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201206906 <br /> desigi�atcci a substituta uotice address by nofioe to Lcvdor. Romower ehall promptly notify Letlder of <br /> I3orrower's chtmgo of address. If Lendar speaifies a procedurc for repm ting Borrower's change of adclross, <br /> t(iea Borrower sfinll only re�ort a cl�anbe of address tihrough that spuified�rocedure. <br /> There may ba oiily one deaignated notice address under this Seciiritq Insf��tiwienC at any one titne. Any ne,lice <br /> to Lender shall Ue given by dclivoring it or Uy mailing it by fiist class ni�til to Lender's�ddress st¢ted herein <br /> unless LencJer has designated another address by notice to Aorrowen Any notice in connection v�ith this <br /> Secm'ity IilstrwnenE shall not be deemed to h�ve�I�een�;ivon to l.ender until actually teoeiveci by Lender, Pf <br /> any notice requirai by tl�ie 5ecurtty Instrtunent ie atlso required und�r Applicable Law, the Applioable Lacv <br /> requirement will satisfy ll�e corresponding requirement under this Securily Insb�wne��Y, <br /> 18. Governirig L:Aw; Severability; Rules of Construction. 'I'l�is Seeurity Instrument shall Uo goverved Uy <br /> Cedoral 11w nnd the 1�tw oF tl�a jurisdioYiou in whzch the Froperly ia]ocated, All righto aud obligatinns <br /> oon¢saried in chis Securiry Instrame��t Are suUject to any requirements �c1lin�itations of Applicable Law. <br /> A�plicable L�w might expliciCly ns� implicitly allow t1ie parties to ag�ree by coniraot or iY�i�rght be silent, bnt <br /> such silence shall not be consh'ued t�s n prohi6ition against ag�eement by contract. In the eveti6 tl�at any <br /> provision or cl�use o�£Uiis Security Insttuinent ox the Note conflicts with Appficable Law, such confliot shall <br /> not nffccC nther provisions of tliie Security Inst�•tunent or the Note which oan bc give�,i effect witihout the <br /> couflictuig provision. <br /> Aa used in llila Security Instrument: (a) words of the masculine gender ehall inesn and in¢lucie corresponding <br /> neuYer worcis or worde of the feininine ge�ider; (b)words in the singnlar shall inean and include Che phiral <br /> and vice versn; and(c) tl�e word"may" gives sole discre6on without�ny ol�ligation to talw aaiy action. <br /> 17. RorrowreY's Copy. Borrower sha11 Ue given one copy of Che Nofc and of tl�is Security Listrwnent. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficfal Interest fn Borrower. As used in Uiis Section 18, "Interest in <br /> tl�e Property" mca�u�airy legal or beneficiel inEereat in Hie Property, induding but not limited to, tkose <br /> beneficial inCerests'�ransfcrred in a boud for deed, contracti for deed, inst�tllmenf sales contraot�r escrow <br /> agreemenY, the intent of which is the transfer of 6tleby Borrower at a futtiue date to a piirchs�ser, <br /> If nll or nny part of the Pro�erty or any Intcresti in the Property is sold or transP�rred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> vatural person aaid n beno£ici�tl interest in Borrower is sold or transfcrrccl) without Lender's psior an•itCen <br /> oonsent, Lender tnay tecluire invnediatc paymont in fix11 of all smns secw'ed by Yhis Security IneCrumcnt. <br /> I-Iowever, this option sha11 not ba exercised by Lender if si.ich excrcise in prohibited by t\pplicable Law. <br /> It'Lender exercisae Ehis option, l,ender shnll give Borrower no�ice of nccc1er�tion. The notice shall provicle a. <br /> period ��f not lcas t6an 30 days fi�om the date Yhe noYice is given in�ecordanoe with Section 15 within which <br /> Borrower imisf pfty all eiuns secureci by this�SecuriCy Instrwnent. If IIarrower faila to pay tl�escyums prirn•to <br /> the expn•ation of thie period, Lenc{er may invoke any rci��edies permitted by tl�is Security Insh•amenl wiihouC <br /> huEher natioe or dema�id on Borrower. <br /> 19. Burrower's f�ight to Reins4ate After Acceleration. If Borrowce mce�s certain couditions, Borrower <br /> �liall havc tl�c right to liave enforceinent of this Seeurity Il�stniment disconfinued at any rin�e pflor to tha <br /> e<� of: (n) ffve ciays be�Pore s�le of tlxo Prop�rty pursuvat to any power af eale contained in tlais Security <br /> Instirznnant; (b) suoh oYher periocl �s Applic�le Law migh[specify for flic termuiation of Bo1•rowec's eighC Eo <br /> rcinstate; or (c) ontry of ajudgment enf'orcing this Sectu•ity TnsYsument. Those conditioi�s Are thAt Borrower: <br /> (a)pa�ya Lendec all siuiu wl�ich{hon would be due undar tl�ie Sectu'ity Instrtiment�nd the Nole as if no <br /> acceleration had occurred; (b) cm�es nny defnult oP any other covenanfs or agreeineuts; (c)pays all expenses <br /> incwred in ei�orcing tlus Security Insu�mnent, inoluding, but noC limitcd i�o, rcason�ble attorneys' fees, <br /> property inspccti�n and valuation fees, and other fees inew•red for the ptupose of pratccting l,ender's intierest <br /> �—--�- zaaotoae <br /> NFf�RASI<A�-Single Family-Fannic M aelFreddle M ec UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Form 30[8 1101 <br /> Vh1P�� VM17P6NC) 1105) <br /> Wolfers Kluwer f-InancialSSYNnes pF9e 12 of 17 <br />