<br /> • �.. ,. r.,.
<br /> :::.��.�l�%+�`sw .
<br /> . . r . ._ rhM!{i�:41n�c+1►1!d^a�'"""�T►�'Kteo..Y+wdlN�!Y�>MA'!M!}•as .,r..idvMe+a�?...- .-. mm.,�.: .. ___. _.:
<br />��,: .��.�,,v • �g� •g��� 97� ������ 1013�5 09/15/1997 �
<br />- � !. CondennaSlan.Tbe proceeds of�ay�ward or cLim far d�m��es,dimt or comeqyentW. ln connec�lon wlth tuy
<br /> � condemn�don or other aki�y{ of the Property, or put thereof. or for conveysace In lieu of condemaadon. an henby --
<br /> � asst�nad u�d s�ll be patd to Lender,subject to the terms af wy mart�e,deed of uust or other socurisy a�roemeat wlth a
<br /> lien whic6 has pdadry over thls Deed of Tcust.
<br /> �` � 10. Boenwsr Nat Rek�edi ForDar�nce B� I.enda� Not a Walter. Bxtewlon of tbe time for payment or
<br /> . �� modlfisadon ot awordrutan of ttae aume eecured by U�is Deed of Tzust�r�nted by Leuder to�ny successor in iaterat of
<br /> Borrower ahall nat apeeue to nletse. ia�ny mumer,the litbilfty of tLe ori�aal Aorrower wd Boirower'e successore in
<br /> _ intere�t. kndor stWl�wt be required to commoace pmceedln�s��iast such succtssor or nfuse to extend dme fi�r p�ymeat �.�
<br /> .: or aberwise modlfy smo�dndon of the su�aecured by thia Deod of Tnut by rasan of any demtad wrde�y the od�inal
<br /> ' � BOITOWCY YOd BOrf01NBI�8 SIiCCB&SO[8�A�Di�CiSl.Any foxbeuance by Ler.der in eaercisin�any rl�ht or remMy henunder, � _
<br /> , '�,, ar othe:wlee�'ordod by�pplicable law.sE�U not be s waiver of or preclude tha exerclse of tny su�b d�ht or remedy. _
<br /> 11.&�oonro�y�nd A�tip�Bouodi Joiat and Se�enl I�IaWlityi Co-slp�are. 1'he covemnts uid�rameate henin .�
<br /> ,"""""°?�` coa�ned a6all bind,and the r��hte herrunder ahtll im�re to,the nspecdve successors�nd as�d�af Lender ud Borrowu. -.
<br /> subject to tt�pc+ov�sioffi of pa�ph 16 Lenof. All covenants and�reement�of Horrowes shaU be jol�and seeayl. =
<br /> �. Aay Bosower wfw co-siQns this Dad of 1Yust,btu do�s mc eaecute tLe Note.(a)is co-si�n[a�this Deed of Tcust only to =.
<br /> � grant aad comey that Horrower's iatcreu ia the Propeny to Tnutee under the terau Ai thia Doed of Ttust. (b)is mt .--
<br /> . � personaUy liable on t6e Note or w�der this Dad of Tnut,�uod(o)a�ms thu Leasleer md eay otber Borrowec 6emmder _
<br />� mty�gra to extend.madify.fozbar.or mike xny other accommadadons wlth n�arci to the tera�of tWs nad of Tnut or
<br /> . ' �,��� t6e Note,without that Bnprower's coasent amd withaut nleasing ttmt Borrower or modlfyiaY thts Dad of Tcust is to�hat :
<br /> Hoisower's int�rest tn the 1'ropemy. E'
<br /> LZ.Nutlx. Sxcept fbr any notice requiral under applicable law to be given ia another maa�r. (s)�aY mdce to --
<br /> . � Borcow�er prov�ded for ia this Dad of Tcust shaU be glven by delivecins it ar by m�Uin�such nodce by acdfiod miil
<br /> addnssed to Borrower a the Property Addczss or u such wher address as Borrower may desi�by noi�ce to I.endsr as �-
<br /> pmvided henln. and(b)any mdce to I.ender ahsll be given by cerd£ed m�il W L,ender's address stued berein or to such
<br /> other sddress u Lender may desigmte by aodce w Borrower as provided hereIn.Any nodce provided for ln this Aeed of _.
