<br /> in tlia Property and rights uncler this 3eouriry Iustr mncnt; a�id(d) talces such acrion ae Lendcr may
<br /> rottsonably tequu�e to assiare lliat Lender'e interest in lhe Property nnd rights uuder fliis Seciirity Insh•iwient,
<br /> end Borrowar's obligation to pay tl�e awns secw•ed by thia Securily InsCrun�cnt, sha11 ooiiCtntiie unchangeft.
<br /> Le�ider may require that Borrowor paq suc7�reinstatement stnns [uid expenees in o�2c or more of the fQllowing
<br /> fonns, es selected Uy Lendec: (a) oasl�; (b} inoncy caedcr; (c) certified checl4, batilc check, Lre�surer's cl�wk or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such checic is dxawn u�on an insfitution whose deposits ttre insured by a
<br /> Pede�a] agcucy, instrume��t�lity or entitiy; or (d) Electconic Punds TrAns�Per. Upt��r reiilsCat�ement by Borrower,
<br /> this Seciuity InsLrumenC and o6ligations secured l�ereljy sliall revnain fully effective zs if no acceleraHou had
<br /> occurred. However, Yhie Ai�ht to reinstate shall not apply in th�case of acceleration under Sec[ion 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; NoEice of Griev�nce, The Notaor e perrial iuterest in the
<br /> NoCe (Cogother wiU� this Secuiity Inshument) can ba sold one or more times without prior nokice to
<br /> Borrower, A sale inight result in a chango in the cntity(Irnotnm as tlxe "LoarA Servicer")that collecEs Pei9nd'rc
<br /> Payments due under tlie Note nud this Seem�i[y Instnuncnt and perfc�nns other mortgege loan servicing
<br /> obligafiona under the Nota, thie Security Instrument, nnd Applicable Law, 'CUere �1so might be one or more
<br /> changes of tlze I.oau�ervicer uivelated tio a sale of the Note. If there is a change oPtl�e Loui Servicer,
<br /> Borrowcr will be givon written notice of fhe change�lrich will stata the name and addreas of the now Loai�
<br /> Servioer, the address to which payments should bc�nadc and ai�y other inPormation RESPA requirea in
<br /> coimection with a notice of treasfer of servicin�. If the Not�ia solci and thercafter the Loan is serviced Uy a
<br /> Loan Servicer c�{lier thvi tbe purchaser o£the Notie, tl�e mortgttge loan sexvicing obligaCions to Botrowor wi11
<br /> ren�ain wiCh[l�ie I onn Servicer or be trauefoiYccl to a successor Lo�n Servicer and are not Assu�ned by the
<br /> Note pnrch�ser imless otherwise provided Uy the Note piuchase�.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may oonm�enoe, join, or be joined to anyjudicial uctlon(as eiYlier aii
<br /> individnal litigant or the inei�Uer of a class) Yhat arises Prom fhe other party's adie�ns pursuant to t1iis
<br /> Sectu•ity lnetr�unent or fl�at allegcs t11at the otl�er party has breached�ny provision oP, or nny duty pwed by
<br /> xeason oP, this Secuiity I�sLrumenC, unYil auch Borrowcr or I,ender l�as notified Yhe oYl�er party(with enoh
<br /> notice givan in coinpliance with the requixements of Seotion 15) of such al7cged breach and afForded the
<br /> other party herato a reasonable period after tihe giving of sttch tiotice to tnlee oorrecCiva aotirn�, if Applicnble
<br /> Lnw pxovides a tiine period which inust clapsc bcforc cect2in action cau l�e taken, thnt time p�riod wi11 be
<br /> daemed to be reasonable for purposes of this p�rflgr�ph. The no�ice of xccelc��atioii uid opporYuuity to cure
<br /> piven to Bozrower pursuant fo Section 22 and tl�e notice of acceleration given to 13orrower pursuaii[to
<br /> Seetion 18 shall be deemed to s�tiafy the nolioe�id opporCur�ity tn tal<o oorrective action provieione of this
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardows SubsCances, Ae used in tliis Secdon 21: (a) °Hazardous Sufistunce.s" are tT�ose suUstances
<br /> cicfined as toxic or l�azardoti�s snbstances, polluta�rts, or wastes by Fnviroi�nnee�t�l Law and the following
<br /> subslRnoes: gasoline, keros�,7�o, ufhcr flammaUle or toxic petroleum products, toxic peatioideF and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, materinla oontaining asbesCos or fonn�ldchydq and radioactive maYerials; (b)
<br /> "F,nvtfronmenlal Law°ineauus federal l�ws end l�ws of the juriediction wherc t1�c Property is 1ocaEed that
<br /> rel�tc to hcalth, safcty or onvironme��tal protection; (c) "Environmen�dal Cleanasp"inch�cies any response
<br /> �totion, remetlial action, or removal aoCion,as clGfinod in L+nvironme�ltal Law; aud (d) an "Envlrorirnenlal
<br /> Co32clilzon." means a conditiion th�t can cause, ootih-ibute to, or oCherwise triggcr�u� F,nviromneaital Cleanup.
<br /> Borxowar shall not oause or permit the presence, use, disposal, s�orage, or rclease o£eny Haz�u�clous
<br /> SuUstances, or threaten to xelease any Hazardous SuUstences, on or in the Pro}3erCy. Borrower sha11 not do,
<br /> nor allow auyove else t�cio, anything afFecting tl�e Property(a) tl�ati is iii violetion of any LnviromnentaT
<br /> �Law, (b)which creates an L�irviroi�nenl��1 CondiLion, or(c)wl�ich, due to the pxesance, e�se, or relense o�Fa
<br /> Hazardaus SuUstauce, ereatas e condition Yhat edveraely nffects the value of tUc R operty. The preceding Ywo
<br /> 24001825
<br /> NEBMSKA-SIn9lefamily-Fennla M aelFretldie Mec UNIFORM INSTRWA ENT Form 9028 7107
<br /> VMP aD VMPe(NE�(1706)
<br /> W011ersKlbwerFinanolal5ervicos P�qn 2of7�
<br />