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201206911 <br /> All insur�nce policies reqiured by Lcncier and renewals of such policies sl�inll 6e subject to Lender's right Co <br /> flis�pprove such po1icics, shall inelude a staudaad naortgage clanse, and shall nauie I,ender es n�orfgagee <br /> and/ar as an addilional lose payee. Lei�der hl�all have the right tio hold the polioiuv and renew�l cectificates. lf <br /> Lendcr requixes, Borrower el�all proiiiptly give to Lender all recoiptis of paid premiutne ancl renewal notiees. <br /> IP Borrower obtains any forn�oL insurnnce coverage, not otherwise t equired by Lencier, for damage to, or <br /> desY�'uction of, the Property, such poliey shall inchide fl stqndard mortgage clause aud slull n�me I,ender as <br /> inoi'tgagee anc�lor as an adclitional lose payee. <br /> In the eve�lt of loss, Borrower shall givc�arompC uotice to the insm•ancc carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> malce proof of losa if not inade promptl}�by�3nn•ower. Unless Loncicr arid Boirower otherwise ab�'cc tn <br /> writing, anp insurance�irneeeds, whether or not Yhe undei9yi�ig insurnnce was required by Lendcr, ahnll l�e <br /> a}7plied to restbration or repair o4'tlie Proper'ty, iP tilie restoration or repair is cconoi2�icnlly feasibla aud <br /> Lender'� sccuriLq is not lessened. Dm'ing auch repair a��d restoration peiiod, I,ender eha11 have tlie right�to� <br /> hold stich insurazice proceeds uulil Lender l�ae had an opporCiuvty to inspecti auch Property to onsure th� <br /> work hns been complcted fo Lender's sa�tisfaction, ��rovided thaY sucl�inspeciion shall be undectelcen <br /> proi�tlg. Luider tnay disburse proceetls Por Che repairs aaxd restoration in a aingle peyment or in a serics of <br /> progrnss�ayanents ae the worlc ie eou�pleted, Unless an agrc cnienC is made ni writing or Applie�able Law <br /> recluires interest to be p�id on such insuranca proceeds, Le�ider shall not be required to pay Borrower aary <br /> iuterest or earnings on such�xoceeds. Fees for public adjnsters, or other third parCies, retained Uy Borrowc�r <br /> shall not be paid out of the i'nstuance procceds and shall Ua tlia sole obligatiion oP Boxrower. IP Che restoration <br /> or repair is not econotniczlly feasiblo or Lender's eecm'ity wou7d bo leasened, the instuance procecda ehall be <br /> npplied to the swns secured by t�iis Seom�iYy IneCrmnenY, whell�er or not then dua, wit�i flie cxuass, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. SLioh iusurance proceed9 ehall bo applied in Che ordar provicied for ii1 9eclion 2. <br /> If Borrower abandonti lhe Property, Lender inay filq nego6iete and setitle a�ny avai1able insurance olaim and <br /> related n�atters. If Borrower does not rctipond will�in 30 tlays to e�notice fi�om Leiider that tlie insLu anco <br /> oan•ier tifls offered Yo settic a claim, then Lender m�y negotiata niid settle the claiin. The 30-day period will <br /> bagin H�hen thc votice is given. In eiUier event, or if Lender ecquires tha Property under Section 22 or <br /> otherwise, Borrower hareUy asyigns to Lencler (n) Borirowar's rigl�t�to any insuxance proceeds in an zmount <br /> voC to exceed the amowlts unpaid undex the Note or This Sccurity I�ishnmetrt, end(b) any oU�er af <br /> I3orrower's rights (aCl�er fhan Che right to any refnnd of ime�rned premituns paid Uy I3orrower)under all <br /> insm�nce policies covaring tl�e Piropc�'ty, insofar as suclx rights are applicable to lhe oover�ga of the <br /> Property. Lender may usc thc lns��r2uce proceeds eillier to repair or restore the Pro�erty or to pay amounfs <br /> mipaicl�tuder thc NoCa or ttus Security Luskutnent, whcther or not then due. <br /> 6. OCCUpanCy. Rorrower sl�al] occupy, estiaUlisl�, and use ihe Property ns Borrower's principal residence <br /> within 60 days a14er the execuCion of this Sccm'iCy Instxument wd shall continuc to oc�upy 'the Prope�•ty as <br /> Borrowei's principal xesidenco for aL least one ye�r after the dato of ocou�ancy, unlesa Lender otlierwi�o <br /> agrees in writing, wluch conseut ahall not be unreasonaUly wittilield, or unlese extiennatii� circmnstanoes <br /> exist which are beyond Borrower's contr o1. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Prnperty; Inspec4ions. }3orrowcr sliill not destroy, <br /> d�unago or impaie the ProperCy, allo�v tl�c Yroperiy to deterioreCe or cotmnit wasto on lhe Property. Whether <br /> or not Botrower is residing in thc Froperty, Borxower shall mflinkain tlie Properly in order tio prevent U�e <br /> Piroperty fiom detarioratii�g or deoreasing in vahte due to its conciition. Unless it is determiixed pqrsuant to <br /> Seotion S that rcpair or restoration is not economic ally fensible, Borrower shall promptly repair Che PxoperEy <br /> if ciai��agcd Po avoid fm'ther deterioration or cinmage. If insurance or condcmnation proceeds are paid in <br /> ooimec�ion wil�h d�nabo to, or Yhe tf�king of, the Froperty, Borrower shnll be reeponaible for repairin�or <br /> restorvig the Proper[y only if Lender 1»e reloascd proceeds For such 1>urposes. Lender may disl�Lirse proceeds <br /> --N --- zaootoot <br /> NEkiRASKA-Single Familo-Fennie hiae/f-retldla fdac UNIFORIvi INSTRUA4 FNT fonn 3028 1707 <br /> VM P�; VM P8(NE)f1106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer�Inenoial Servlces NAQe 7 of 17 <br />