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<br /> r�ir��__� COVENANTs
<br /> yµY F � ( �
<br /> ,�,r„+,,,� � 1. ��ynwnt�. Borrowor apnn to mak�dl payr►�nt� on tln wcw�d d�bt wh�n due. Unlsss 8oreown • Lend�r �l�dtl��ny
<br />.;.�;, � �n p�ym�nt� L�nd�r nc�lw�irom Borrowe o►fa BorrowK'�buwtit wNl b�ap Nd fknt to my�maunb Borrow�r own on th�s�cund d�bt
<br /> �� �xcluNv�of Intu�at or princlp�l,a�eond to Intw�it,�nd th�n t�prinaip�l.If p�il pnp�yrrNnt of the s�cw�d d�bt occw�for�ny r���on,It wiN
<br /> . .• y �• not nduc�or�xcu��any sch�dut�d p�ym�nt untfl th�acund d�bt li pdd In full.
<br /> ���a � T. Cirm�Ag�Mut flator►�'M1iM pW' t �1i t�m�nt�,�nd other chupsa attribut�bl�to th�property wh�n due�nd w1i1 def�nd title
<br /> � to th�prop�rtY�p n�t�?y ol�itn�Whlch��Iqp �1r •Il�n of thl�deed o}trwt.Lendar may requlre Barrower to�sslyn any rlpht�,clalmt or
<br />�'_,;•� def�nat which 8 awlr�m�y havr��irGvprtUls w'� tuppty labar or matut�li to improv�or mafnteln the property.
<br /> " � � . 9. Maxanc�. Bar w�r�rll�ititip't}�tixp�►ty;�n�ur�f nd�r t�rmt acc�pt�bls io Lmd�r at Borrowsr'i�xp�ns�end for Land�r's benefit.All
<br /> Inaunnc�poltcNs rAl InCNd��st�ndard rirortp�p�clau��In favor of L�nd�r.L�nder wlll be named��lou payes or�s th�Inaursd on any such
<br />_ ,i��':�;} Insur�nc�polioy.Any Imuranc�praewd�may b�a pllad,withln L�ndu's dl�cntbn,to either th�reatowtlon or npalr of th�dam�p�d prop�rty
<br /> :;� or to th�secured dsbt.If Lendar nquirsa morty�ye Pmunnce,Borrower�prees to malntafn iuch Insurn�ce tor u lonp a�Le�der requlre�.
<br />.dldJ¢�9�7I 4.Ropety.Borrower will ks�p ths properry In pood condition and m�k��II rep�kt�o�eonably necsa�ry.
<br /> ,� 6.ExpM►�a.Bartow�r� raas to pay ril Undu'a expenaes Inaiudlny rea�onabl��ttorneya'feas,If Borrowsr bre�ks any covenants in this dead
<br />.;�� ot truet or In any oblipat�on��cund by thls dad of tru�t.�orrower will pay thete amounte to lendar as provided In Covsnant 8 of thl�dssd of
<br />_---;�� truat.
<br /> • Q. Pda S�curitv Mtwuri.Unteas Borrow�r first obtaim Lender'e written consent, Borrower will not msks or psrmit �ny ahsnpea to any pr(or
<br /> sacurity interss��. Borrowsr will pertorm dl of Borrower'�oblip�ttont under �ny prbr morty�pe, dsed of trust or othsr security syreement,
<br /> � - • .+�,� includinp Borrowsr's cownmts to m�k�p�ymmts when due.
<br /> -•��r �;: 7.A�of R�nts�nd ProAU.Bo�rawsr sssiqna to Lander tM rento and proflt�of the property.Unlsss Borrowsr end Lender havs aflreed
<br /> ;rJ�c 4�;; otherw�s In wrftlnp, Bortowsr may colNat and retain ths rentt as lonp a�Bonower ic not in d�feuit. it Borrowsr dsiault�, Lender, Under's
<br />-��~� �;, epnnt,or a court appointsd recstver maY take possesaion and m�rnp�ths property and coliect the rents. Any rents Lender collscts�hail be
<br /> '•° epplled flrat to the coste of manaping ths propa►ty, tncludlrp court costs end ettomoya'fees, commiatiom to rontal�psnt�, and any other
<br />��``» ,�� necetsary relatad sxpenset.The remainirp amount ot renri will then appiy to payments an the secured dsbt�a providsd In Covenent 1.
