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<br />��t; �•.r: , : } 101345 09/15/1997
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<br />-�r'�y`'* '•�`' U1NiPORM CovBNANTS. Hortawer aad l�uder coven�nt u�d�ree a9 follows:
<br /> „r� , .
<br /> 1. Pa�mm1 of Prindpd �pd Iaterea�t. Homavrer ahadl promptlY PsY wbea duc the princlpal �uod intaest
<br />_ • . � -
<br /> .�,�, � � -
<br /> indebtedaess evideaced by tbe Note aAd lste c6u�es ss provlded in the Note.
<br /> 2.I�tindr tcr Taze��nd inunwcc. SubJect to spplIcable l�w or a wrltten waiver by Lender.Borrnwer st�dl psy to 0
<br /> .#. ',� l,eader oo the dsy monthlY MS��of prlaclptl�ad iaterest ae p�yible uader tbe Note,undl tLe Ncxo ia paid in full, t -
<br /> � sum(berelu "Fuuda")Mw1 to one-twelHh of the ysuly wcty u�d�asessmenta(iQCludir�condomidum ud p4nnod unit �_.
<br />• :' � d�.w e l o p m e n t t a s e s s m�A t s.if an y)wWch mi y sttiin prioriry over this Doed of Tn�at.�wd{c�onad ceata on ttio Property.lt p
<br />. �ny.piw one-swelflh of yeuly premium imalimeixs for lurard inauance.Plus one-twelRh of yexrly pnmium inq�llmente �_-
<br /> ��; far mo��e in�urmce. iI wy. aU a rason�bly esdmued in�d�lly �ad from tlme to dme by Y.ender on the M�ais of -
<br /> .. ,=r� ,.;:� �nu and bULy�nd ceASOnQble euimues tix;rcof. Bormwer shaU not 6e oblirated ta mnke�ush Dayro�:nte of FuuEls ��
<br /> �o Lender to the extea t�t Bo�rowec m�Icea such payments to tLe holder of a pdoc m�on��e or deed of uust if�uch holder
<br /> � is�n la�dtudonl teadtr. _
<br /> �,�,k, If gorrower p�ys Fund�to Leader. tbe Fuads sbail bo held ia aa i�udtudoa the deposIte or ucouna of which u�e -
<br /> �' � it�sured or�wraateed by s Federal or uate+�eacY(includiqg Lender if Le�r is such aa insdtudon). Lender stu11 app1Y
<br /> t . ': .�; the Funds to p�y said ta�ca. a�ses4meots. i�uma Premiumt aad�round nnts.Lenckr m�y mt cbu�e for so holdin�ud _
<br />� �PF�YiW � F�ads. tutlyzin� aiid �ccouot or ver�fyln��ud compilin� sald assessmc�ts aud bill�, uulqs I.ender p�Ys
<br /> W
<br /> ' ' Botrower intetest on tLe Funds aud applicabte ltw permits lsndar to m�ke�such a cLat�e.Bormwer�nd L,�nder mny yra _
<br /> in writia,�ac the dme oF execudon of this Deed of Tcust thu interest on tLe Funds sLaU ba ptid to Bomower.and unless _
<br /> ., . auch a�emeat fs n�rdt ot apQlicsble law toqu�res avch interest to be paid,Leader shall not be roqu�ted�°�f tLe Funds
<br /> r?� �y jupKlSt OI CiiDILjS 6Q tbC F11Dd4.Lender shall�Ive to Borrower.without chuge.am m�ual Aocoundn8
<br /> � a6owlaE cnad3ts aod debits to tbe Fwds md the putpose for which ach deblt to the Fu�was m�de. The Fundo ue
<br /> �1M�ed�s�ddidoml�eeeurlty for tbe sums secured by this Dad af Tnut.
