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<br /> 'Proceeds')in connecUon with condemnatlon or other takiny of tfr��PropeAy or part theroof,or for conveyance In Ileu of conderte�sutlon•
<br /> Lc�ndar shnll be entitled at ita option to cc�mmen�,eppeer In an�proeecute In fte ovm neme eny ectbn or proceedinga,and ahatl el�o
<br /> be entftled to meke any cnmpromisa or settlement In cannectlon with such taking or dAmege.In the event eny partlon of tha PropeRy b
<br /> eo taken or damaped, Lender sheli heve the option In Its eote end abaduts dlscretian, to epply ell eueh proceeds, aRer deductlnp
<br /> thorotrom ell cost�and expensee Incurrod by It In conRectian wlth euch Proceed�,upon eny Indebtddnesa�ecured heroby and 1�euch
<br /> order pr Lender mey determine,or to epply�II such Proceede,s�cer euch deductlone,to the r4etoration o1 ths PrapeRyr upon eueh com
<br /> dHlonf ae Lender mey dslsrmin�.My �pplk,�tion ul Proceeds to IrtAabtndix��thall not extend a po�tpone the dus dats of�ny psy
<br /> ments under the Nata,or cure eny def�ull thereunder or hereunder.Any unepplled tunda ehell be paid lo Tru�tor. �
<br />� b.Wr}om�ane�by L�nd�r. Up�n lhe ocourrence oi en C-ver�i uf Datault horoundor, or if Uny nct I�taken or lepnl proc�ee�iinp ,
<br /> oommenced wh�h matariaHy�fMctf L�nd�r'�Int�rNt In the Prc�etty Lendsr msy In its own dlacretbn,butwithout obllpaHon to do 30, �
<br /> end wlthout not�e to or demi�nd upon Trustar�nd without roba�inp Trustor trom any obllpatlon,da�ny ect whlch Trusta hes apre�ed
<br /> but fa(led td do end may elao do any othe��et it dsems necesaary to protect the securicy hersoL Truetor ehell,Immadletely upon �
<br /> demend therofor by Londer,pay to Lendet eA conts and expenees Incu►red end eums expended by Lender In connecUon wlth tho ex�r•
<br /> Gae by Lender of the foregoing rlghte,together with Interoat thereon et the default rate prorkied In the Note, which shel)bo edded to �
<br /> tha indebtedness securod hereby.Lender ahaM not Inwr eny liebifity beceuse ol anylhinp It may do or omit to do hereundAr.
<br /> 9. HssKdou� IM�Urlal�.T►uetor she�keep the Property in complisnce wlth ap appticabta laws,aciinancea and repuletbns �
<br /> relaNng to�ndustriel hyplena or env(ronmer+td pnoteCtion(collecthrely roferre�d to hereln es'Envlronmentel Laws').Teustor shall ksep �
<br /> the Proporty tree from all substencae deemed to be hezerdaus or tax�under any Environmental Lawa(cdlecdvely referred to hereln
<br /> as'Hazerdous Materiels`).Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that lhere are no Hazerdou�Materials on or under the
<br /> Proporty.Truslor hereby agreea to indemnfy end hold harmleas Lender,fis dtrectore,offi�s,employesa end agenb,end eny auccea-
<br /> sovs to Lender's Intereat,from and agalnst eny and all dalma,damagea,iosaes end Uabilities atloing In connectfon with th9 pneaence,
<br /> use,diapoaal or aansport of eny Hazerdous Materlala on,under,from or ebout the PropeRy.THE FOREOOIN(3 WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.Asslpnm�nt ot R�nb.TrusWr hereby aaslpna to Lender,and prents Lender a security Intarest in,all ptesent,tuturo end
<br /> after a�ising rents, issues end proflts of the Property;provtdod 4�at Trustor shall,unUl the occurrence of an Event of Default,hereunder,
<br /> heve the right to collect and reteln such rents,Issues end proflts as they becortre due and payeble. Upon t�e occurrence oi an Event of
<br /> Qefeult,Lender may,elthor(n person or by egent,wlth or wlthout b�ing{ng aay ection ar proceeding,crr bj a recelver appofnted by e
<br />- court and without regard to the adequacy oT ite secudty,enter upon end take poasesslon of tk�e Property,zT arry paR the►ecf,In its ovm