<br /> -, t,k�K.
<br /> '�''`` 8.Uaahaidr Condomidums:PlanMd Udt D�vNoprMnb.Borrower� reos to com Iy with the provisiona of any lease if this deed of trust i�on
<br />:x�l��LK,,..c_, a p
<br /> ___,�'����;�; a lea�eho)d. I{this deed of trust ta on a uMt In a condominlum or s pl�nned udt devetopment, Borrower will perform all of Borrower's dutles
<br />-; � ?�=��.;4 under the covsmm�,byIsw�,or raqulations of the condominium or pl�nned unit dsveiopmsnt.
<br />.n-.•:�,W'�1.!.�•
<br />.��..,��.1,;;� 9. Autisority of l�nd�r ta PsrTorm tar Barowa. If Borrativer faUs to�Porform any ot BonaweYn duUes under thie deed of aun, Lender may
<br /> pe►form the duties or esuae them to be peHarmed.Lender may sinn 9onower't name or pay any amoant if necets�ryr for perfo►menes.If�ny
<br />";�;g�;;'- !y conmuction on thsproperty is ditcontinwd or not oarrbd on In�rsa�onable mmnar,Lender may do whetever fs necettsry to proteot lsndn'a
<br />'-s c�.Y'�•�` seauAty tnteroat in the property.7hi�may Inciude completi�p the comtruetion.
<br /> r. .
<br />.,•.��� � Lend�r'�feliuro to perform wlli not praclude Londer from sxaralsinp any ot tts other riphts undsr the law or thts deed of twt.
<br /> �� Any arnounts paid by Lsndsr to prot�ct Lend�r's aecurity interest will be aeoured by thia dsed of trust.Suah amounts will be due on dam�nd
<br />;`.f r i t�;; �" �nd will bsv tntsrest from the date of the payment until paid in full at the lntereat rate in efteet on the secured debt.
<br /> ^�� 10.D�hult Mtd AecM�ntion. If Borrowu f�lis to m�ks �ny payment when due or breake any covenante undor thia deed of uust or er►y
<br /> � .
<br /> `'wada:ee oblip�tion��cured by thb desd ot uust or eny prtor mortpaQe or de�d of bust,Lender may�ccelerat�ths maturity of ths secured dsbt�nd
<br />� ,;;�+.-�'. dem�nd imm�diat�psyment and may i�voke tM power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applfaable I�w.
<br /> ,�-'3._•.s,�� •�
<br />-:;;�,��in�. 11.Rtqwtt fot HoNc�ot D�t�ult.It is Mroby requsstsd that copfes o!the notkea of def�ult and aele be sant to eech person who fa a p�rty
<br /> ___._°- hereto,at ths address of each such person,ae tet forth hereln.
<br /> .—:_�v�i.
<br /> _u`s��qr��. 12.Pow�r of 8r�.If the Lendsr invoksi ths power of aale,the Trustes shell flrst rocord In th�oHice of the ropiater of desds of each county
<br />- wh�nin[iw ttust properiy or soms pari or parcoi il�eroo�is�iiwi�d a noiice vi Svi�uii cu�il6itiii iiie iiiiuii�iitlu��iinji+iia3 by i:vti.Tr�i Tiu:iee
<br /> ��_���_ '� nhall�Iso mail copies of the notice of dd�ult to tM Barower,to each person who Is a party�ieroto, and to othe► persons as preacribed by
<br />--_--_-_;�� applicabls law.Not Ua than one month efter the Truaes rocords ths notice of default or two months if the truAt propsny Is not In any
<br /> ----
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