,dertiend for payrr�ent,notice of dlsharor end
<br />- ':� .�- teat exoept as reaulred by�aw. All referencea to(irentor In 1Ns Da�d of Tnrst�hall inckido aYpersona tlgnlnp below. It there la rtare than on�(iranta,
<br /> "� •��':_ �r c)611pat(a�s�� o�lnt�d sevoral. Thfs Deed of Truat reprosents the corrptete k�tagra2ad understandnp betwee�Cirantor and Lenckr pertelning to
<br />-= r _ ��A.�d..:�..._.�.._.___..
<br /> «L�A'1�"�-T
<br /> �� ' '`� � 90. NO THIRD PARTY RNiFII'S. No pereon�s u�t►al�bs e th�rci P�f'��pNe ot any ovlslon of thfs Daed of Trust. All provlsbns of thla Desd of
<br /> „ oToNnaa�errt toih�rtfw�dlHc�atfo�n of any�provWoryof ihleeG ed of Tiuset,In�Len�deri sola dfccrotlon����n�to asaume a ex�ct that Lsnder w18 not walv�or
<br /> 37. PRESERVATION OF UABIUTY AND PRIORITY. Y1�thout aftecting the Ilablflry of Borrower.Cirenior.or any Quarentor of 1M tbns.�x any othar
<br /> peraon(except a psreon expnssty nNaaed In w�tlng)ta the payrt�nt endp�rfortrenca of tho Ions.and wlthout afhectlnp tM r tt ot Lendx wlth
<br /> _.- respsct jo any Property not expresaly rtlea�ed In wdifng,and wlthout Impelrfng In any way the�of thls Os�d of Trust ovar tM Interost of en p�reon
<br /> - " �• aoqu Ired a Hrat avldencsd by rscordinp subeequent to tF�e reeuding of thli Caed of Trust,Lender may,elthor beton or ehsr ths maturfty of th� tfons,
<br /> and wlthout ratice or consent:roleas�eny pereon Nable torpeymem or pertom�anos of aN or any part of the Obligatlom;mekR anY epreen�nt a11 th�
<br />- tem�e of paym�nt apsrtamana ot al or any pert ot the Obflgetlona;exerds�or rohatn from exsrclaing or walw any rt�ht a nrriody that Lond�r may
<br /> " und�r the D�ed of Trust:acapl addilonal ac►c�r11Y of eny idnd fnr eny ol the Obllgatlons:or rolaacs or otherwlt�dsel wlth any raal a personal
<br /> - In�est�ahrecadin�g�any eHde o�e th�irwf,�tol ha e oonsented to all�or a�ny si�cF�aatlonstby�ature In the Properly ehAtl bo deomd.by aoqulrkp�
<br /> i NEDOTD R�v.297 Pp��dB
<br />