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<br /> 17.Trwnsfcr uf the Prnprrty or A Nenetictrl Interest In Ro�rower. if uU ur any part uf thc Pro�x�ty ar nny int�rest in il
<br /> is sold or tr:msfcrrcd(c�r if n benetiriul interest Di Hurro�wer is sold or tranxfcrmd und Borrower is nat u nuturul persnn)witltout
<br /> I.eixler's prior wrltten cansent, l.ender may, iit its option, ccquire i nnnediate payment in fuil of ull sums secure:i by this
<br /> Sccuriry Instruroent. Howevcr,this npti�m shull not br exercised hy I.rnder if excrcitic is prahibited by federal law us��f the da¢e
<br /> �if this S�:curiry I�istrunxnt.
<br /> If I..cixler cxercius this uption, Lerxlcr shnll give Bc�rmwcr nutice uf ucceleration.Thc natire shull Providc a periud of not
<br /> Icss thun 30 Jays from the dute the noticc is delivered ��r mailaf within which Borrawcr ntust piry ull sums�crurcd by this
<br /> Security lnstrument. lf Hc�tt��wer tails tu pay thesc sums prior ta thacxpin�tinn af this peri�xi. Lcndcr may invakc any rcmcdics
<br /> permitted by this Securitv Instrument without furthcr notirc or demand on Btttrower.
<br /> 18. Borrow•er's l�(Kht to Rcinstate. If Borruwcr ntccts cenuin conditinns, Burruwcr shull hu�•e thc right io hs�ve
<br /> enforcentenl of this Security Instrument discantinued at uny time priar u� the eurlier ot': (a) 5 duys (ar such other period as
<br /> upplirable IAw mAy specify fnr reinstatement) before sule ot'the Prop�rty pursuant to any power of suie contuin4Y1 In this
<br /> Secu�ity Instrument;or(b)entry af a Judgment enforcing this Security Insteument.Those canditions are thet Borrower: (u)pays
<br /> [.ender ull sums whIcl� then wauld be due under this Security Instrument and the Note u.s if nu accelerxtion hn� occurred; (b)
<br /> cums any dcfault of any other covenunts ur Agreements; (c) puys ull s:apenses incurred in enforcing this Sccurity lnstrument,
<br /> including,but nat limited ta, reasonAble uttorncys' fces; :uid (d)takes wch action us Lender may reasonably mqutre ta ussure
<br /> that the licn of this Security Instrument. l.ender's rights in thc Praperty and Borrowcr's ablt�ation to pay th�:sums securai by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall continue unchunged. Upon reinstatecnent by Borrower, this Security Instmment and the
<br /> obl3gations secured hereby chall re,main fully effectivc us if no accelerutian had occuned. Nowever.this�ight to reinstute shall
<br /> not apply in the cuse of acceler.►tian u�der paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale oi Note; Chs�nge of LoAn Servlrer. Thc Notc ar a partial intemst in thc Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior nuticc to Borrawer.A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collect�monthly payments due under the Note :►nd this Security Instncment.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatai to u sale of the Note.[f ihere is a change of the Loan Servirer. Borrower will be
<br />� givrn written notice of the chnnge in accordance with paragraph l4 above aad upplicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> addresti of the new Loan Servicer and the uddr��ss to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> information required by applicuble luw.
<br /> � 20. Hyzardaus Substances. Borrower shull not cause or permi[the presencc. use.disposal, starage, or relcase of uny
<br /> Huz�rcious Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do, auything affecting the
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use. or
<br /> storage on the Propeny of small quantities of Huzardous Substnnces that:ire generally reco�nized to l►e upprapriate to normal
<br /> r�:isl�ntia!us�and to mainte�tance of�he Pn,�Ny.
<br /> , Borrower shall promptly give l.ender written notice of any investigution, cluim,demand. lawsuit ar other action by any
<br /> goverru'nental or regulatory agency or private party involving thc Propecty and any Hauudous Substance or Environmentnl Luw
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is nopfied by any govemmental or regulatory authoriry, that
<br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Subswncc affecting�he Propctty is neccssary. Bottower shall promptly takc
<br /> all necessnry remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20. "H�zardous Substanca" are those wbstances defined as toxic or hazurdous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the following subswnces: gusoline. kemscnc,other tlammuble or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbictdes,volatile solvents,materials containing usbestos or formaldehyde,and radioact�ve mnterials.As used in
<br /> � this puragreph 20, "Envimnmental Lnw" means fedcral luws and Inws of the jurisdtction whcre the Property is located that
<br /> � relate to health,sufcty or enviroumental protectton.
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender furthercovenant and ngrce as follows:
<br /> � 21.Acceleratton; Remedies. I,ender shAll give noNce to BorroMtr prlor to auceleratlon following Sorrower's breach
<br /> + of any oovenant or agrcm�ent In th(s Security InStrument Qsut not prior to Ac�elerutlon under paragrnph 17 unless
<br /> �' �pplicable IAw provides otherwise).'fhe notice stwll speclfy: (a)the de[ault;(b)!he action rcquired to cure the default;
<br /> ' (c)o dsite� not less than 30 days[rom the date the notice is glvcn to Borrower, by wh[ch the default must be cured;s�nd
<br /> ,,_ (d) t6at[allure to cure the default on ur before the d�te speeitlec�In the notice may result [n accderatton of the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instn�meM wnd sAle ot the Ptoperty. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the rlght to
<br /> ,, refnstate ARer acceierat(on and the �iRht to bring a wurt action to as�ect the non-exlstence ot A default or any other
<br /> ;� defense ot Borrower to xcceleration and sale. Ii the defuult is not cured on or befure the date specitied In the notia,
<br /> • Lender,at ita option� muy reqatre immedtate payment In full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity inst�ument without
<br /> further demand and may invoi�c tl►e power. of sale end�ny other aYmedies permitted by applicable law.l.ender shaU bc
<br /> entitled tu oollect nll expenses incurred In pursuing the rem►edies prodded in thfs p�ragrnph 21,including,but not limited
<br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fecs and costs oi tEtle ev[dence.
<br /> . It the power oP sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each rnunty in whtch any part of the
<br /> Property is l�cated pnd shall mail copies of such noUce irr the manner prescribed by appllcable law to Borrower und to
<br /> the other persons prescrlbed by appltcuble Iaw.After the time requlred by appllcable Isw,Trustee shall g(ve publtc�otice
<br /> of sale to the person5 end in the mAmier prescribed by applic�We I�w. 'C�vstee. without demAnd on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> the Property At public auction to the highest bidder at the tlme and place snd under the terms designated in the�wNce of
<br /> sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trnstee determincs. Trustce muy postpone sAle of all or uny pwrcel of the
<br /> Property by public announcement at the time und pince of any pnvEausly schcduled sale. Lender ar its desfgnee may
<br /> purchase the Proprrty at any sale.
<br /> Form 3028 9/80
<br /> Pag�G ot 0
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