<br /> If the amount of the Funds hetd by knder. to�e�xr wlth tbe future mnnthly i�tallmente of Funds payable juior to
<br />--�'. • � � the due d�tes of tua. assesswenm. imvr�nce Premiu�snd�cnu�l ceats,sl�ll excxd the troount roquired to PaY sdd
<br />-' ° taxes. tssess�me�s. iasur+nce premiums and �round rents as they fall due, sush excess sball be. at Bomower's opdon,
<br />-�''.:;':`.�' eid�er pcomptlY repaid to Homnwu or credtted to Bocmwer on monthly ias�dllments of Fuocls. If the amoa�of the F�
<br /> A,�.,,-.:. . held by I.ender sball mt be su�cie�to pty wces.�ssessments.IaSUru�ce premiums aad gmu�l reats as tLey fiU due, _
<br /> =i, Borrower siWl pay to I.eader any amotint aec�uY co m�ke up the deSci�ncy in oae or mo�e psymeate as Lender msy
<br /> �y � *� �U� in fiill of all suzw secw�ed by this Dad of Tn�st.I.��er sinll pmmpdy nfund ro Borrower any Funds
<br />�:.
<br />�; �:�. �'�s LeW by Leader.If under pua�raph 17 heceof the PropenY Is sold or the Property is othetwise�cqnired by I.eader�I.eader
<br /> �-"• �.�:' . sh�U spp1Y.m Lter tbaa immedittely prlor w the stla of t6e Pmpeny or Its acqvisidon by Leflder.wy Funds held by
<br /> �,.�.�.�.�.:.r,
<br /> --'-�:- ;-;,.: � Lt�:sz:t s�si��f�+li�ic►n a4 a credlt a�ntast tbe sums savred bY this Deod of 1Yuat.
<br />�-"'�:�„4`t�� 3.Appiiatlos o[P��uoeiatr. Unless q�plicable law provides od�ervvise,�11 paYments recdved by Lender under tLe
<br />_-��:�'_"�r.,�,�,`t� Nooe and p�r�pbs 1�ud 2 bereof sWll 6e sppL►od by Lender firat in psyment of amounls pa�Ytble W L�en�der by Hormww�ert
<br /> --.:��'"— iwdex p�a�ph 2 Lereof.tbea to intaest p�ysble on the Note.aad then to the pcincip�l of the Note.
<br /> .'�'`"•T�� 4. PMor MatP�es aod Deed�at Teusti C��'idi I3tor. Ho�row�ar slall perfoim all of Bormwer's obU�ations
<br /> -•�v,�:�
<br />����� under anY mortt+t��. deed of tnut a other sxurlry s�ceement with a llen whlch h�s pdorIry over this Deed of Tn�sc.
<br />�,��'.'�r,�• ;net,udinj Horrow�er's covenants to mte p�ymeats wLen due.Botcowar sLall pay or cxuse ta be paid ali tues.ss�ssmeats
<br />---_--- snd otLa�s. fines tnd impos�dons uaibutabie to the Propetty wLich may�ta a pdodty over t6ic Deed of'l�ust.
<br /> -- - --_ a�laxhold WYmea�ts ur Qrouud rena• if tny.
<br /> - S.Haard I�raaoe. Bon+�wer sh�ll kap che impmvements aaw w�n� or heceaRer erxood on Sfe Property
<br /> �� �nsured�nst loss bY'6re.h�urds i�luded wltbin tLe term"e.�teaded cover�e".tnd svch ather harac�ds as I�enda mty
<br /> require�nd ia bvch�mounte wd for such pedods�s Leader msy requite.
<br />�--�--�. 'Ibe insucance ca�er pmvIdiny d�e i�nr.e shaU be choaea by Boxrower snbject ro appnm►d by 1.ender:Pmvlded.
<br /> ----:,,�"� t}�t s�ych apQ�m,al shall mt be uateasombly wltLbeld. All inwranc�policies a�renewals tLeceof s�ll be in a fornt
<br /> ____---- �cc�p�abk to E,ender and shall i�lude a saadud mortgige clause in fivor of and in a fomn�ccxpteble to Lender. Leader
<br /> • -,�;=_� slu�1!brr tbe�ht to Iwld tLe polides and renewds tLereof.subJa:t to tLe termg of my mort��e�dad of uuat or otber
<br /> ---- �_� snuritY��wIth a lien which hos pdorlty ova this Dad of Tn�st.
