<br /> satisftictiou, p�nvided tihat sueh ins��ecCion shall be timderlalcen promptly. Lcnilur may pay for the repair�
<br /> and resCoration in a single disbuxsement or in a seriee oP progress payments as the worlc is compleYed.
<br /> Unleae an agceement is mada in writing or Agplicable Law cequires interest to ba paid on such
<br /> Miscellaneous P��oceeds, Lender slutll not be requ�rcd to pxy l3orrower ang interest Fv'c,�rnin{;s on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Vmcccds. If flic restoration or repair is not econoinic111y fensible or Lender's seouiity would
<br /> Ue lessened, the Misoellaneoue Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secm•ity Instnunent,
<br /> wheYAer or uot ttien<lue, witlx tha excess, if'airy, paid to I�orrower. Such Miscellaneolie Proceeds shall Ue
<br /> applied 'an the orc9er provided for iu SecHon 2,
<br /> In the event of a tota1 faldng, destruction, or ]osn in value of Ehe Properiy, the 1V[iscellan�us Procee� shall
<br /> be applied to tha smns sectired by 6his Securi�y InalruiYient, whether or not then clue, with tha excess, iF any,
<br /> pnid to Borrowar.
<br /> In Lhe event of n p�rtial Yalcing�, destrucYion, or loss in value of the Property iu wl�ich tl�c fair markct valno of
<br /> the Property iimnecliately before the pardiul talcing, dcstrCGerion, or loss in valuo ie equaL lo or greaCex than the
<br /> ainount of flie sums seoured by tl�is Sbcurit�Insl��mnenti iuvi�ediately beFore the paztiAl talring, deshuction, or
<br /> loss in valuc, unle�s 13onower anci Lender atherwiae agree in wriYing, the stuns secured Uy tihis Security
<br /> InsCeuinenC shnll be reduced by llie aznotuiti of Sha Miscellaneous�Proeeeds�mtltiplicd by thc following
<br /> fraction: (e) tha totial amoart of the sums secured im�nedialelq before Ghe p�rCitil taking, �iestniction, or loss
<br /> in valne dividod hy(b}tho fair market value of the Property immediately befare the partial taking,
<br /> dcstrucCiou, or loss in v�lue. Auy balnuce shall Ue paid to Borrower,
<br /> In tho cvenC aP 2 parLial taking, destniction, or loss in valua ot"the Property in which the fair marl<et value of
<br /> Che Properly innnediately before tha ptu'tiial talcing, destruction, or loss in valuc is less lhaii Che an�ounl oP lhe
<br /> suiris secured itmnediatiely before 19ie paztial talring, dce6rucfioii, or lose ii�valite, uiilees 13ormwer nnd
<br /> Lendar otherwise agree in �an iting, thc Miscellaneous Proceede sAnll he applied Yo the sums seCm�ed Uy tliis
<br /> Seourity InSh�umcnt wheth���or noh the siims are Yhen due.
<br /> If the Property is abandonad by Borrower, or i£, t�f'ter notice by Lendar tio Boxcower that tlie Opposing Pai3y
<br /> (as delined in tlie nexE sentenoe) offars Co make an nward to scttla a claim for&�mages, Bareower Pails to
<br /> reapond Eo Lender within 30 days aftcr thc daiCe flie notice is given, Lender is nukhorized to collecY and apply
<br /> the Mieccl7aneous Proceeds either to restoration or rap8ir of'the Pxoperty or T�o tl�e eums securcd by tl�is
<br /> Security Inatnunent, wlaetUer or not then dne. "Opposing Party" menns the third p�rty that owes Borrowar
<br /> Miscellancous�Yroceecls or Lhe party against whom Borcower l�as a right of acYion in regard to Misocllaneous
<br /> Proeeeds.
<br /> 13orr•owcr ehall be in dePflult if niiy ection or prooeeding, whether civil or criminal, iN bogun th�l, in Londo�''s
<br /> j itdgment, coulcl resulC in forfeiture of the Property or othor n�atcrial im��ainnenT of Lender's interest in[he
<br /> Property or rights under this Seeurity Instrument. Boirower oan cnre sucfl a deffmlY nnd, iP acceleration has
<br /> occmred, reinstatc as provided in Seotion 19, by cattaing the action or proceeding to be dismissed wifh a
<br /> rtding th�l, in Lender's jtixdgment, precludes forfeiture of t1�o Property or otl�er mnterial impairmenC oP
<br /> Lender's interesC in the Prope,rty or rights u�ider this Securily Ins[rumene. The proceeds of any nwurd or
<br /> claim for damagce that are atfributable to the im�tirmont of Lender's ii�rterest iu 1'1ie Property axo hereby
<br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> All Miscollaneous Proceeds thpk are not applieci to rastoration or repair of the Proprn'ty shall ho applied iu N�e
<br /> order pinvided for iu Sectioii 2.
<br /> .—��--- ' ---- --- 2A001625
<br /> NFRPASI(A-Singla Famlly-Fannle MealFretltlle Mso UMFORM hV3'fRUMENT Fofm 3020 1101
<br /> VMP� VtdP6(NE)(110G)
<br /> Nlollers ICluwer Flnanclel servlces Paga 10 af 1�
<br />