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<br /> U���'p�„oeno oftb.prloe bid,Truabs.b.0 a.l�r to tl�e p�r�...r'lt+�'.a�.a aon
<br /> t� Prop�el7 � 7ba reeitsis in tbs Trwtee's desd�hall be pdma �� r�W�oo� d tl� Wth ot�
<br /> qaL�m�b m�ds tL�roia. 'hw� � �P�b'�°P�'��ol th� sa1�in t� iollo�oi ad�r. W ta all
<br /> �o�r ca�t��sd o���eab,inch�inE•b�not Wn��l Lo,'IYwb�e`�����o[aot r
<br /> �e�s than
<br /> 7i af t�e�+o�s sd�P�os,l+��ooabM i�°�AOr��aud ec�`r af�tW ovid�ace:
<br /> �)Lo�D�tmo��ectued b7 this Deed of�������°'�°0���•�o t�P���PK�
<br /> entit�d����to Ae�s.Notwithetanding Lsnder'e acceloration of the sum�secured by thi�
<br /> Deed of'lYust due ta Bon'uwer'e breaah,Borrower ehall have the right to h�va �ny proceedinBs be6u�►by
<br /> Lender to enforae thfs 1]eed o���°C���r o���������o�Trwt ori(�entry of a
<br /> before eede of the PropertY P
<br /> judgment enforcing thie Deed of ZSruat if:(��Bon'ower paya Lender all eums�h�ch�"'ould b°th°�due un er
<br /> this I)eed of Trwt u►d the Note had no acceloration ocaurrad: (6)Borrower aures all brenche�of aisq other
<br /> covenante or agreemeY►ta of Borrowes cont,�ined in thls Deed of�u°�; �a� $0 ��of BorroN r contained
<br /> ezpeneea incurred by Lender aad�Yuatee in enforcing the covenants and agreem
<br /> in t�ia Deed of Trusi,and in enforcing Lender e and Truatee's remediea su pro�ided ia paragraph i?hereof�
<br /> including,but not limited to,reaeonable attarnoya'fees;and(d)�armwrer takes such acfl°n as Lender may _
<br /> ra�aon�bly r�cluire to aeeure thnt the lien of this Deod oF Truet� Lender's interuet in the Propert7 atul
<br /> Horrowar'e obligatioa W pay tlxe sums eecured by this Deed of Truet ehall conti�aue unimpaired.Upon suah
<br /> payment and cure by Borrower,thia Deed of Truat and the obligations eeaured heseby ehall remedn in t1�11 =
<br /> force and effect ae�f no acceleratlon had ocaurred• � ��� � ���o�� ��ty
<br /> 19. A�i�n� af R�enb; APP��°°�t of R�sceirer; Leode�' rovlded th*�Borrower ehall�prior
<br /> hereunder�Borrower hereby aasigns W Lendar the renta of the Property,p
<br /> tc� accelera►tion uader pars8raph 17 hereof or abandonwent of tbe Property,
<br /> hAVe the right to collect sn�d
<br /> ret,�i�auch nnt� ai they become due and payable. Lender, in po'raun,bY
<br /> Upon acceleratton uader paragcaph 17 hereof or abAndonment of thr�Prnpes�EY.
<br /> agent or by judioially ApP���r�iver ehall be entitled to eY►ter uPor►+taks P°�°°°1°n of Rud mana�e the
<br /> propexty and w coii�eci the�uts of:��'ra�rt;�^��•�ing those past due.All renta collectt�id by Lender or the
<br /> a'c s�ud aojircClon of reni��
<br /> - receiver ehall be spplied first to Pa3Tment of We coats nf�anana8ement of the Property
<br /> including,but not Uaiited to�rece��'S�of Trust.I.ender and the receivo sh be liable tot account only
<br /> euid then to the sums senured Y
<br /> for thwe rante e►atuallY received.
<br /> �0.Reoon've�'aaoe.UP°n P+�yment af all eums aecured by thie Aeed of Truat�Lendor ehe�ll recNeati Truatse
<br /> to recoavsy the PropertY aud shall surrender this Deed of Truat aad all notee evldenain8lndebtedr�eaa�ecured
<br /> by this Deed oF Truet W Truetee.Trustee ehsll reconvey the PropertY�vlthout warraatY and�rit�hout eheurBe
<br /> to the pereon or persone legallY entitled thereto.3uch pereoa or pereone shdl pay RU costa of rea►rde�tion,if
<br /> �y.
<br /> Zi.3ubd3���•Lender.at I.ender'e option,may Prom tjma to time remove Truatee amd nPPo
<br /> a succeseor truatee to any'1'ruatee appoiated hereunder by an instxumu n�r�ecor trustea�hsU�c�ce�ed e�ll tbe
<br /> De�d of�5ru�t is recorded.Without coaveyance of the PropertY► �{cable lww►.
<br /> title�power and duties conferred upon tbe'riru�etee herein and by aPP
<br /> Z�,�t,foe.Notioes.Borrower requeets that copiee of the noti�e of defAUlt and aotice of sale be rent
<br /> to Borro�rer'e addres�which is the PropertY Address.
<br /> ;
<br /> s�mt
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