<br /> t�
<br /> � , .�.
<br /> `;%,
<br /> - . .::1���M���Mh'._ _ . . . . _ .. r '-�`^--_ �...�`'_
<br /> i ..1. -.
<br /> , . 13. LEN9ER's RKiHT TO COIIMENCE O����F�ENh.lP,EOAI A QT10N�ha eby��appo�nis��i�dea�as ite attom�in act�o canmmenace�den one ln end :
<br /> thnaur�d actlon.�uh,aoth�rproeMdinp °P°nY• —°
<br /> dsfend tuch ectlons,tuha,or oBr►I�pal proc�edings and to cortpromla a�enls eny dalm w tontra�rayp ao Hlning�ihTe�r�o�re uttingiher�l otm�Noth�nq "
<br /> pranta Ia eny pctlon,erra. �slake,omisslon adelay pertalnlng to the actlons described in tNa pareg►oph Y li:
<br /> conta!n�d hrroln will prevont Lender Irom IaWng tho ncilona dosulbed In ihls paregrnph In Ita own name �
<br /> � ��, �Np@�ANIFICATION.LoM�r sheJl not asaurre a be reaponslWe lor the psrtormance of anyof(Irenta'a odigatlona with reepect w�he Proporty undor �
<br /> Iany clrcurrKtenc,�s. Qrenta ah�ll Irtr►bdlataly provld�Lender wilh wrltlen notice of end IndemnAfr c�nd hoid LendQr and Ita sharehotdere,drectore,oYlicars. :
<br /> i employees and ep�nts���el�m'Clal�ms)pen�lnn�gio t�h�P'roaa(Includinp 9��1 not Iimiied o,ih�aae��voN n��Haza edoua Mete 1a1�1�arentor�upon 1 �
<br /> oth�r I�qal proce�dinps( Y pe►ty pnciudin
<br /> • the reqwst ol L�ndsr,ahall hln Ip�l couna�l to defand Lender Irom tuch Clalrrn,and pay th�ettarMys'teos,lega orpense�and aher costs Incurced In �.
<br /> wnnoction therewlth. In Iho apemetive,Lender a sha�,�ry�e t�ho e r�atlon�sre case�lo►eclosu o1eNa Qeod ol Srusin ei Grenlor'e oost. (3►antor e � —
<br /> ,:,�
<br /> obligalbn to indemnity Londc�rwdcrihls paragmf� �
<br /> � 1s. TAXE9 AND ASSEBSIIAENT9.Orantw ahall pay all taxes end atsestrt�nis rolating to Properry whm due and Immedlateiy provide lander avid�nce
<br /> ,,..w+�; ot payment of eart�e. Upon the requanl oi Lender,Cirantor ah��doPo esWhero ledno de e II hese�arroun�ehsliall2be fapplled ta Ihe pgy nual'In�f'�ne
<br /> �,,,,,,,,,,�4 premlum,tex�e and ass�ssm�nts parteininp to the Propeny. 9
<br /> assesamom�and Inwranoo asrequlred on the Property. In the evem of delaufl,Lendor ahall havs Ihe►tght,at ite ads optlon,to apply lhe Nnda so held to�
<br /> ' paY any texes a egalnst Iha ObY9atlona. Any(unds applled rrny,at Lendsr'e oplfon,be aPP�fad in raveree adsr of the due date ihereof.
<br /> � 10. IN9PECTIOW OF PRQPEATY,BOOK9,RECOR03 AND REPORTB. (irenta shell allow Lende►a itsapents to exartine eed inspxt the Property
<br /> ' and�xertdno.�nspec►erd rr�elu�s�eab All of the ra16�nat ur�es end in�rtortrntl�on�contakied In Qr�ahbook�and raoords shall be gsnl�Ide an��ra s and
<br /> ' requirad by Lender(or tMsa pupo
<br /> � �ets in ell rsspeota.Gredor ahell note ths e�stence of Lendsr'e ben�flcial In1snct In It�booW en Q���9���?��P�A���•
<br /> .. prantor shafl repo�t,In a lorm�atisfectory to l.ender,such intarretion as Ler�r may requ�st regerdn0 ����y���. �
<br /> '' Intom�atlon ehall be fa wch prlods,shai�relleet Orantor's raoords at wkh tlms,end ahall ba rondmd wllh wch hoqwnoY
<br /> . informatbn fumiahed by firantar to Lander sheli be trun,aaurete and eompleto In ali respeeta,end signed bY Orentor if Londer re^'�esis.
