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2012073�2 <br />DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCE <br />OF <br />BILL D. SCHULTZ <br />ARTICLE I <br />Creation <br />I, Bill D. Schultz, as Principal and a resident of the State of Nebraska designate <br />the following persons, in order of preference and succession, to serve as Attorney-In-Fact <br />(my "Agent") for me and to act as the guardian or limited guardian of my estate should <br />guardianship proceedings become necessary or desirable: <br />1) Larry D. Schultz (my son) <br />2) Gary A. Schultz (my son) <br />3) Greg L. Schultz (my son) <br />ARTICLE II <br />Effectiveness; Effective Immediatelv <br />This Power of Attorney sha11 become effective immediately and sha11 survive and <br />continue during my disability, incompetence, incapacity, or partial incapacity. This <br />Power of Attomey shall not be affected by my subsequent disability or incapacity or by <br />lapse of time. Disability, incompetence, inca.pacity or partial incapacity shall include, <br />without limitation, my inability to manage my property and affairs or caring for myself <br />effective�y, for reasons such as mental illness, mental deficiency or other mental <br />incapacity, physical illness or disability, advanced age, senility, chronic use of drugs, <br />chronic into�cation, which may be evidenced by a written statement of my regularly <br />attending physician or two other qualified physicians or by court order. <br />ARTICLE III <br />When Snccessor A�ent is Entiticxl to Act <br />The successor Agent shall be entitled to act upon the death, disability or <br />inca.pacity determined by the same criteria above, or upon the written resignation of the <br />designated prior Agent or under a written delegation of authority by my Agent. <br />ARTICLE IV <br />Powers <br />My Agent shall have all powers of an absolute owner over my assets and <br />liabilities, whether located within or without the State of Nebraska, including, without <br />limitation, the followiag power and authority: <br />� <br />DPOAF of Bill D. Schultz Page 1 of 17 Initials: — '9� Id � + � Date: `� 1'l � <br />