<br /> name or In the name af the Trustea,and do eny acts whfch it deems necessary or desir��o ta prese►rve the value,maricetabiky a
<br /> rentebillty of the PropeRy,or any ped thereot or Interest thereln,or to Incresse the lnoome therefrom a proteot the securlh►hereof end,
<br /> with or without teking possesslon of the Property,sue tor or otherwlso collect the rents,issues end profits lhereof.Induding those past
<br /> due and unpald,by n�tlfying tenants W make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,issues and profits,less costa and expe�►s-
<br /> ea oI operadon and collection Including attomey's fees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,eN in woh order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mine.The entedna upor►and tekina paaseselon of the Property,the collection of such renEs,issues amd profiis,and the eppNcatlon
<br /> thr�reoi aa aforesaid shaU not cure or walve any defauR or notice oi default hereunder a tnvalldete any act done in rosponae to auch
<br /> default or pursuant to such noUce of defauk and,notwithstending the oonUnuance in possess9ori d 7fie property or the cotlection,
<br /> recelpt and appl�atlon of rents,Issuea or profits,Truatee end Lender shall be endtled to exerdae every Kight provided tor In any of the
<br /> ; Loan InsWments or by lew upon occurtenoe oi any Event ot Defeult,tncludtng without IlmltatJon Ihe right W exerc.isa the power of sab•
<br /> � FuN�er,LendePa riphts end romedlea under thls paragraph shall be cumulative with,end In no way e IImNeHai on,Lendera righls and
<br /> retnedies under any asclgnment ot feases end�nts recorded agalnst lhe Properly.Lender,Trustee and 1he recelver shall be Ifebb fo
<br /> aocount only for thoae rents ecWally receMed,
<br /> 11.Ewnts oi D�tsuR.The fol{owing ehail oonsUtute en Event oi DefauR under thia Deed of Trusr
<br /> (e)Falture to pay eny Installment of princtpal or Interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b�A breach of or deteult under any provls(on contelned tn the Note,thls Deed of Ttuat, a�ryl oi the Loen Instruments,or eny
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon tha Proporty;
<br /> (c)A writ of executlor+or attachment ar any simflar prooess shall be entered egainst Trustor whlch sheN becon»a Nen on
<br /> the Property or eny pertlon therooi or Interest thera(n;
<br /> (d)There shell be filed by or epetnst Truator or BorPawer an ection w�der erry presaent or future federal,stete or other aletub.
<br /> {�w or npulstfon rslednfl to bankruptcy,insolvancy or other rollet tor debton;or there shall�e eppolnted any Mntee,roceNer or
<br /> tlquldetor oY Trustor or Bortower or of ell or any part of tha Pr�operty,or the rente,fssues or proAts tMr�eot,or Truator or Barowe�
<br /> shall make any general eas{gnment for the beneflt oi creditors;
<br /> (e)The sale,Vansfer, lease,asalpnment,conveyanoe or further encumbrence of ell or eny part of or any tntereat In the
<br /> Properry,eltl�er vduntaflly u fnvotunfedly,without the express wrHten oonaent of Lender;provlded that Ynrstor shaA ba parrnit-
<br /> ted Lo exec��te a lease of the PropeKy that does not oontein en opUon to purchaae and the tertn oiwhk;h does not exoeed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (fj Abaradonment oT the Property;a
<br /> (p)ti Trustor ts not an Indiv(dual,the(sauanoe,aale,trensfer,esaignment,oanveyance a encumbrenoe of more than(H a
<br /> � corpotatbn)a totel of peroent of Its Issued and outatanding atock,or(if a partnersMp)a totel of per-
<br /> cent of pa�tnershlp Interests,or(If a Ilmited liab{Ilty company)a tot6�l of peroentof the limlted Iteblllty oompa-
<br />_ ny Intereats or vodng rights du�ing the pariod thts Deed ot Trust re+nafns a Ifen on th�propeciy.