<br /> � 17. ESTOPPEL GER7IFICATES. Within ten(t 0)days a8er any request by Lender,Orentor ehall deYver to Lender,or any imendediranaleroe of Lender s
<br /> rl�is with reapecl to lhe OblipatEans,a slgned end acknowledBed statement specllY�n9(a)1he oulslandng balanee on the Obligallons;and(b)whether -
<br /> . ' oounterd�ms s Qrentoyr will b�con usively bound by anyrepresentai lon that�l.etndee may�rnake to iin entded teran tereE►w h spect to�hese ma�em in
<br /> � �., lhe event ihat Orantor taGs to provide the requestod atatartient In a timely menner.
<br /> • ..� t0. DEFAULT. Cirenta shall Ee In dafauft under this Deed o1 Trust end the Trustee's power ehall heoome oparative in the event that Grentor,Bonower a
<br /> eny guarantor ot the Obllgations:
<br />- (a) faiia to pay eny Obll9�on to Lender when due; a�venant to Let�der contained in thia Deed of Truat a any other presem or hiture
<br /> (b) fails to per(ortn eny ObU9atlon or breaches any wartanty
<br /> agreament;
<br /> • (a) destroys,losea a darre9es iNe Property in any mate�lal respaet or sub}ecl't�hLeP�operlY to tel�ure,conflseatlon,or oondemnatlon;
<br /> (d) aeeka to revo{ce,tgminate or otherwise Iimit Ita Ilablifty under any puerenry n
<br /> � . (e) dles,beoorros lega%Inoortpeterrt,is dissolved u teminatad,beoones Insoh+ent,meke�an asstgnment for ihe benefit of cre6lora,fells to psy
<br /> debts as they heconb due,tiles a pat8lon under the tederel banlwptcy Iawa,haa an invduntary petflbn in benlwptcy flbd in whld�Wanta,BoROwer
<br />�'��._--� or any Querentor Ia named,or has propartyi teken under any w►11 or prooeaa of cauA; � M„�of whkh.is illet�al:
<br />�:; ' (� allowa 9oods t0 bs ui1d.it9nspoltea or stoteti on inv Pi�:r�iuit�r.iha i��.::«loa,tran-plia.+�!!. -
<br />_^°�� , � (9) ���e^Y P�Y othathen Cirama or Bortower to assume a undertake any Obligatlan witiaut the wdtlen conaem of Lender:o►
<br /> ��r..,: (h� eauses I.ender to d e a n I t s e i f U i s e c u r e d u e t o a c l g n i h c e nl Jadine In the value of the Propuly:a If Lender,ln�ood felth,fa any reaaon,beilevea
<br />- � thet the prospect u�PaYmnt u Parformence is impalred.
<br /> ��...;,���.,.{�.
<br />'��:•., . �9, p�pHTg OF LENOER ON DEFAULT. It there tn a defauA under this Daed of Trust,Lende�ahel� be entilled to exercise one a mon of ths tdlowlrq
<br /> ,,y...i`:'i.'.
<br /> -"''-'- ,.� remediea withoul nollce or d�rend(excopt aa requlred by law):
<br />=-��,�ri�•-� (a) to dedars the Obl{ge0ons Irm'iediataly dua end paya6b In tull;
<br />�4• �� (b) to oollect tM anstand�p Ob�ipations with a whhout roeorlinp to judiciat proceu;
<br /> __�`�'� (c) to rsquiro(3�anlor to deNve►end melc�avellabl�ta Lsnd�r eny p�raond ProPerhi a Chettel�oonstitutinp the Propsrty at e placw nasonebry
<br />��__:" conysnkrrt to Ciranlor snd Lsnde►: K,����nq fa a obtaininp the appdmrtbnt ot a reoehrer and,at Lxidsr's opRion,to
<br /> -__-"_� (d) to srrtsr upon end tY�i posasaion oi ihs Prop�rtY
<br /> --� appoirrt a reeelver withaA bond,wkhout flrat 6ringin9 suit on tha 0611gations end w�hout mherwise maet�n9 Any atetutory eonationa regerding
<br /> —_� r�oeiwrs,It bslnp Intendd thet Lender ahail have thle coMraetual right ta appoirrt a recelwr;
<br /> ,_�, (�) to errploy a rtiena9kq a�ent of tM Prop�rry and bt the esrne,efther In Trustw's own nam,in tM narns of Lender a In tM nam of Cirentor,and
<br /> rso�lw the nMs,(noonw,issws and Proflts of ihe Property end aPP�fr the�ertie,after payrnsnof ad neceasery ehergea end�r,prn�s,an a000urd ot
<br /> "_ tl»pdipations:
<br /> -.-— (� tq pay eny wm tn eiry tortn or menn�►d�msd expedent by Lender to protect the wa.uly of thla D�d ot T►ust a to wn eny dofsutt oth�r than
<br />_��� p�yrnnt of kri�nN°r p�iP�����t�^s; end to diroct the�ale of tha prope�y thtough ex�rdts of ttw powor of seb as n(�renad In
<br /> - (g) to ta�doar thb DNd of Trust judldeJly or nonjudldaNY
<br /> — -- pc,repraph 20 h�nof in�r000rdena whh ePPiicabN lew:
<br /> _'�°— (h� to atoft(iramor"s Obllp�tions epainet eny arrounts owed(3rantor bsr Lend�r indudirq,but not Iirtited to.mades. inslrumnta�u►d�i�posit
<br /> -=_...-„n� �M����w��,ender or any qiRently��d:tinp a tuluro affiNate ofi Lend�r:end
<br /> or Icad�law.
