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201206906 <br /> continue to pay to Lender the amount of the aeparately designatecl pa�ments that wore due whcn tho <br /> insurance covcrago ccased to be in efFect. ].ender wi11 accept, use aud retain these payments as a. <br /> ��on-refundab(e loss reserve iit lieu of Morcgagc Insur<mee. SuoU loss reserve shall be nou-refuudaUle, <br /> nolwithstswd'nig tfie fnet th�Y the Lonn is ultimately paid in full, and Lendcr sha11 not bc rcc�uired to pay <br /> Borrowee any inYerest or aernings on such losa reserve. Le�ider cnu no Ionger raquire loss reserve�ay�nents <br /> if Mortgage Insuranca coverage(in the a�nount and For the period thaG Lender requires)provided by nn <br /> ineurer selecta4i Uy Lejider agtun Uecomes availaUle, is obtained, and Lender reqturae separataly desigttatecl <br /> �aymevts kowazd Lhe premimna for Morlgage Insuranee. IP Lender xeqUired Mortgagc lnsin-ance as a <br /> coudition of making the Loan and]3orxower was required to inake aeparately desiginCed pa5nnenfs lo�vard fhc <br /> preuuums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower ghall pay tiie premiums rec�uired Yo rnaintaiu Mortg�ge <br /> Insurfuice in effect, or to pxovide a non-t efundehle lose reserve, until Lender's requirement for Mortgagc <br /> Lnsurance ends in accordance with a�ry written aereement Uetween Borrower and LendeA•providing for such <br /> tei�niaation or m�til termination is r�a�uired bq Applicablc La7v, Notl�ing in this Section ]0 affects <br /> B�rrower's o6ligalion Co pay inheresC nh Lhe ratc provided in Lhe Noke. <br /> Mortgage 7nsurance rcimburscs Londer (or any c;ntitiy fhaC purchases thc Note) for certaii�losses [t may incur <br /> if Borrower does noC repay hhe Laau as agreed, Borxower ie nol�parly to the MorC�age Insm�ance. <br /> VJ ortgago ins�ircrs evaluatc their t�tal r#slc on all suoh ineur�noe in forco Pron� timc ta time, and may cntcr <br /> iuCo agree�neuts witli oeher perties that shere or modify thelr risk, or reduce losses. These agreemeLits nre on <br /> tenna atld conditiaris that �'e satisfacCoiy Co the inortgage insnrer eaid tl�e other party(or parties) Co fhese <br /> ag+'ee�nents. `Cbcso agrccmenks may require th�u2ortgage insurer I�malce paymu��tn u�ing tuiy soUrce of funds <br /> fliaC Che mortgage ineurer may have nveilaUle(which may include f�mds obtaiued from Mortgage Insnrauce <br /> premimns). <br /> As a result of those Agreements, Lender, auy purol�aser oP tha NoCe, anothar iusurer, any reinsurer, aiiy othar <br /> entitiy, or any a�ftiliate of aaiy of the foregoing, ma�y receivo(direct1y or ind�irectly) vuo�mty that t[erive from <br /> (or migl�t be c1l�trncterized as) �portion of 13orrower's paymcnt� fAr Mortg�ga Insuranco, in cxchan�o for <br /> eharing or inodifying the morCgage ineurer's riek, or redueing losses. Tf auoh agreeixient provicles that an <br /> aff"ilinte of Lencler tnkes a share of the ivaurer's risk in exchange For a sl�ara of the�remiu�ns paid Yo the <br /> insurer, tl�e arraaigement is often termed"captive reinsurance.° I'urther: <br /> (a) .�rAy simli agree�uenGs will not �iYect the amoimts tl�at 73orrower hns agreed to pay for MorCgnge <br /> Insnranco, or any othor Yorma of tlic Loan. Snch ngrccu�ents will not incroasc thc amoant <br /> Borrower will owe t'or Murtg:�ge losm•ance, and the,y will not entitle Rorro�Ver to any reYimd. <br /> (b) Any snch agreement6 will uot nf1'ect tlie right5 Borruwer trsts-if xny -with respect to tl�e <br /> Mortgage Jnsnrance under the flomeowners ProCecC3m�r�cC o�f 199R nr any other Ixw. '1'hese cighfs <br /> may it�clude Cl�e eig1�C to receive certain disclosm�es, to reqnesC and ol�tstin cancellnHmi of Clie <br /> Mortgn�e 7�isnrnnce, to linv�*tlie Mort�agc Insnrnnco tca•minnted aatomnticnlly, ancl/or to receive <br /> a 7•cfiuid of a�ny Nlortgage Insnrauce pre�viums t�iait were mie�rned ;�t the time uf sacli <br /> cxncellaHon or terrninatlm�. <br /> 11. Assignmsnk of Miseellaneous Proceeds; FotFeiYure, A11 Miscellaneous Proce;ecis �re herebq zesi�n�cd fo <br /> and shnll be pnicl to Leuder. <br /> If the Pxoperty ie damaged, such Miecellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to castoration or reptiir of the <br /> Property, iP tha restoration or repair is economically feasible aud L,ender's secm•iCy is not lesseued. During <br /> stiach repur and restoratioi� perioft, Landcr shall l�ave U�e rig1�C to hold sucl�Mieccllancous Procccds unfil <br /> Lcntder liae haci an op�ortunity Co inepeeC suoh Propexty to ensure Che work has been completed fo Landcr's <br /> -- - — ------- --------�----�---- Za:oot o2a <br /> NEC+RASKA-Single Famlly-Fennla Mee/Fretltlie Idac UNIFORlA MSfRUMENT Form 3�28 1707 <br /> VMP�y Vf+iPB(N6)(11051 <br /> Wnpars Kluwer Finnnelal Se�Nr,ns Pepe fl of 17 <br />
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