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<br />�, ,� • S. Hrzwrd or Praperiy �n�urancc. Bartower nh�ll ke�p thc Improvcmente now existing or hereafter crected on the
<br /> ,1 . Propeny Insurcd agalnyt luss by fire, haxnrds includcd within the tcnn "extended cavtrage" and any other hazards, including _
<br /> ,.F fla►d�or flooding,for which Lendcr rcquires insur:uue. This insur:uue shull be muintaincd in the amounts and far the perlods �,
<br /> ,:i that I.endor require�. The insurance carrler providing the insurmce shall be chasen by Ro�rower subject to I..ender's approvul �
<br /> �t which shaU not be unreasonably withheld. If�anawer faila ta malntain coverage described above, l.ender may,at l.endrr'e y
<br /> aption,obtnin covernge to protect l.end�r's rightF in the Property in zccordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> � �.� All insurance policies and renewals shall de acceptable to l.eader smd shali include a scandard mangage clau�e. Lender•�
<br /> •�- shall havc�hc right ta hold tAe policies nnd rencwals. If I.endcr rcqadres.Borrower shall prompHy give to l.ender all recelptR of 0 _
<br /> paid premiums und renewal natices. In tha event ui luss.�rrower si�all glve prompt nodce to the insurance canier and L,ender. � �
<br /> ''?'`'4 l.cndcr may make proof�f los� if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> � Unleu Lcnder and Bonower otherwise agrce in wdting, insurance prceeeds sholl be applled to testoration or repair of the
<br /> i'ropetty daznaged,If the restoration or repair is economically feuible and Lender's securiry is not lessened.If the resturatlon or
<br />�.�T'�r �` repair is not economically feas►ble or Lender's security would 6e lessened,the insurance pcoceeds sh�ll be applied to the sums
<br /> ''•� secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due,with any eacess paid to Borrower. If Borcower abandons the
<br /> • propetry,or does not aaswer within 30 days u notice from Lendcr that the insurance carrier has offercd to settle a claim, then
<br /> ' i.eader may wllect che insurance procecds. Lcndcr may use t�e proceeds to repalr or reston thc Property or to pay sums
<br /> _ securod by this Security lnst►umeat,whethcr or not then due.The 30-day pertod will begln when the aotice is given.
<br />�`:;.=��'� � Udess Lender aad Borrower othenvise agree ia writing,any application of procceds to principal sh�ll not extend or
<br /> � ��;�� postpone the due date of the awnthly paymeats referred ro in par+graphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of tht paymeats.If under
<br />�1:�.;:',�:�.�
<br /> *•.p�,� paragraph 21 the Pruperty is acquired by Lender, Bonower's right [o any insursnce policies and proceeda resuldng rom
<br />--�'.��"�• - damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums sezured by this Securiry Insttnaxat
<br />.::''`{:`:°: imnaediately pdor to the acqul�ition.
<br />'��,��''� 6. Occuponcy,PnservwUon,M�tntenance and Protatioaof the Propaty;Borruwer's Losa Appllaetion;Le�►seholds.
<br />-- � `�� Bonower ahall occu P P
<br />�i;�-� .P; py,establish,and use the Property as Botrower's rincl al resldena within si�cty days after the execution o
<br />�,�;,;,� � this Securiry Insuumeat and shall continue to c►cccupy the Prope�ty as Bonowcr's principal residence for ac lea4t one year after
<br />_�' ;r'`� the date of occupancy,unless Lender athe�wise agras in wdting, wuich consent shall not be uareasonably withheld. or unless
<br />�V1::;,�'.' extenuating clrcumseances ex�st which are beyoad Bomower'e control. Bortower shall not desuoy, damage or impair the
<br /> }y .,..��:
<br />������ Property,aUow the Propeny co dcterionte. or commit wute on the Property. Borrower shall be in defaWt if aay o e ture
<br /> -�,.,-}`;;;�� xdon or proceediag, whether civil or criminal. is begun thae ia�.ender's 800d faitla Judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Y`'� � Property or otherwtse matedelly impalr the 1[ea created by this Security Insuument ar Lender's securtry interost. Borrower may
<br />��!F,—
<br />�`°�'��`* cure such a default and reinetate,as providod in paragraph 18. by causing che acdon or proaeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />��.��•U�
<br />—��'Y`£ that. in Lender's good faith detem�ination, precludes forfettun of the Borrower's interest in the Properry or other tnaterlal
<br />--_�..�� impa�rment of the lien cruted by this Security Instrum�nt or Lender's securicy inieccsi. E:,��vw�r shaL' atsc�ia dtfsult if
<br /> =---'"��� Borrower,during th�loaa applicatlon grocess,gave tnaterlally felse or inaccurate infonnsitlon or atatements to Lender(or failod
<br />"`-"° to provide Lender with any matedal inforroation)in connecdon with the loan evidenad by the Note,including. but not limitod
<br /> ---- to,npresentadons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Peoperry r»a principal residenct. If thia Secudty Instn�ment is on a
<br /> lea�ehold, Bomower shall comply with all the provisions of�he lease. If Borrower acqu�res fee title to the Property. the
<br /> — teasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless L.ender agnes to We merger ia wrlting.
<br />� 7,protectlw o[Le�eder°a Rlghta[n t6e Property.If Borrower fails to pedorm the covenaats and agnementa contained in
<br /> thjs Security Iastrument, or there Is a legal procading that cwy stgnificaatly affect L�nder's dp,hu in the Propecty (such as a
<br /> pmceeding ia bankruptcy.probate.for condemnatlon or forfeiture or to enforr.e laws or ngulatlons).t�cn I.ender m�y do and
<br /> � pay for whatever Is nocessuy ro pxotecc the value of the ProFerty and Leader's r�ghta in che Propecty. Lendes'a acdom may
<br /> taclude paying any sums sxuttid by a lien which has priority over this Securtty Insttument, appeatin8 ln court, paying
<br /> reasonable atiorneys'fecs uid eatering on the Properry ta ma3a repairs.Although Leader may take action�nder t6is puagraph
<br /> 7,L.ender das not have to do so.
<br /> — pny amouats dlsbiused by i.ender under tbis paragrap6 7 shall becowe addidonal debt of Boaower saund by this
<br /> Secnrity�astrument. Ualess Barrower and I.cnder agree to o:Ler terms of payment. these amounts shall beaz interest from the
<br /> date af disburserocnt at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> paytnent.
<br /> �.Mortgage Insur�nce. If Lender requinod mortgage insurance as a co�didon oi making the loan secured by this Secvrlty
<br /> Insuu:nent, Borrower ahsll pay the premium� reyuired to maintain the mortgage insuruic,�in effect. If, for any reuon. the
<br /> mortga,ge insuraace covenge requirod by L.ender iapses or ceases to be in effect,Bvrrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> obt�in ooverage substwtially equlvalent to the mortgage insurmce previously in effect, at a cost substantialiy equivalent to the
<br /> wst to Borcower of the mortgage insurance proviously in eftxt, from an altemate n►ortgago insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> � substar►tially equivaltnt mongage insurance coVerage is not avdlable� Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum eqw�l to
<br /> one-twelfth of ttie yearly mortgage insurauce pnmium being p�id by Borrowsr when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> _ be in effect.Lendec will accept.use and retaiu these paymeats u a loss reserve 3n lieu of mortgage insurance. Lou reserve
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