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<br /> -J��� OEED OF TRU87 �� ��° �"' � �.. �
<br /> ��.n� � '.0 � � r
<br />.-�3* pAlIT1E6a Thl�O��d af Trust Is mad�on. ,�nonq th�Or��tor,� �»•sr.a Y.one�_
<br /> _
<br /> -. � 1'Borrow�r"1,
<br /> 'v���, rvu�Y�s r�one wnan�an �n 1iIli
<br />•{.','';'`.', .r+
<br />--. .r.,, ,A8$�_8_HAeCKr—nmmnnt�ux _._
<br /> �_:u.,,•��
<br /> .:•. ;.•, what�ntldmc�addnu i�_,pp .�-x ,an nra� r.i.�, w.ii _CoenLy.Mehfssk�('Trust�u"1.+nd tFM B�neilalary. At�
<br /> _,, ucfNtB i+�L1E a1�T�pi►�rT�••,� �. +n*�7 l�A4fff�TaT nN .�atNpor�tion OtyN11tW C C
<br />-�ikir.3� \
<br /> '=�+� and sxlniny u��r tiN I�ws of rrRag�.axa whou�ddnts I� " j^"-""-' '^""°"' e�A�T \
<br />__�riAtiltisit� �w��n �e�w�m �'$�A.. 6pR02-inno ' �"Landsr").
<br />�-�'� CONVEYANCE:For wlw ncHwd.Borrowa irnvao�bry pnnt�and conwy�tn 7rust��,tn tru�t,with pow�r of rde,tM re�t prop�rtlr,of which
<br /> --.�.,�� 8arrowK i�lawfuly aix�d,d�scrib�d b�bw and �II bulldinps, fixtum, �nd�xistirp and future improv�mant�therwn and all riphts�ot•way,
<br /> ',��� e�semnt�, nnt�, law�, proift�, incom�, tsn�m�r►t�, hec�dit�m�ntt, �xivilp�s �nd anY app�xtmmc�� th�rounto MIon9lnp (�0 aall�d th�
<br /> �-��� ����+�' aun ta �sr. ,Nehrasi�a 6peoa —
<br /> ,..�,�.�� PIIOPEIITYADDIIE38: a��a tatc�t�trcaa�r avg .n� L�
<br /> = l.EOAI DEaCRIr7tOMt �sa«u t�rev� aa cod.�
<br />--_ „u,"`�s�
<br /> •��
<br /> �«1�
<br /> _���
<br /> .;=t�
<br /> =�:ar��
<br /> loc�t�d in rRnun isi.alm, unT.T. County,Nebr��ko.
<br /> - 11TLE:8orrow�r cov�mnu and wartann tRb to the prop�rty,sxcept for
<br /> _- iECtMED DE�Ts Thic dNd of trust sewro�to Lendor r�paym�nt of tt►�ascured d�bt end tM perform�nce o}tM 9ovsnmts and aprwm�nt�
<br /> — cont�ined U thb d�ed ot truat�nd In any otMr docurtNnt incorporated herNn.SecurW dsbt,aR u�ed tn thls d�ed ot irust,Includes any amounts
<br /> Borrowx ow�i to L�nd�r undsr thls Mad of tru�t a und�r eny inmument s�eund by Mis d�ad of vust,�nd dl modMlaaUons,ext�nsfons and
<br /> ren�w�ls thK�of.
<br /> �� The securad d�bt Is evidenc�d by Iltst dl f�strum�nts�r►d�pre�ments�scund by thls dNd of trutt and th�d�t��tMrwf.):
<br /> - �� ....��. ..,,. �a..nnT�mr nr3ART.?ARNT namrn naort�RMRRR �� _ i ao7
<br /> �Futun AMnotss Ths abow �mourK is s�cursd w�n thouph dl a prt of It may not y�t b�Wv�naed.Futun �dva�ac an
<br /> coin�mpleted and wfll b�s�cund to th�am��xqM u if m�ds on ttN dat�thi�dNd of trust I��x�cuted.
<br /> ❑R�volvinp Nne of cndit aynen»nt dat�d ,with initisl�nnual Intuast nt� of 96.
<br /> AN�mounts owed under thts e rNm�nt en acund�ven 4houyh all amounts m�y not yet bs�dvancM.Futurs sdv�nce�und�r
<br /> tM apn�n»nt�n cont�mplete��nd wllt be�ecured to th�sam��xt�nt as If m�on tM dats thii deed of tru�t is�xscut�d.
<br /> Th�abow oWipatbn k dus�nd payable on agpTFalBFn 23' 2eon If not pald�arlt�r.
<br /> 7hs total unp�id b�tance seonred by this d��d of trust�t any qrN tima shall not exce�d a maximum princip�l amount of_
<br /> � .w..en� �.unne�vn �tn�s v��nvII[1�j�(u100 Dollan li 1-�An nn ��(l�W�MK�it�
<br /> .-__ plus�ny�mounU di�hursed und�r t�e tNms of this d�od of :rust to proteot th�s�curRy of this deed ot truit or to p�rtorm any of tM
<br /> eov�nanV.cont�ined to thls ds�d of trust,with interest on such dlabursamsnu.
<br /> ❑ Vri�bN R�:The Intersst r�te on ths oblip�tion cscured by this dssd ot trurt may vary accordinq to the termf of that ohltpation.
<br /> -- ❑ A copy of tM Ioan agresment containl�g the terme under whtah the interea4 rate may very is attached to thia de�d of trust and
<br /> m�de a part heraof.
<br /> .r.,����-�� RIOERit Q Commxcial � �Rr[staM��NT OF R�*rrg ❑ -
<br />�,,:;�,�,�� Pur�wnt to ttw Farm Homsnead ProtecNon Act,detlpnaUOn of homatead � le atteched to thfs deed of trust and mede�pen h�rooi _
<br /> ---,;R,x•,�
<br />;�_�� ❑ h��b�m dUct�fm�d;ths di�clalmer is�ttached to this ds�d of trust and mad�a pan hereof.
<br />.��u:?��
<br /> '� �'$'��- SI(iNATdlpE By Npr�inp bNow,Borrow�r�prN to iM tMns�nd eown�nts caN�irnd in thts dNd of trust,laelu thoia on pspo 2,�nd(n
<br />"�'���� �ny d��crib�d�bow M by Bwrow�r.
<br />--,A�J"` � � '
<br /> YaYlYf�a � —
<br />.•�;;,�"� -
<br />- ,. ��.:5�; ACKNOWLEDCMENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, cxRaum isLAt�ID, HALL ___,_ COU�ty 66: =_
<br /> . The forspolnp instrument was aeknowledpad beforo ms on this iiTfi day of CF.UTFMSk'R� ioef9 =
<br /> .,, by
<br /> mu�au
<br /> . -� . .. caaam« of U1rn�oi corua�tan a vwnu�tu�l �
<br /> � hrtrwY�ID
<br /> � �u'a""�v"'": � CMMl6�i DIG on behelt of the corpontio�or partnership. -.
<br /> � � My commissian expka: � -
<br /> ' �Swl ---- -- -__.�_ �__—[.���—�MOtwll,mK� -.
<br /> - This Inatrument wea preparod by CHAIS L XdRKiR _ —
<br /> aro���+K�nssveTeMS.INC..6T.ClOW.lAH6l70111�OOJl7•]��11i011MOCRI�IT(iNfe/18/BI AppL# OOOJ7725 �p�a��or2���Q _
<br /> • CCD!! 0100470106 '
<br />