<br /> -`�� (q to�xKd�all othK rl�ts availabN to Lsnd�r uncMr eny oth�r wdtt�n aprNrrnn► apq
<br />�,�x� td and In en o►der. Inthe w�nt that LsndK Imtitut�s an icNon�kin0lh�
<br /> L�nd�r's rlpMs an cumulaVH and may bs sxKdad top�tl»r.a����st Cirentu�Ci�amo►wdwa th�Patlng al eny bond wt�ich
<br /> noowry ot any of th�Prop�rty by way of a prejudBn�nt nrnedY
<br /> —��r?� otherwise b�requlred. Lend�r or Lendar'°d°ai9ne°mypurchaa�the PropMy at any seN. Prooeede ot any Trust+s s uN h�nundir ahaN 6�
<br /> Ilnt,to tha costs and•z�n�s of exerdatng th�power of�Is end of ths sab,Inc�tding th�pe�nem ot tM Tru�ts�'s tw�actu�My hwurnd end not to
<br /> _°"'�� �xoMd the emoum whkh rtry b�provided for in this Dosd of Truat,aca�d.to payr►Mr►t of m� abYp�atbns°seur�d ha'ebY.miro,to tM payrtrnt ot funior
<br /> �@a� trwt dsed�.mort9a08e,or War Ibnholden.end the belenee�If any,ta the p�raon or s bgefy emiilsd th�reto. Th� or eny pert thonoP may
<br /> --��`�+a-�� sbhalldnot s kpu�larh or ezha�p power unbas he enti�re prop� sirly I sold 6o�r�ths obllgeti rta ere p�dd n fi�tl.s«�ex �e�of ris powar MrNn granted
<br /> _`.�uR
<br /> ::zt.
<br /> ;�;;.{;��rti:,� 20. TRUSTEE'S EXEAC�3E OF POWER OF SALE ON DEFAULT: If Lendsr electe to eoll Oranta'a Intero�in the Prop�rry by exercl�e of tha powar o
<br /> ,,�1. sale hereln contained.UndenhsN notity TNStea In the menner then requlred by law.
<br /> f; :.., f:(.';`,
<br /> � • • - ` `�"" Upon reeelpt of such nmlee d Lender end at the dirembn ot Lender,7ruatee ahsJl cause to be reoorded,publlehad and d01N�red cuch notloos of default
<br /> e'-., ' and noticea of eale as rrey than be requlred by law end by thie Deed oI Trust. Truates shall,a�y at0�e drection ot Lender and without dMrend on Orentar.
<br /> afle�such tlma as rrlay fion be roquired 6y law and after reoordatlon of such notice ot default end e�er notioe ot sale havinp baen pNen as required by law,
<br /> sell the P�perty at the Ikr�e and Wace of sele flxed by fl In such notloe of sale,either as whde or In ae�arato Iots or peroets or items as Lender 6hell deem
<br /> exaedi�m,and In sueh order as it may determino,at puhllo audlon to ihe higheat bidder for cach In le�nrful money ot the United States peyeb1s at tha time of
<br /> —.^.,ti ` ,�. saTe,or aa otherwise rrey�hen be requlred by law. Truatee shell deilver to such purchaa�r or purchasere tharoot Its end wf�ckM deed or doed�
<br /> '_s^h�,�. convsyinp Ihe properly so edd.but without eny oovenent a wartanty,�xproaa w Implled. Th�redtels in iueh of any matten or fect�shaH b�
<br /> __— ,, ,•_ conduahre proof ot the�uthfuh�ae thereof�Aiy��,:6��e��of,hehProoerhratlon.Oranta,Trud�e or Lender,rreY Purchass at wch tale. Tnislee rrey
<br /> -'��•�q�- ininertiurimi jwv:m:��j.a.r•••.r-�.�___-•--- - .. . .
<br /> ' � • • 21. REQUEST FOR NOT7CES: Orantor requeats that a copy of any notloe of detault and a wpy ol any noti�ot sate hareunder b�n�alkd to e ech�
<br /> wt►o lo a party hereto at the addneea ot auch person set fath hereln et tha sart�e tlme and In the same me�wior requlrad ae thouph e soperete requ
<br /> . had been flled by each w c h perso�•
<br /> •c "
<br /> P,o.aae
<br /> NEDOTC Rw.?A�
<br /> • _
<br /> � _— .
<br />