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<br /> 19.Notica.E�ccept for any notice Pequlred under appUaable law to be given in another cnannsr,(a)anY -�;'-
<br /> .� notice to Borrower provided for in this Deed Af Trust shall be 8iven by delivering it o abe 5���ower may -
<br /> � by certified mail addreased to Horrower at the Property Addroaa or At et�ch�ther nd
<br /> designate by notice to Lender ae provided herein,euid(b)aay notice ta Len.der shall be given by certified mail
<br /> •...a+�� to Lender'a address stated herein or to such other addreee ae Lender may deeig�ute by notice to Borrower
<br /> ' ae provlded hereir..My notico provided for in thia Deed of Truat shall be deemed to have been given to
<br /> Bonower or Lender when given in the me�nner designated herein.
<br /> enn
<br /> ig.(�OOerning Law;Severabilit�.The state csnd local lawe applicable to thts Deed of Truet ehnll be the -
<br /> � laws of the juriediction in which the Property is located. The foregoing sentence ehaU not li�aait the appu�abilitY , Y
<br /> � ° o f F e d e r a l l a w t o t h i s D e e d o f Trus�In the event tha►t any provisioa or clauee of thia Deed of Trust or the �_
<br />" N�o!,e co n fl i c t s w i t h a p p L i G a b l e l aw,euch conflict ehaU not affect other provieions o f t h ie D e e�1 o f T r u s t o r t h e
<br /> Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision,and to this ead t he pro v ie ione o f t h i s D e e d _
<br /> of Trust and the Note are deolared to be severable.As used herein,"costs;"e�enses"en d"a t t orneys'fees -
<br /> include aU aume to the oxtent not prohibited by appflcable law or Wnited hereia. `
<br /> ld.BonroRer'e Copy Borrower shall b9 furniehed a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of 15cust .�,.,�
<br />�, at the tlme of execution or after recordation hereof. �,
<br /> . 16.RdaabiHtatbn Loan Agreemen�.Bonower shsU fulfill all$�o°er ente e into�w�ith i�ae�ie�ae, :�;�
<br /> rehabilitation,improvement,repair,or other loan agreement which _
<br /> at r.ender's option,may require Borrower to execute and deHver to Lender,in e►form acceptable to Lender� __
<br /> ��' an assignment of any rights,claims or defenses wbich Borrower may have agsinet parties wlso eupply labor, _
<br /> materials or services in conaection with imProvemente raade to the Propert3►. „``_'"
<br />'` . 16.Tranefer of the Property or a Beneficial Yntereet in Borrower.If all or any part of the PropertY or ._
<br /> "� � ' any interest in it is sold or traasferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower ie sold or transferred and t�
<br />�.,�,
<br /> Borrower ia not a nattual person)without Leades's prior written conseat,Lender may�, a pit�s n e�� ��'� _
<br /> � � imYnediate pa y ment in full of all sume seaured by t7ile Deed of Trus� However, _
<br /> � __-- Q�Ar��y�i hy T�ender if e:erciae is prolubited by feder a l law f►a o f t he d a t e o f t h i s D e e d o f 1�u s t. rnvide -
<br />'_.-:�'` ' Yf Lendor ezercieea this option�Lender shall give Horrower no�ice of ac�:n2aratton.Th�noLice sh��+--
<br /> _;� � : , a period of aot less than SO days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wlthin v�►hich Borruwer muat _
<br />��.:�:_�-- -+�� p a y a l l a u m s s e cured b y thia Deed of 7�ust.If Borrower fails W pay these suma prtor W the espiration of thie
<br />-'=' : � - period�Lender may invoke any remedies permitte d 6y t h i s D e e d o f n u a t w i t h o u t f w r t h e r a o t�c e o r d e m a n d
<br />=��:��•" ��. ,, onBorrower.
