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<br /> THiS OEED OF TRU8T,is made es oi the_ 16 t h �y of S e p t em b e r ,�g 9 7 ,by and emon�j
<br /> �T��, David L. Nelson and Beth 0. Nelson, husband and wife `�
<br /> 5374 S. Blaine, Grand Island, NE 6880� �
<br /> wFwse malN�addroas is ereln'Tn�sta",whe�er one a mae).
<br /> lhe Truates F i v e P o i n L s B a n k
<br /> whose mailing address is P 0 B o x 15 0 7, G r a n d I s 1 a n d, N E 68 8 0 2 (herein Trustee•),and
<br /> the Benefldary, �i v e P o i n t s B a n k
<br /> whosemalUngeddressia 2015 N. Broadwel l � Grand Island. NE 68803 ���in.Le�r„�
<br /> . FOR Wu.UD a v�do�sio Nw�TS�inai�[nglender�exte�►.se I s o n�ic Identlfisd hereln to
<br /> d B th . N
<br /> (heroin'Barower,"whether one or more)and the trust harein created,tha recetpt
<br /> , oi which is hereby eckrwwledged.Trustor hereby irrevocabty e���� ���. �►veys and assigns to Truatee,IN TRUST, WITH
<br /> POWER OF 3ALE,for the benetit end secu�t�y of Lender,unds+r end su tothe te i a h Rer fonh,the real
<br /> prope�y,������: Lot One (1) and the Norther�orty ���ee�o�' Lo��wo ��.
<br /> Garden P1ace Subdivision, Ha11 County. Nebraska, excepting therefrom a tract of land more
<br /> particularly described in Corporation Warranty Deed filed as Document No. 86-101311
<br /> Together with aN bulidings,(mprovements,flxtures,s7eeb,elleys,passagewaya,easements,rights,privibges and eppurlenances
<br /> � located thereon or(n anywtse p�rteining therew,and the renb,Issues and profita,reversions end remeindera thereof,and such per-
<br /> - sonal property thet ta atted�ed W the improvemente so ea to constitute a fixturo,induding,but not limited to,heating and 000ltng equip-
<br /> - ment;and Eoyetl�er wfth tha homeatead or maritel tnterests,if eny,which interesta ere hereby released and wahied;all of whk;h,indud-
<br /> !ng replacemenla and edditiona thereW,is hereby declared 4o be e part ot the real eslata secured by the Nen of thls Deed of 7rust and
<br /> � ali of the Tcrepotng being referted to hereln es the`Properly�'.
<br /> Thla Deed of Trust�hell eecuro fe)tha syment of ttie prindpal sum and interest evldancad by a promlasory note or crodft apnee-
<br /> mentdated Seutember 16, 1�97 .havtngametudtidateoi eotemb�r 7.6. 20A2
<br /> In the oripinal principal amount oi S 44,000.00 and eny and au modHicaUona, extensbns and renewata
<br /> thereof or thereto and any end all futuro advenoes and readvancea to BorrovMer(a any of them it more than onej hereunder purauont
<br /> to one or mors pnomissory notes or credlt egreementa(herdin celled'Note`);(b)the payment of othar sums edvanced by Lender to
<br /> proted ths security ot the Note;(c)the perfortnance oi ali covenants end agreemeMs oi Tnistor set forth hereln;and(d)aU present end
<br /> futuro Indebted�eaa end obtigationa of Borrower(or eny ot them if more then one)to Lender whether diroct,indirect,ebaolute or caHin-
<br /> gent and whettbr a�stng by note,puaranty,overdreR or otherwlse.The Note,thta Deed of T�ust and any and all other documents that
<br /> aecuro the Note or otharvvise executed in connectbn therewith,Irtcluding without Iimltation guarantees, securiry agreements and
<br /> eaak�nmenta oi keses and rents,aheli be referred to hereln as the'Loan Instrumenta".
<br /> Trustor covenents and agrees with Lender es toibws:
<br /> ; 1. Paym�nt of Ind�btedness.All tndebtednes�aecured hereby shall be pald when due.
<br /> • 2. TkN.Trustor is ihe owner of the Property,has the Hght and euthority to ca►vey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen creat-
<br /> ed heraby fs a flrst anii prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrances set torth by Trustor in writing and deiivered to
<br /> Lender befere execWon of this Deed of Trust,and the executlon and deAvery of this Deed of Trust does not vtolate eny contrect or
<br /> other obligetbn to which Trustor ts aubject.
<br /> 3.Taxss,Ass�ssnNntt.To pay before delinquency eil taxes,speciai assessments and all other chargss egainst the property
<br /> now or heroafter Ievied. �
<br /> 4.Intunnc�.To keep the Property Insured against demege by fire,haiarda included within the tertn"extended coverage',end
<br /> such other hazerds es Lender mey requlre,In emounts end with oompanies acceptable to Lender, namfng Lender aa en addftlortal
<br /> named Insured,with losa payable to the Lender. In case of bss under such polides,the Lender is euthorized to adJust,collec3 and „�,
<br /> compromlae,all clalms thereunder and shall heve the option of applyfng ell a part of the insurance procoods(i)to e�iy tndebtednesa �.
<br /> secured hereby end In such order es Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to be used for the repatr or restoraUon of the Propwty or ,
<br />- (itl)for eny other purpose or object setiatectory to Lender without affectinp the Iien ot this Deed of T�ust tor the full emount secured ., .
<br /> n.rwev detone suct�navrnant ever tnok nlace.Mv enollcaUona of nroceeds to Indebtednesa ehall not extend or postpax3 lfie due date
<br />- oi any paymenta under the Note,or a�re any defeuit thereunder or hereunder. .
<br /> 6. Etcrow. Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender. In such manner as Lender may designete,sutHcient
<br /> suma to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the tollowing:(I)all texes,assessments end other cherpes agafnst
<br /> the Properly,(II) the promiums on the property fnsurance requtred herc�under,and (III) the premfums on eny mortgage tnsurence
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br />_ 8. Malnt�nanc�. R�p�ira and Compliane�with Lew�. Trustor shall keep the Property in good condition and repalr,shetl
<br />_ promptly repafr,or replece eny(mprovement which mey be damaged or desVoyed;shall not cammtt or permit eny waste or detedora-
<br /> tion oi the Property;shap not remove,demoilsh or substantialiy alter any of the improvemente on the Property;shall not commit,suffer
<br />- or pertnit any act to be dane in or upon the Praperty in violation oi any law,ordinance,or regulation;end shali pay end promptly dis-
<br /> charge at Tnistor's coat and expense all Ilens,encumbrances and charges levied,imposed ar accessed agalnst the Property or any
<br />- part thdreof.
<br /> 7. Emirwnt Domsln. Lender fs hereby assigned ail compensation,awards,demagas and other payments or rellef(herelnafter
<br />' !MC 1171 pJOnqna�74Y 0»a1 R�r 61D!
<br /> O 19!!HMm�I Bril d W�msraTnnl�rd8�vnpf b WCViun.I+r<.a.�Mba W
<br />