<br /> Tiust sL�ll be deemod to have been�iven w Bormwer or Lender when�iven in�he atinner desi�natod hereln. -
<br /> � 13.Go�e�ninj Lw; Sc�erabWt�.The sate and loal laws�pplicable w this Doed of Tivat shtU be tha l�aa of the
<br /> _ jurisdiction�n which the Property is located. The foregoia�senteace sh�U not limit the appucabllity of Fodeni Lw to this
<br /> Dad of Tn�st. In the event thst aay pmvjsioa or clwse of thia Deed of Tnut or tLe Note conflicts wlth�pplicable ltw.
<br /> - such con8ict ahall mt affect other pmvldons of this Dad of Tnsst or the Note which cui be givea effect wltbout the
<br /> ` canflict�pmvjaton, a�i to this end the provlsions of this Dad of Tn�st aad the Note ue doclued to be sever�ble.As
<br />�. � . used herein� 'costs'. "e�cPenses' and 'auorneys' f�ees" include aU sums to the extent not pm�►ibiud by applicable law or
<br /> - �'.i�. '' lim{ted Letain.
<br />�:�,:. .=:��`— i4.nwiur►er's�vjry.�u�wai�ti ik fw-�si�tcd�r.aafora�cop�of slx NQie�!af i�s n��f'rnvx,�cbe
<br />� � dme of execudon or aRer record�don hereof.
<br />��`" �"�` 13. Be�bilitatlon I.oan A�reemaci. Borrower s6aU fu1811 sil of Borrower's oblipdom umda �ay home
<br />- �:a�:%'%�'['r.'' relnbilindon,Improvement�repiir or other lo�a agceement which Botrower eaters into wIth L.emer.Ltsider.ai Lender's
<br />-_ . .,�,,:�c;
<br />_:'�':.�..,;:,.,:. opdon. m►Y �quire Bocrnwer to ezecute and deliver to Lender. in a form acceptable to L�ender. �n asviBnmeflt of xny
<br />;�-s.;<'Q,.;.;�,' riShts, cLlnns or defenses whieh Borrower uoiy have x�atast pardes who supply labor.m�ter3als or secvices in oonnecdoa
<br />'��`.'; .��:� with impmvementa msde to tLe Ptoperty.
<br />�;����:.�, 16.Teantar ot tbe Propat�or a Bmdldd LAta+at ln Borrower. If all or any put of tLe P[aputq or any intenst
<br /> �:� '''-�'��+ ia it is sold or trnoefaaed (or if a beAe6cial inurest in Borrower is sold or tr�nsfemed and Hoaowrx ls not a naturnl
<br /> _..:.�,.....
<br /> .:'' Tw • porson)witLaut Leuder's prlor wrltten conssnt, I.ender miy. at its opdon,re4uire immodixu Prymem in full of�Il su�a
<br />�:;;:,��.,?
<br /> -_°�`s=�;`': sxamd tbis Dad of Tnut. Howovor,this opdoa shaU aot be exercLsed by Lender if a«rciaG is pmbibIted by Federal
<br /> �.�.v„�:t,. bY
<br /> ��� law as o£the d�te of tbis Dad of 1�ust.
<br /> y...�:..-:,��� If Lender exercises ttds opdon, Lender shatl give Borrower nodce of accelendon.The mdce stuU provide s poniod
<br />�:���I of not ias tbtn 30 daye from t�e due tLe aoda ls deliveced or m�iled wlthia which Borrower maut pa►y�ll a�ms exured
<br />=_::T���.. by this Deed of Tnust. If Bomower fails to piy thrse s�prIar to the expiradon of this period, I.en�er mty imoke my
<br />��;_wt�. nmodies permttted by this Dad of Tzust witlwut further nodce or demmd on Borrower.