<br />=�:;::°'�,•. :.;��, :,
<br /> NON-UNlFORM COVENAI�1'1'S•Borrower an d 7�en der f u r t h e r c o v e n a n t a n d a g r e e an fo owa:
<br />�V�.�y•". : E�coept a�provided'aa paragraPh 16 hereof�upon Borrower's breach of any
<br />,,:,�::�_;..��, 17.Aooebrst3on:Asmedins• B orrow�er's fa�ture to paa•by ti�e t�nd of
<br /> co�enant or a�r+eeman t o f B o r r o w e r i n t 1�i s D e e d o f�u t.i n c l u d i n 8
<br />--__`,"'°"�� , 10 cdeadar dqs aft�'t�eY are due� ai►Y nums eecured b�tbis Ueed of 1�ru�t,.Len�]er P�1Or to a c o e 3 a r a t b n
<br />—3-�--�"�°`n�`���� eLall gi�e notice to Borrower aa provided in para�rsph 12 h�ere�f a p e c i f'�i n 8:(1)t l�e b r e�c l i►(4)tbe acl3oa
<br />---"?`'� r e q u i r e d to aure s u c h b r e a c h:(e)a d a t e.n o t l e e s tlun 90 d a�s 8rom tbe date tl►e mtice is maibd to Horrowec.
<br /> _�-x,,.�'1� b�which snch breach muat be aured:and(4)that failure to cure euch Mea,ch on or before tLe date s p e c i 8 e d
<br /> --,,:._.<�� in t]�e notice ms7 resutt in acceleral3on of tbe dums axured b�this Deed of Trwt ued e�10 oF tha Propert,-
<br /> ---.���-'�: The mtioe eball furf�er inform Borrower of tbe r�ght W reinstate atter�coeiera►tbn aad the rlgbt W brtn8 a
<br /> - .!;;};.iT:�'.
<br /> —'-µ�..�'�:" oourt acl�on to asrert fhe ao�atence of a defaulti or a►y ot�er�e�'�of Horrower po a�eral3on and
<br /> —;�-:�,}`;� If tl�e breaoh la not cured on or befare tbe date epecif'�ed in t�o notioe.Lendar.at Leader'a optinn,�7��
<br /> — �'``" all of the sums eecured b7 t�is Deed of Trust to be immetliatel7 due and pnpable witbout flx��r demend and
<br /> °' ;��.,..
<br />—. =--'-�^,i� in�o�e t1�o Pow�er of sa1e aad AnY otlier remedi�a Permit��7 aPp��Lw'Lender eball be enl3tlsd
<br /> --` oollecti�Jl reasonebb ooets and e:penees incurred in pwrauin8 the remecliee Pra�ided in tLis pare�sPh 17, —
<br /> ���-';� including,buti aot limilsd to,reaeonab1e attornele' fees.
<br /> -:��;;_�;;=-• ° If the power of eale ia invoted,�stee el�all �eoord s aotice of default ia es�ch count�in which tbe
<br /> '..r.v'!��� . Pro or eome part thereof ia bcated a�l ebell mail oopies of etich mt3oe ia tbe�ntnaer prescr�bed bY _
<br /> � ���•�°_. ' aPP��3e Lw to Borrower and to the other pereoaa Brescr�bY+�PP��Ie la�v.Afber tbe lapae of such t3me =
<br /> . �•.' as ma�be required b7 sPPlicab3e law,l5rustee shall��e Publia aotioe of sale to t2�e pereon�and in the m�nner _
<br /> � preecn'bed ti�p aPPlicable la�v.ZSruabee•�vltbout demand on Borrower,eh�ll eell the Properby'at public auction _-
<br /> � to t]�e high�et bidder at the time aad place and under tbe terms deai�ated in tbe aotioe of ss�le ia one or mo�+e ��---
<br /> paroela and in such order aa Tn�atee ma,y determtae.Tir�u�tee ma►Y Post�po�eak+of all or aay parcel of the -_
<br /> - ' properb7 by public anaouncement at the tims and plsco of any previoual,l echeduled ea1e.Lea�der.or Leader'a
<br /> : -
<br /> � � deai�ee.m0.Y P��the Property at any salo.
<br /> � ,
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