<br />_— 12.R�nwdfes;AccN�ntton Upon D�huk.In the event ot eny Event of Defautt 4ender rt�ay,wjUaut notice except as requtred
<br /> by Iaw,declare aU Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payubte and the some shaH MereuDon `becon�e due end peyable w(th-
<br /> out eny presentment,demand,proteat or noUce of eny kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exerc:ise the POWER OF SALE granted heretn,and Trustee shell Mereatter cauae Tnrstor'a fnter-
<br /> est In tho Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,all in the manner prov(ded in the Nebreaka Trust Deeds kc�
<br /> (b)Ezerclse any and all Nghts provided for in any of tha Loan InsWments or by law upon ocxurrence ot eny Event ot
<br /> Detault;and
<br /> (c)Commance en actlon to forecbse thts Deed oi Trust es a mortga�e,eppolnt e recefver,or spedfk�lly enforce e�y ot lhe
<br /> covenant�s heroot.
<br />= No remedy heroln conierted upon or reserved to Trustee or Lendar la Intended to be exclusive of any other nemedy hereln,ln the Loan _
<br /> InsUumente or by law provlded or permltted,but eac��shpll be cumulaUve,shall be In edd(Non to every Wher remedy gtven hereunder,
<br /> = In the Loan Inatrumente or now or hereaRer exlsdny at law or In eqully or by atatute,and may be exercised concurrantty,indepdndently
<br /> - -,..r..
<br /> �o�;;�,Q�..��. �
<br />-- 13.TnistN.The Trustee may rosipn et any ttme wlthout cause,end Lender may at any time e�d without cause appoi�t e suc-
<br />= cessor or aubaUtute Truatee.Tnistee ehAll rat be IIrWe to any perly,In�luding wlthout Ilmltatlon Lender,Bortower,Trustar or eny pur- _
<br />= chaser of the Property,for eny loss or damape un{esa due to rockleaa cx wllNul mtsconduct,and shaN not be roqulred to take a�y actbn
<br />� In connectlon with the enforcement of thls Deed oi Trus4 unleaa tndemnifi�ed,in wdGng,for all cosb,a�mpensation or oxpenses whlch
<br />� may be essodated therewith.ln edditbn, Truetee mey beoome e purc.haser et eny sale ot the Property Qudldal or under the powar of
<br /> '! eale gronted hereln);postpone the sale of all or any poRlon of the Properry,as provlded by law;or selt the PropeAy es a wholo,or In _
<br />'� separate patcels or lote et Trustee's dlscretlon.
<br /> � 14.FNS and Exp�nas.In the event T►ustee sel�s the Property by exerclse of power of sale,T�ustee shatl be entltled to�pply _
<br /> � eny sele proceeda first to payment of all costa and expenses of exerclsing power of aele,lncluding aa Trostee's foes,and Lender's and
<br /> Trustee's attomey's fees, actually Incurred to extent permltted by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exer�ctses any rlght
<br />"� provlded by law to cure en Event of Detault,Lender shall be enHtled to recover irom Tnisror all costs and expenses ectually Incurred as -
<br />�� e result of Trustor's default,Including wlthout Ilmltntbn all Trustee's and attomey's fees,ro the extent permltted by applicable law. _.
<br /> 'a 15.�utun Advancts.Upon requeat of Borrower,Lender may,et its optlon,make additional and future advances aM read- -
<br />- .vances�o k3omower.Such advances and readvanoea,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by this D�ed ot Trust.At no Gme shall the _
<br />