<br /> "�• NON-UNff�OxM CovENArrPS. Botrower and Leader iurther coven�at ud agroe as followa:
<br />-��''��1� 16 bereo[. u��on Barower'e M�e�cb ot �n,y
<br />— 17. Aaala�atbn�3 Ranedia. Exa�t a prnvlded in par�p�aph
<br /> .��,�`"-�=,;�� oo�en��at or�r�eeme�t ol Borrov►er ln thb Deed ot'I1ru�t. Includl�Borrowee''�hllure to pa�. b�tbe eod ot 10
<br /> - --_=----= cakod�r d�atta�tl� �re due,�n7 nou�ecured b�t61s Deed ot Tnnt•Leader prtoe'to ioodarion�11=he
<br />`^�;=��=��'� notioe to Bon+uvrer a�pe+odded tn pan=eaph 1Z bereat specliyinf: (1)t�e Ix+ae6; (2) tht�lon req�de+ed to atrti
<br />_.�;;�„
<br /> ----- �r:: such breac6i(3)a date,not las thw ZI d�A�om the date tbe wotice b mefkd to Barrower.b�vrWcb axb bcaich
<br /> �:.�..�'�: murt be aarodi +�1(4)tlMt[�llure to nue such M�e�ch on or bdoe+e t6e d�te�pedtled in the notke�ra�lt in
<br />:- ,. ,;' aoodeedlon at tlie swu �ectu+ed by th4 Dee�D o[Tn�t and�ale ot tbe Propa�t�. TLe uotkx�U i�utber f�am
<br /> ~��^.��:���,
<br />_�;�� r�.,. �"` Horra�er o[the risht to rdntate�tter acoda�tlon wd the d�6t to M�to:a oouet actlon to�eet the aooad�tmoe ot
<br />_�:- � a ddaYlt or�otbee de�euse ot Borrowa to acwda�tlon aad sak.If t6e betiach b not cured on oe 6e[ore tLe det�
<br /> �. .. �pedf.led in tbe notice,Lenda�, at I.eoder'a opdoo�my�declare�ri ot tbe��s eecue�ed b�tWe Deed ot Tnrt to be
<br /> z�;._, -� immed�d�due�tnd p�yitble wkhout futtlrcr tlemand md mrq In�ol�e the poKer ot sak a�W�n,1 at6er rrmedtea
<br /> P�� b1 �PP�� law. I.en�iar sdaU be aWtled to colled �ll e�a►woabk ooets u�d apamea incu�red in -
<br /> - �t� purauio`tMe rwedim pro�i�led In this para�raph 1�,tncludin�,br�t not Umttcd to.ew�oeable dtoroe�e'[ee�. -
<br /> z : �t tlie po�es ot a�te i�in�aked,Tn�ta sbW reooM A notla ot de�auk in eaeL oomot�In wbkh the Propa�t�or =
<br /> � sme prt thereof b located aad s6nll iwll wpiee ot a�ch notia in the manurr presarlbed b� applkxbk lsw ta =
<br /> Y',� �;,�"''''� # Borrower aad to tbe ot6ee pKSar pc+aeribed bY APPUc�bk law.Aher the lapie ot�uch dme as ms�be req�de+ed b� �
<br /> � I appticaDk VN, Tndta nlWl a�e pnbik notfce ot eak to tbe pereom aad in the mam�r prrscdbod b�apptkable �
<br /> -- �_ �-i .� �r - ;s� • .a..�m------- tr��..0��..a�.......to.*.u�h11e�udlnn te t!�hi:beit dddet at t6e Nme �
<br /> —� rav� a��wvcl www�w�w..r w..v..rvvf w�...v...�����.�'r _r__'___""'. " _. _ �
<br /> . aad pi�ce aad undrr the terms dalputed in the notke ot aak tn one or mort pau+cd�and 1n auch oedar a�Tcvrtee
<br /> _ I mq determloe.Trurtee m�y portpoae sale of all or�ny parod ot t6e PropaR�by pubUc anontmoemeat at t6e tlme
<br /> " �P���7 p��7 sshedukd ede.Lander or Lmda�'s datP��l'P���7+k+�41 s�k.
<br /> � UP� �P��PU��of tbe price Md, Tn�eRa slWl ddi�er to tbe ptu�chaser Teu�tee'e deed oon�e�[os the
<br /> Pt+opeit�eold. T6e eecit�h in the Tnrtee'e deed ehali be prima hck�idenoe ot tLe wW ot the ahtement�made
<br /> � thardn.Truitee�Il applr tbe prooeed�otthe awk in the fdbwloj oMa's W to dl rwo�bk oo�ts aod apenses ot
<br /> � the ade�Indudin�,but not limtted to,Tnrtee's fe�utwlly IncurrM ot not more t6�n S 7i ot the p�or ak prloe, i
<br /> e+e�oo�We Mtor�a' tas and coete ot tltk e�idaicei (D) to W aume ea�u+ed b� thls Deed ot Tnr�t: aod(c)tbe
<br /> � acoe�.if�►to the per�on or peceon kpur enttded tbes�eto. .
<br /> I �
<br /> . � Neen�la tba�a7 7ro7 OriQiaal(R�cord�d) Copy(Hraneh) Copy(Cu�toa�r) P,je 3 ois =
<br /> I I
<br /> . , .
<br />