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� � . �'_.L'..��.. � ��, � _ � f I . ' . <br />� �� ��C����D , �_ ::�: �- . � ;. <br />� , , ; . .. <br />3 �. � � . I .,� fl� , �:b`:�: � U 3 �`�: <br />�Q1��7 _ _ _ _. <br />i, �-. ,'� � , . , <br />investments; to demand, receive and obtain any money or other things of value to <br />which I am or may become or may claim to be entitled in connection with any <br />stocks, bonds or other fmancial instruments; to cause securities or other property <br />to be held or registered in the name of a nominee or nominees or unregistered or <br />in any other form; to vote in person at meetings of stock or security holders and <br />adjournments thereof, to enter into voting trusts, and to vote by general or limited <br />proxy with respect to any stock or securities; <br />(d) to make, execute, endorse, accept and deliver in my name or in the name of <br />my attorney-in-fact a11 checks, notes, drafts, warrants, securities, stock <br />certificates, certificates of deposit, bonds, acknowledgments, and any other <br />agreements, certificates or instruments of any na.ture, as my attorney-in-fact may <br />deem necessary or appropriate; <br />(e) to deposit and withdraw any sums to or from any bank, savings or similar <br />account maintained by me alone or jointly; to open, continue, modify or terminate <br />any account or banking arrangement in my name or jointly with others; to borrow <br />money at such interest rates ar�d upon such terms and conditions as my attorney- <br />in-fact ma.y deem necessary or appropriate, and to provide security therefor from <br />my assets; to pay, renew or extend the time of p�.ym�nt. of any. n�te.given,b� xne <br />or on my behalf; to prepare financial statements conc��mi� my ..asset� -� and <br />liabilities or income and expenses, and deliver ther� tq institutions; to <br />receive statements, notices and other documents fro�n �fina�n�ia.l `�nstitutions; to <br />open or cause to be opened any safe deposit box in my�pa�e_a,�d,to;�xamine and <br />remove any or all of the contents of such box; and to �qnc�uct ; suc�i ot�er banking <br />transactions as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate; <br />( fl to take possession of, recover, obtain and hold any.,.t�ng�b�e personal properly <br />belonging to me or to which I may be entitled, and to i�Geive` and�take �for me and <br />in my name any rents, issues and profits of any such.prQp�rty; to purchase, invest <br />in, reinvest in, accept as a gift, sell, exchange, lease,, gt `ant upon, assign, <br />transfer, abandon, pledge, encumber or otherwise dispose of any personal <br />property of any nature and wherever situate; to store property for hire or on a <br />gratuitous bailment; to �nake repairs_ and alterations; ,and �q ,exe�uxe, acknovt�ledge <br />and deliver a11 contracts, leases, notes, security agreements, gua�antees, bills of <br />sale, assignments, extensions, releases, waivers, , cansents, and any other <br />agreements, writings and instruments of any nature aff�ct�ngt any gersonal _ <br />property, as my attomey-in-fact may deem necessary ,or app�qpr�te; :., <br />+ ; r �� � �:c � ;: �. <br />(g) to possess, recover, manage, hold, control, de�re�op.,,.�sttb�vide, para�t�on, <br />mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with any real prope�ty�:�e�,o�ging to me.�ox to <br />which I may be entitled; to purchase, invest in, rein�est �n�,:�c.c�pt as a gift; �sell, <br />exchange, lease, sublease, grant options upon, convey w�th�ar v�thout covemants, <br />quitclaim, assign, transfer, abandon, encumber or otherv��� dispos� �of any�,real <br />property of any nature and wherever situate; to borrow, money .at such interest, <br />rates and upon such terms and conditions as my attorriey-iii-�fact may deem <br />:�.���T' " ,- - - <br />, r�° ;'f:�i: ti� �:, '1lli , �; <br />_ 2 _ � .,,�; �., r .�._ �:^ . <br />. - � , -,_,.�,t , :�,�,;� <br />. ,` <br />. . ,�:�� � � r�t�-�;� ., ' - <br />� � ,� _ � �, <br />,'i�. <br />