<br /> - =- -- In tZ�eveat of loss�Ho:rower ahaU give prompt nodce to the imvraace caaler ud Lender. Laoder m�y m�te proof
<br /> �� of losa if e�e m�de pmmptlY by Bonmv�er.
<br /> - - If the Property is ab�uYlo�d by Hoaower. or if Borrower fWs to rapo�to Ireader withia 30 daya froan t6e dsu
<br /> � -- n�dce is m�ilod by Leader to Borrower thu the ias�nuxe cuiier offers to settle a chim for inaur�aoe beaefib.Lsader is
<br /> -_=�=� autborined t�colloct and apply the ins�:aace pmceeds u Lende�c's opdon either w resWculon or repait of tbe Pmperty or
<br /> ==:..y�,,-.�-�- to the aums aecured by tWs Dad of Tn�st.
<br /> �;- .�� :.. 6. Pr+ner�adon and Mwtnterm,�e ot Propeety3 ��3 Couda�midum�; Planned Unit Dc�dopineots.
<br /> -:.�•7j; �� ��w�r s�ll keep the property in good cepdr aad stWl not commit waste or prrmit impaicment or deterioradoa of tbe
<br /> • -�,;.
<br /> '`1� �•:'- prnperty aad sh�ll com�ly with the provi�Ion9 of any lc�se if this Dad of Tnut is on a leasehold.If this Dad of'l�ust is
<br /> -`�"c; ,:�%�; oa a unit ia a comomiaium or a plaaoed unit devdopment.Bonrower shall perform tll of Bomnwer's obliQadoag under the
<br /> :,�.; .
<br /> .. declar�tla�or covenmts cradng or gavemin�the condominium or pLw�ed unit development,tl�e by-hwa and n�doas
<br /> _� .. ��. of the condominium or pltaned unit devxlopment.a�coastttuent documents.
<br /> 7. ProtMlon ot I�mder'e Sec�it�, If Borcower fdis W perform the covenAnts tnd t�ements cont�ined in tbis
<br /> . �' Deed of T:ust.or if u►y acdon or pmoeetling is commenced which muerlally affxts Le�der's intenu in the Pmperty,tben
<br /> Le�er� at I.ender's opsion. aWn notice to Borrower, may mske s�ch appea:anoes, disbnrse such snms. inclndia8 -
<br /> : -:-.,��. reason�ble uwrneys� fas. and take su,ch�ction as is nxessuY ro P�axt I.eader's i�enst.If I�ender required awrt�e _
<br /> � _ incurance as s co�idon of making tht tan secured by this Deed of Tnut,Bocrower s1uU yay tho premiums re4uind to _
<br /> --�_ - --._ �_L : .. ��f�,.� .�.►it e�v.L eim.oe thr rrm�ireenent fni ia1C11 inNisLOC tt[ID�1GS�II�COOI�iOCC tlH11h
<br /> . -,-_. �.. - �jIIQIII 6uw uaiww.rv :..v..... ....� .�... — — --�s----- -
<br /> - � Borcower's ud Lender's wrIaen sgrameac or applicable 1aw. -
<br /> _ ; Any amounts dtsbucsed by Lender pursvmt co this paragn�h 7.wlth interest theroon.u the xooe ixte.stnll become
<br /> - � �dtiitioml indebted�ss of Borrower secuced by th3s Deed of Tmst.Unless Borrower and Ixnder sgcoe m other terms of
<br /> payment. such amounts stWl be piyable apon nodce from LeMer to Borrower rai�fl8 PaY�� ��f. NotWng
<br /> wnnined in this pu�graph 7 stWl m►uire Le�tkr to incwr aay expense or t�ke my�ction henw�der.
<br /> 8. Inpedlon. Lender m�y mke or cause to be made r�asonible eaules upon md iaspecdons of the Property.
<br /> provided ttnt Le�er shall give Borrower notice prior to any sucb inspecdon specifying retsonable cause therefor relued m
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property.
<br /> Nebra,h 26s76-3 7r9'� OriQiaal(A�aord�d) Copy(araaah) CopY(Cu�toa�rl P.te 2 otS
<br /> � �.,�. �.�} .. _
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<br /> ,.�..�.r�a���.. _ ., �
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