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201�0���� <br />A. Power relating to real property transactions. I empower my attomey- <br />in-fact to: <br />1. accept as a gift or as security for a loan, reject, demand, buy, lease, <br />receive, or otherwise acquire an interest in real property or a right <br />incident to real property; <br />2. sell, exchange, or convey, with or without covenants; quitclaim; <br />release; surrender; mortgage; encumber; partition; consent to <br />partitioning; subdivide; apply for zoning, rezoning, or other <br />governmental permits; plat or consent to platting; develop; grant <br />options concerning; lease; sublet; or otherwise dispose of an <br />interest in real progerty or a right incident to real property; <br />3. release, assign, satisfy, and enforce, by litigation or otherwise, a <br />mortgage, deed of trust, encumbrance, lien, or other claim to real <br />property that exists or is asserted; <br />4. do any act of management or of conservation with respect to an <br />interest in real property or a right incident to real property, owned <br />or claimed to be owned by the principal, including: <br />a. insuring against a casualty, liability, or loss; <br />b. obtaining or regaining gossession or protecting the interest <br />or right, by litigation or otherwise; <br />c. paying, compromising, or contesting taxes or assessments, <br />or applying for and receiving refunds in connection with <br />them; and <br />d. purchasing supplies, hiring assistance or labor, and making <br />repairs or alterations in the real property; <br />5, use, develop, alter, replace, remove, erect, or install stcuctures or <br />other improvements upon real property in or incident to which the <br />principal has or claims to have an interest or right; <br />6. participate in a reorganization with respect to real property ar a <br />legal entity that owns an interest in or right incident to real <br />property and receive and hold shazes of stock or obligations <br />received in a plan of reorganization and to act with respect to them, <br />including: <br />a. selling or otherwise disposing of them; <br />DPOAF of Bill D. Schultz Page 2 of 17 Initials: � Date: �'�� <br />