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<br />20�.�0'731G �Q1�037�0
<br />PREAMBLE: This is a MILITARY POWER OF ATTORNEY prepazed pursuant to Title 10
<br />United Sta.tes Code, Section 1044b, and executed by a person authorized to receive legal
<br />assistance from the military services. Federal law exempts this power of attorney from any �� �!
<br />requirement of form, substance, formality, or recording that is prescribed for pow��s of attorney
<br />by the laws of a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory, co�monwealth or possession of
<br />the United Sta.tes. Federal law specifies that this power of attorney sha11 be given the same legal
<br />effect as a power of attorney prepared and executed in accordance with the laws of the
<br />jurisdiction where it is presented. ,
<br />POWE12 OF A�'�'ORIOT�Y
<br />KNOW EVERYONE BY THESE PRESENTS, which aze intended to
<br />constitute a Power of Attorney, THAT I, derry George Claussen, having an address at 639
<br />East Meves Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68801, hereby make, constitute and appoint my
<br />daughter, Christine Irene Claussen, ha.ving an address at 2948 East Highway 34, Grand Island,
<br />NE 68801, tel. no.: (308) 370-1558, or if my daughter, Christine Irene Claussen is unable,
<br />unwilling or unavailable to act, then my daughter, Colleen Cay Shaub, ha.ving an address at
<br />193 Boomerang Drive, Ephrata PA, 17522, tel. no.: (717) 733-6426, or if my daughter, Colleen
<br />Cay Sha.ub is una.ble, unwilling or unavailable to act, then my daughte�r, Cindy Jo Gustafson,
<br />having an address at 15 Lewis Drive, Richmond Hill, GA 31324, tel. �.�;_ (912) 756-3194, as my
<br />.. .:9..
<br />attorney-in-fact TO ACT in any name, place and stead in any� way�which Y could �do, if I w�re �
<br />personally present, to the extent that I am pemutted by law to aGt.�,t�irough an agent with respect
<br />to the following matters: ,
<br />. �,_ ,..� �
<br />� � i E�. i:�� �� t:'� �. ._
<br />,. �.�;:��� �
<br />(a) to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive a11 raa�xi,n.g�. c?� goods, c�iattels,
<br />debts, rents, interest, sums of money and demands whatsoever;�due or to become
<br />due, that are thought to be owing, belonging or payable to me in my own right or
<br />otherwise, and to execute, acknowledge and deliver acquittances, receipts,
<br />releases, satisfactions or other discharges for the same; -
<br />(b) to sell, transfer, exchange, "convert, abandon, or otherv�ise di,spose of, or grant P '�
<br />options with respect to, real and personal property, at ,public„ .or �private sa1e with
<br />or without security, in such manner, at such times, for such pnces, and upon such
<br />terms and conditions as my attorney-in-fact may deen� nec���ss�i4y� pr appropriate; ,
<br />, �.; ._. ., u �l.:�i �
<br />"! "' i]T:4'. L%': ;
<br />(c) to buy, sell, exchange, invest and reinvest in co �mm�,on, or� prefened stocks,
<br />bonds, commodities, options, limited liability compaxues, ,.unvestment iru�ts, .
<br />mutual funds, regulated investment companies and other types Qf securities and -
<br />financial instruments, foreign or domestic, including at�y, u�,divided interest in any .
<br />one or more common trvst funds, whether or not .such .uivesta�ents _ be . o,f_the ,,., , w
<br />character permissible for investments by fiduciaries under any applicable law, anc�
<br />without regazd to the effect any such investment may � have upon the diversity of
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